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Everything posted by legend

  1. I wouldn't say "doom." I think humanity will survive. But I do think life is going to suck for a lot of the world unless we do a better job responding to the issue starting... as soon as possible!
  2. There's also that whole world turning to shit from climate change in their future thing to worry about.
  3. The debate now becomes: wait to see if performance patches improve it on PC or get it for the PS5. (Assuming performance is better on PS5?? I have no idea)
  4. I'm just giving you a hard time It's okay if you don't like it. That said, I often feel like the game doesn't do a good enough job encouraging people to play it in the most interesting ways. Some of the combat scenarios I've seen by good players is truly awesome and I have a feeling most players just shoot their bow indefinitely. There's a video on twitter I saw the other day that is insane. I can't post twitter links on this board, but if you want to find it, checkout the profile Much118x, and look at their tweet and video on April 22nd. Yeah that's a bit much. It does give a bit more of an outline of what the missions will entail, but it's not some great revelation given that the main game basically tells you who the new big bad will be.
  5. You say that now, but in 2 weeks you're going to be telling us you started over, from the beginning, again
  6. Yeah, the clouds are amazing and they published a blog on how complex it was to make it happen: Pushing the envelope: Achieving next-level clouds in Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores BLOG.PLAYSTATION.COM Guerrilla’s teams detail how it elevated the series’ skyscape for the upcoming expansion.
  7. I agree, though I feel compelled to point out that it's also sad because he's been abusing people! I'm sure you agree, but I think limiting the description of why it's sad to how it affects his career and our entertainment can be alienating to people who have suffered abuse.
  8. You didn't miss anything explicit, I'm reading between the lines here. The fact of the matter is Din will take his helmet off for Grogu. He was "redeemed in the waters" but it's a fake redemption without any intention to change. We all know Din wouldn't hesitate for a moment to take off his helmet again to save Grogu. He's just going through the motions now but at some point he has to confront that he's not a true believer anymore. Or at least, he should
  9. Solid finale! I think Din still needs to confront the fact that he's at odds with his cult's beliefs though. Hopefully that's a thread in season 4.
  10. This is the correct answer. You can close the thread now.
  11. Annnnnnd, back to 100% achievements! I have kind of a broken build at his point where I was killing things faster than the game would render them and got up to something like level 350. And that was in the second level of the DLC which is otherwise pretty tough! Easiest to build with Queen Sigma since you get all the re-rolls, but it was: * Victory sword * Lightning ring * Holy water * Rune tracer * Eskizzibur * Song of Mana * Cooldown * Duration * Duplicator * Armor * Attract orb * Area It's just non-stop raining hell. I might be able to amp it further. The Song of Mana does the least DPS in the long-run but is really good early game. It might be worth replacing it with the new spell ability since it evolves from its own three weapons and then compressed back into one, but it's a harder leveling story.
  12. Awkwardly pointing the gun at the door as you open it sounds like a bad idea. Just shoot straight through the door, never looking at who is behind it. You're welcome.
  13. I've been assured by republicans that people having guns makes everyone safer. Fake news.
  14. I really like FF7R's combat. I like pretty much everything about it, actually! It along with Persona 5 are my favorite JRPGs in a long time. I think the last JRPG I enjoyed before them was Last Odyssey and maybe FFX before that. FFXVI looks pretty hot too and I'm excited for it!
  15. That episode was awesome. Very much looking forward to the finale.
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