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Posts posted by legend

  1. 20 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:

    Trailer has dropped. I'm a huge fan of the book and only just re-read it along with my wife (her first time) just a few years ago so I know how things play out pretty well. But if you don't remember the book or haven't read it, I would not watch this trailer, it was very spoiler-y to me. It would be very easy based on this trailer to figure out how things play out. Good trailer though.




    Yeah I didn't even think of that. I was just super hyped for it, but you're right, it is not a good trailer for those who didn't read it and are weary of spoilers!

    • Halal 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

    I had a great time this weekend with SW:JS, despite terrible CTDs and wonkie frame rate. The game is fun and I love the mini Elden Ring-esque exploration hub that is Koboh. That said, the patches can't come soon enough! I would think they would have something out prior to this weekend simply because the clock is ticking on the release of Zelda. 


    P.S. I took my family to see the Mario movie, it was not good! You are strongly slapped across the face with the fact that this movie only exists as a long advertisement for Nintendo and nothing else. A waste of time and money! :lol:

    I thought the Mario movie was better than I expected. I actually watched the whole thing on Twitter! My bar may have been quite low if the only reason I watched it is because it was bootlegged on twitter by people giving Elon the ol’ middle finger though. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Jason said:


    Where? Asking so I can be sure to steer clear of this flagrant piracy.


    You're going to have to chase around :p The one I used got taken down after I finished. I saw another person had posted another after that, but it's probably down now too and you'd have to find another.


    6 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

    I saw it on twitter earlier but it was only an hour of it. I didn't watch it though. :p


    I think 1 hours is the upload limit. For the person I used, they had the second part in the first reply.

  4. 1 hour ago, Xbob42 said:

    Sees people complaining about it running at 47 FPS

    Recommends they go play it at 63% of that FPS


    To be fair, variable 40-50 FPS is worse than a locked 30 FPS because of the god awful micro stutter*, even with VRR IMO. But it's always trivial to vsync to 30 if you can do >40, so we're back to this not being a reason to go console instead.


    *Locked 40hz on a compatible display is solid though

  5. 2 hours ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

    A grand sequel with soulslike action and the spirit of a throwback platformer.

    baba sigh GIF by Puffin Rock

    I'm playing it Friday regardless.



    The debate now becomes: wait to see if performance patches improve it on PC or get it for the PS5. (Assuming performance is better on PS5?? I have no idea)

  6. 3 hours ago, best3444 said:


    Lol. I beat it twice and my first time I was having an awful time in my life. So now that things are better I decided to play it again. 


    Listen, it's definitely not a bad videogame but Aloy and the entire world they built just never clicks with me. 


    I'm just giving you a hard time :p It's okay if you don't like it.


    That said, I often feel like the game doesn't do a good enough job encouraging people to play it in the most interesting ways. Some of the combat scenarios I've seen by good players is truly awesome and I have a feeling most players just shoot their bow indefinitely. There's a video on twitter I saw the other day that is insane. I can't post twitter links on this board, but if you want to find it, checkout the profile Much118x, and look at their tweet and video on April 22nd.



    1 hour ago, Spork3245 said:

    Why are so many people saying “FORBIDDEN WEST DLC HINTS AT A THIRD ENTRY IN THE SERIES!” … uhh… so did the main game, did they like, not play or beat it?


    Yeah that's a bit much. It does give a bit more of an outline of what the missions will entail, but it's not some great revelation given that the main game basically tells you who the new big bad will be.


    • stepee 1
  7. On 4/20/2023 at 2:13 PM, Spork3245 said:

    Uh… the graphics take a noticeable bump up when you start the DLC. Character/enemy models are the same, but environments seem better and especially water effects and clouds.


    Yeah, the clouds are amazing and they published a blog on how complex it was to make it happen:


    Guerrilla’s teams detail how it elevated the series’ skyscape for the upcoming expansion.


  8. On 4/20/2023 at 6:24 AM, BloodyHell said:

    It’s a sad story, because he’s a great actor. Completely destroyed what would have been a storybook career because he couldn’t control himself and his temper. 



    I agree, though I feel compelled to point out that it's also sad because he's been abusing people! I'm sure you agree, but I think limiting the description of why it's sad to how it affects his career and our entertainment can be alienating to people who have suffered abuse.

    • True 1
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