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Everything posted by legend

  1. Mostly @Mr.Vic20 Also, I might bite too if it looks like they actually nail it. That remains to be seen though. In practice, this could effectively be a way to simultaneously build hype and get feedback for the eventual real product with a price and interface that works for the broader public.
  2. I'm deeply skeptical of mixed reality that doesn't have reality as passive passthrough (i.e., clear glasses), but Apple certainly seems to be giving it the college try and maybe they can pull it off. The big win here I trust apple to build a compelling OS around this kind of interaction more than almost anyone. This might not be "it" at V1, but I suspect this lets them lay a very solid foundation and I hope everyone copies everything that's good about it. Except facebook. Because fuck facebook.
  3. Not sure I can check later, but I suspect somewhere over 100. There's still a bunch to do in the game, but I I had something like 26 hearts, all the stamina (that I maxed first), and a fully upgraded armor set. Since new games keep releasing, I decided it was time to finish it up so I can play other games without it dominating my mind and then continue playing it more casually to do all the additional stuff left in the game. If you get stuck on him, look some things up online. I found some ways afterwards people were able to cheese him, which isn't remotely surprising given how this game works
  4. No. The only thing that can prevent you from getting the master sword at any point--Geoglphys or not--is whether you have at least two staminal wheels.
  5. You'll need at least two circles of stamina, so when you do that depends on how you've prioritized shrines. If you want to know which quests to follow to lead you to it read the below. If you want to spoil it entirely and learn exactly how to get it read the below.
  6. That’s not my experience at my place of work, nor of the young people I hire, but we can drop it and get back to D4
  7. I don't think the value of keeping messages concise is limited to people with short attention spans. Let's set aside whether "short attention span" is good, bad, or neutral. You're still blaming an outcome on some supposed cognitive property of an entire generation which is a dubious claim to make that is regularly a mistake of the older generation (or the yelling at cloud subset specifically!) and it's not going to be received well either.
  8. That's weird that you don't, but it doesn't really make it better? Just like telling someone you think they're ugly but that you don't personally consider that a deficiency won't really change the impact of what you said. Maybe to you having a short attention span isn't a negative quality, but to most people it is, and blaming an outcome on some supposed blanket quality of the younger generation remains a path to cloud yelling
  9. My guess is you were frustrated by him running away? If so, what I found useful was to just hit him with a homing eyeball-fused arrow. That grounds him and then you can just dash over and wallop him.
  10. I think we should avoid assuming it's the fault of the younger generation having some deficiency. That path leads to cloud yelling
  11. TOTK is a a technical marvel of the highest order. But that's relative to its ancient hardware that was mediocre when it released
  12. In high school, my friend and I played D2 to an absurd degree. Even then we joked about how the game was dumb because were "just clicking on things to death" but still couldn't get enough of it. So I do understand your confusion over the appeal! That said, to not be overly reductive, the appeal back then was in thinking through creative new builds. The fact that you couldn't respec in D2 and that getting good items was difficult was kind of a critical feature to this though. It meant you really had to plan out and dedicate yourself to a build. It made what you did unique, even if it sucked, because people wouldn't just be throwing everything at the wall like you can when respec and acquiring the right items is easy. A large fraction of my game time was spent not in the game fighting, but with a calculator on diabloii.net crunching numbers and planning out new ideas. And when those ideas finally paid off and you had a great new unique build, it was wildly rewarding. D3 missed that and screwed it up. It was mediocre, IMO, as a result. I'm not sure D4 will have it other. They seem to have made the core gameplay more smooth and fun, but it's possible they'll still fail to capture and motivate the dedication required creativity. But that, at least, was the seed of why this game was appealing.
  13. You're right that it will effectively never be finished, but I'm betting the launch is going to a shit show of problems all the same. Has Battle.net ever worked smoothly in the first week of a game's release?
  14. Tangentially: I feel like the summary information from OpenCritic should list the percentile of the rating. "89" doesn't sound that great, but when you switch to the chart view, you find that places it in 99th percentile of all games. (We'll, it's up to 90 now, but still, 88-90 is the range for the 99th percentile bucket) Overall, I'm very excited for this one, and it will be coming off the heels of the amazing TOTK.
  15. I guarantee you there is not one way to do any fight. The more you learn the systems the more you'll learn how many options are there and have been there from the start. And I'm not talking about machines, that's a whole other layer. You may want to start browsing some youtube videos on crazy things you can do in the game. Some of the shit I've watched people do is extremely impressive most definitely will not occur to anyone when they first start. It's a slow burn not only for Link getting his power back, but for you as a player to learn how things work. But the more you learn and the more random things you start doing that succeed, the more fun it gets. Hope it starts clicking for you soon!
  16. You can get one-shotted pretty easily early on, but you should be able to handle most places with care. I didn't really let the fragileness of the early game stop where I went, with the exception that I've avoided gleeocks and the lynels. While you will get better weapons as you go, most of the weapons I use even 75+ hours in are just standard basic weapons fused with something, or arrows fused with something and those somethings are usually easy to come by. Make sure you take a look at what weapon fusions actually do. If you are just fusing rocks to your weapons, those won't really be good damage dealers. But items that get dropped by enemies often are. Or fusing weapons with weapons can be a big boost. If you find yourself low, just take a trip to the main lookout point. In their underground area they have some basic weapons there that you can just take.
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