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Posts posted by legend

  1. 12 hours ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

    Alright, game completed! 1 day shy of 30 days spent in the lovely gem's grip. Currently my GOTY! :sun:


    This year is aiming to be one of the best years of gaming in quite some time, but even then, I don't see how any game dethrones TOTK for GOTY. It's like Ender vs the rest of battle school.

    • True 1
  2. 8 hours ago, TheRealSmallville said:

    My avatar is totally my face! Which means I have boobs on my face! 

    I remember when a few posters used to think I was an alt, because I was a lurker who didn't post much. I decided I was going to post more to really prove I was me. So anyway, I showed them! Which is obvious because everyone here will instantly remember me due to all of my posting 😎


    I remember you!

  3. 18 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

    I was on IGN, but mostly on the PS3 and Nintendo boards. I hardly knew anyone when I got here. It was Setharion who brought me here. We were buds for years, but now he’s turned into an anti-woke MAGA tard spouting hateful shit on social media, so we haven’t talked in years. 


    That's pretty disappointing.

  4. 38 minutes ago, best3444 said:

    I grew up with a lot of you guys too. Started on the IGN boards in 2001. Was obsessed with Fable and so was my twin brother. What was the reviewer from IGN with the female name? He reviewed Fable when it came out and he and my brother would chat a TON in pms and he actually sent us Fable memorabilia because we were so known for loving Fable on the IGN boards. Wtf was his name? It's on the tip of my tongue. 


    I believe you're thinking of HIlary Goldstein.

    • Thanks 1
    • Halal 1
  5. 28 minutes ago, EternallDarkness said:

    I'm nearing the point where I just need to push forward,  forget the 9000 side quests I still have open (seriously how can I have done so damn many and yet still have so many left) and get on with the main game,


    Can someone tell me how much more I have to go? I'm at the point where I have 

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    Did you finish the geoglyph quest as well and the obvious thing to do after it? If so, then


    you have the castle thing you mentioned + 1 additional temple-like quest and then the end game to get to and give it to the man.



    To be entirely correct though, like BOTW, everything after the tutorial sky islands is technically optional. You can go try to do the end game as early as you want, but it may not be easy :p 

    • Halal 1
  6. I do think it's worth remarking on the fact that this Zelda has the most engaging story of any Zelda game. I cared about what happened to the characters for the first time in a Zelda game and some of the scenes have great character payoffs, especially the penultimate scene where



    Link dives after and catches Zelda. It's fantastic symmetry with how the game starts and the music they play as you race down to her with the final touch of the OG theme is fucking awesome.


    • True 1
    • Halal 1
  7. 6 hours ago, DarkStar189 said:

    Sounds like me.  I'm looking at this Apple headset through different eyes these days.  My "parent brain" has taken over some of my thinking. I'm picturing the parents who are glued to their phones constantly, letting their kid sit there and do whatever, can now sit there staring forward like a zombie.  What that will feel like for a young kid as they realize they get about half of mommy or daddy's attention.

    Or how tiring the headset looks like it could be.  As you multitask the screen in front of your eyes, while also navigating the real world around you.  Couple hours of that, take the headset off and feel the hangover of sensory overload set in.


    Yeah I'm often annoyed with how often people are distracted by their phones. The people who spend a lot of time texting other people while they're out to lunch with others or something is crazy to me. These smart phones are tech I dreamed about as a kid, would get laughed at for dreaming about, and then it's the average joes who can't put it down and focus on their surroundings.


    This could make that attitude worse. In which case the conclusion is the general public doesn't deserve technology :p 

    • Halal 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

    To the shock of all, I just don't see the value yet. The software will make or break this product, and I suspect that generation 2 of this platform will focus on a more price conscious solution. I further speculate that generation two will be available right around the time they iron out said software! :p


    I also want to see more details. For example, they didn't tout seamless screen sharing with people in the room with you, and I think that's critical for a device like this to pick up. I watch TV and movies with my wife and friends. Even when playing a SP game, it's nice to be able to share that experience with others. These AR systems need to make it very easy for someone to see the same screen as you to keep the social experience, otherwise I'll almost always choose a physical screen when that's a factor.


    I think they're on the right road, but I'm not sure how close they are to the destination yet.

    • True 1
    • Halal 1
  9. I've been a technology obsessed weirdo since I was a child. There's been this weird normalization where suddenly the general public became more obsessed with tech like their phones than I was even though I was often laughed at for talking about how much I wanted devices like smart phones, but if we cycle back around to me being a weirdo again, I'll be equipped to cope :p 


    But I do agree, it looks kinda goofy that will be an issue for some people :p 

  10. 1 minute ago, Ghost_MH said:

    At $3500, who is this headset for?


    Mostly @Mr.Vic20 :hug:



    Also, I might bite too if it looks like they actually nail it. That remains to be seen though.


    In practice, this could effectively be a way to simultaneously build hype and get feedback for the eventual real product with a price and interface that works for the broader public.

    • Haha 1
  11. I'm deeply skeptical of mixed reality that doesn't have reality as passive passthrough (i.e., clear glasses), but Apple certainly seems to be giving it the college try and maybe they can pull it off. The big win here I trust apple to build a compelling OS around this kind of interaction more than almost anyone. This might not be "it" at V1, but I suspect this lets them lay a very solid foundation and I hope everyone copies everything that's good about it. Except facebook. Because fuck facebook.

    • True 1
  12. 2 hours ago, best3444 said:


    Fuck. That has me extremely discouraged about fighting Ganon. I absolutely suck at boss fights. I'm glad you really enjoyed it, though. How many hours did you put in?


    Not sure I can check later, but I suspect somewhere over 100. There's still a bunch to do in the game, but I I had something like 26 hearts, all the stamina (that I maxed first), and a fully upgraded armor set. Since new games keep releasing, I decided it was time to finish it up so I can play other games without it dominating my mind and then continue playing it more casually to do all the additional stuff left in the game.



    If you get stuck on him, look some things up online. I found some ways afterwards people were able to cheese him, which isn't remotely surprising given how this game works :p 

    • Thanks 1
  13. Finished the main quest. Awesome ending, but goddamn was Ganondorf a bitch to fight.



    I was struggling to get the flurry off for some reason, and then in the final phase before the dragon phase, he kept dodging the flurry attacks somehow :/ I ended up having to do perfect perries, but he also kept breaking my shields if I didn't land it. It was not looking good when I finally got him. Looking it up afterward people say to just do flurry attacks in that last phase too, but they never worked for me. Was I just really unlucky and getting random flurry dodges from him everytime?


    Final sequence in dragon form was awesome as was actually catching Zelda this time.


    • stepee 1
  14. 5 hours ago, best3444 said:


    I read if you're not far enough in the game you don't get the master sword after finishing the geoglyphs? I could have sworn i did all 12. I'm frustrated.


    No. The only thing that can prevent you from getting the master sword at any point--Geoglphys or not--is whether you have at least two staminal wheels.

  15. 1 hour ago, best3444 said:

    Question, how far do I need to advance to get the master sword?


    You'll need at least two circles of stamina, so when you do that depends on how you've prioritized shrines. 


    If you want to know which quests to follow to lead you to it read the below.


    Complete the geoglyphs quests and optionally consider heading to the lost forest.


    If you want to spoil it entirely and learn exactly how to get it read the below.


    Land on the light dragon, and you will find it on its head.


  16. 4 hours ago, best3444 said:


    I beat it! I hid and shot arrows straight in their eyes. God I feel good right now!




    Question for @Xbob42 or you Legend, is it actually worth upgrading your gear through faries? That seems like a lot of work. 

    Absolutely. Fully upgraded armor is worth about 18 hearts. 

    • Halal 1
  17. 5 minutes ago, best3444 said:

    Did anyone have trouble with


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    Each version you fight should drop a gloom sword or something. Fuse that shit to one of your weapons (as opposed to using it directly so that you don't take gloom damage) and just smack each phantom with it. It will melt through them laughably fast.


    • Thanks 1
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