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Everything posted by legend

  1. For PS5 games, I think Horizon holds the title of best looking game by a fair margin. But I agree with @Spork3245 that the handling of HDR (or maybe just the art direction around it) in FFXVI is pretty stunning. The blacks and the contrast with the light sources immediately grabbed my attention and the game wow'ed far more visually than I had expected from the (non HDR) trailers.
  2. I'm not sure I agree with the idea that No Man's Sky is a good alternative for the kind of game Starfield is going to be, but FWIW, in one of the No Man's Sky updates, they let you customize the shit out of things like fuel usage and crafting to be closer to what you would want (e.g., you can make fuel free). Not saying you should go give it try because it will change everything, but it is at least worth knowing about! I sadly cannot directly embed their little gif that shows all the options, but if you scroll down on the below page, you can see what they are. Waypoint Update - No Man's Sky WWW.NOMANSSKY.COM Waypoint: Introducing Update 4.0 Access the universe of No Man’s Sky from anywhere in update 4.0, WAYPOINT! Launching for the first time on Nintendo Switch™, and overhauling fundamental elements of gameplay including game modes, inventory size and usability, milestones, journey cataloguing and much more! Buy now on More purchase options » Out now on More... View Article
  3. This year is aiming to be one of the best years of gaming in quite some time, but even then, I don't see how any game dethrones TOTK for GOTY. It's like Ender vs the rest of battle school.
  4. That's pretty disappointing.
  5. I believe you're thinking of HIlary Goldstein.
  6. Did you finish the geoglyph quest as well and the obvious thing to do after it? If so, then To be entirely correct though, like BOTW, everything after the tutorial sky islands is technically optional. You can go try to do the end game as early as you want, but it may not be easy
  7. I'm not really a fan of how many significant changes they're making so quickly after the game's release. You can't really plan your build when it's all going to go to shit in two days when they change some critical piece.
  8. Things have certainly gotten better for me financially, but I don't think that has anything to do with this and has more to do with AI being "the thing" currently.
  9. I do think it's worth remarking on the fact that this Zelda has the most engaging story of any Zelda game. I cared about what happened to the characters for the first time in a Zelda game and some of the scenes have great character payoffs, especially the penultimate scene where
  10. Yeah I'm often annoyed with how often people are distracted by their phones. The people who spend a lot of time texting other people while they're out to lunch with others or something is crazy to me. These smart phones are tech I dreamed about as a kid, would get laughed at for dreaming about, and then it's the average joes who can't put it down and focus on their surroundings. This could make that attitude worse. In which case the conclusion is the general public doesn't deserve technology
  11. I also want to see more details. For example, they didn't tout seamless screen sharing with people in the room with you, and I think that's critical for a device like this to pick up. I watch TV and movies with my wife and friends. Even when playing a SP game, it's nice to be able to share that experience with others. These AR systems need to make it very easy for someone to see the same screen as you to keep the social experience, otherwise I'll almost always choose a physical screen when that's a factor. I think they're on the right road, but I'm not sure how close they are to the destination yet.
  12. I've been a technology obsessed weirdo since I was a child. There's been this weird normalization where suddenly the general public became more obsessed with tech like their phones than I was even though I was often laughed at for talking about how much I wanted devices like smart phones, but if we cycle back around to me being a weirdo again, I'll be equipped to cope But I do agree, it looks kinda goofy that will be an issue for some people
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