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Posts posted by legend

  1. 1 hour ago, Nokra said:


    No, unfortunately still nothing. :cry:


    I just sent them yet another email (this makes #4) to try and have them update my shipping address since my move a couple weeks ago. I'm expecting nothing.


    Remind me again, please: did you get all of the accessories? I'm kind of thinking that it's the wireless adapter that's slowing down shipment. 

    I got the charging hub but not the wireless hub. I also noticed you can’t seem to order the wireless hub separately, so it’s possible that is limited and the blocker. 

  2. 3 hours ago, best3444 said:

    I just don't get the hate about this game on here. It's simply a joy to play and so well done. I went to YouTube to check out reviews and 99% of them say it's absolutely excellent. One review, gaming bolt I believe, gave it a 10 and said its one of the greatest games ever made. Those in here complaining and didn't enjoy it are severely in the minority. 


    I just made great progress already today knocking out all side quests and progressing the story. Just awesome shit.



    Not sure there's much if any hate in this thread? Most everyone seems to be enjoying it, the variable is just how much.

  3. I’ve been enjoying it more despite its flaws as it goes along. The side quests get a bit more interesting thematically too.  Not that it’s hard to top delivering food :p


    It’s also completely over the top. Every new major fight strives to out do the former in spectacle. As an anime fan I’m all for it! 

    As for where I am, I have 6 of the powers. 

    • Halal 1
  4. 5 hours ago, best3444 said:

    Sorry for this off topic question. 


    @stepee @Biggie Is the FF7 remake called "Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade"?


    It's confusing on psn what to download. 


    It is. (Intergrade is the release with the DLC) Good decision to get it. It's difficult to predict what a person will like, but my money is on you liking FF7R. It was one of my favorite RPGs of last gen and I think you'll like the hybrid action/abilities combat system.

    • Halal 2
  5. 22 minutes ago, eventide11 said:

    Yeah ME3 ending was atrocious. iirc they had to include DLC to explain/try and make it better. Pretty much soured me on the whole series 


    I never played the DLC because I was so annoyed :p But from my understanding it does a good job giving closure to the characters, but doesn't do anything to fix the incredibly stupid final choices.



    I strongly suspect the only reason the destroy option arbitrarily also kills all Geth and Edi, the former of whom you just spent a trilogy brokering an allice, was to make destroy not the hands down most obviously best choice. Which is fucking stupid.


    If they wanted to have some twist or something to the end they should have revealed a painful truth about why the Reapers were doing what they were doing that kinda had a point. The original intention of the story was going to be something like the mass effect technology slowly destroying the fabric of the galaxy so the Reapers were periodically purging advanced life to prevent it. Which would have been vastly more interesting conflict on which you would build future games.

    • stepee 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:

    Also, @legend, @Greatoneshere... take note. This movie came out in the 1950's and the spoilers are open because it is simply not possible to spoil media that is slightly fresher than the Korean War. :p


    I dunno, the thread title clearly is marked as open spoilers to allow a person to read at their own discretion!

  7. 14 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:

    But macOS is horrible for enterprise environments. For personal use it's fine, as most differences between it and Windows are just preference and what you know, but it lacks the ability to be easily managed at a large scale. The main enterprise MDM for it, Jamf (though there are better rivals, like Mosyle) gets worse and worse each year thanks to Apple insisting that certain actions cannot be done remotely. So my school division can set up 2,000 Windows laptops in the same time as 100 iMacs, for instance. And obviously in terms of software availability, macOS doesn't come close.


    Incidentally, enterprise managed Windows systems are fucking awful. The worst experience I've ever had with computers. Using managed systems makes me immediately understand why non computer people say they hate computers.


    Given that, Apple failing to support enterprise management in the same way feels like wash :p 

  8. 7 hours ago, best3444 said:

    WHAT HE FUCK! My save file was corrupt some how and it wouldn't load where I left off!!!


    So this evening I had to start all over again and played 8 hours straight to try to catch up where I was. Unbelievable!


    I made great progress but I'm really upset. 



    Be honest, you did this on purpose :p 


    Jk, that really sucks. Few bugs in gaming suck more than having your progress erased.

    • stepee 1
    • Halal 1
  9. 9 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:


    I’d say the statute of limitations for spoilers expires somewhere around the half century mark. :p



    I think we should separate the effects from what we should do as society.


    I absolutely believe there are people who never read the book, but enjoyed the movie and then can be "spoiled" about what happens in the second part as a consequence. How many, I don't know, but I know plenty of people who never read the book, so it's non-zero.


    So what do we do about that fact? Can we make trailers that are good and don't spoil things? If we can, then sure why not just avoid spoilers for those people? Is it an undue hardship in some way to avoid spoilers? Seems like no, but if so I guess we can talk about how many people it would take before it outweighed.


    Those are my 2 cents on this very important topic :p 

    • Halal 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Xbob42 said:

    Bro I dunno what you mean it's so CRISP kp9xeZm.png


    Jokes aside as much as I hate erratic FPS and stutter, this kind of insane camera motion blur @ 30 FPS actually makes me feel motion sickness, so performance mode it's been for me! I move my camera manually a LOT in games like this so when I can't see properly it really upsets my brain.


    Also one of the hunts I did had a big attack where the game tries to angle the camera downward for you to help you see better and it just got me killed like 4 times, haha. DON'T EVER MOVE MY CAMERA! I wish games like this had options like "do not recenter camera" (some do) and "do not adjust camera automatically for attacks or to look at points of interest" which almost none do.


    This is why I hate how aggressive the camera resets on you. I moved the camera for a reason -- I want to look in that direction! I'll move it back if I want to stare at Clive's ass.


    1 hour ago, Biggie said:

    I must have console peasant eyes. I went back to frame rate mode. It seems much smoother than graphics mode to me. lol


    Not sure it's a console vs PC thing. Plenty of console games have locked stutter free frame rates, even if it's only at 30FPS. That is in fact why I switched back to graphics mode. What kills me is when it fluctuates grossly and that can happen on PC games too if it's a poorly optimized game or if you are shooting for a graphics target past what your PC can support smoothly. PC just let's you brute force your way past it a lot (but not all) of the time if you're willing to spend the money :p 


    Put it another way 60 fps is better than 30 fps, but 30 fps is better than 51 fps!


    (And higher than 60 with VRR is chef's kiss)

  11. 8 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

    What’s odd is that the FSR blurring isn’t as bad in performance mode. It’s still present, but not as distracting. However, the lower base res and other effects seemingly getting downgraded in performance mode makes it a hard trade off for me. The game is still gorgeous despite the flaw.



    I ended up switching off performance mode. It was too inconsistent and I fucking loathe stutter with a fiery passion.

  12. 15 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

    Stepee, I want to apologize about my blur comments when moving the camera. They’re completely false. The game is super clear at all times.




    Apropos, I find it mildly irritating that the game aggressively resets the camera angle the moment you let got of the stick and I feel like I'm fighting it to stay pointed where I want to look, which in turn means I'm dealing with the blur more. I had hoped there would be a setting to disable that, but I couldn't find one at least.

  13. 33 minutes ago, Bacon said:

    Oh. I still really enjoyed the plot, like a lot, so that's why it's that high. Pretty much, every review comes down to how much I enjoy a piece of media. ELEX is a bit of an exception as I really enjoyed it but there was no way I was giving that game a high score. Then there is something like SoP that I had non stop fun with. DOOM eternal and Re4 are such games. A 7/10 means I enjoyed parts of it but was ultimately disappointed. I think if I were to replay smo and botw I'd actually rate them lower. Sometimes I give out 7/10s for games that I really wanted to like, but didn't. FF16 is not one of those games. I mean, I did want to like it more, but it isn't dog shit by any means.


    A 7/10 is good enough to beat but not good enough to replay.


    Perhaps you should use a lower resolution scale in that case? :p 

  14. 5 minutes ago, Bacon said:

    In which way? All 3 games I got bored of before beating which is pretty much where I'm at with ff16. RDR2 and BOTW both had lame combat. With SMO I was extremely disappointed in the way you collected moons. It was very reminiscent of collecting the seeds in BOTW. I did really enjoy the cappy mechanics but the game was boringly easy, and the harder stuff was post credits so I never did it. RDR2 had a fantastic and emotional story but that was about it. Well, it looked good too.


    RDR2 ought to be lower! It looked nice and the story was good, but I think they forgot they were making a game! The controls and glitchiness were on another level of bad.

    • Halal 1
  15. 25 minutes ago, Bacon said:

    So, as I have been playing, I kept getting this feeling of deja vu. Like, "Wow, I feel like I have experienced this exact plot before." Pretty sure I know why and it's for 2 reasons but I'll talk about them sometime after I beat the game. I'm getting close to the end, but I'm not there quite yet thanks to the plethora of side quests the game as tacked on.


    Unless something really amazing happens, this is going to be given the Classic Bacon Score of 7/10. That's pretty much what I give to all games that aren't bad, really weren't great. Other games I have given a 7/10 to include RDR2, SMO, BOTW, and more. I recall saying that RDR2 was the prettiest 7/10 game I have ever played. I'd say that FF16 is the most presentationally epic 7/10 game I have ever played. It has very high, but very short peaks and long, meandering low valleys. It's not bad, but I had expected better.


    There's something very wrong with your rating scale if RDR2 is rated the same as those other games :p 

  16. 47 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

    I felt behind the times when people started championing AMD. Now they’re hated again. Silly Internet. 


    It's possible to hate AMD exclusive partnerships that exclude supporting better technology while still liking other things AMD does. On the whole AMD is solid and I wish they actually would compete better with Nvidia in the high-end GPU (and AI) market.

  17. 4 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    I'm sure the game plays better than it sounds because you guys seem to be enjoying it, but none of this sound sgood at ALL. I'm still getting it though... I have so many rewards from Best Buy the game is practically free.


    The game is good. Despite its flaws, it remains engaging. But flaws it has, and it's not doing anything new.

    • True 1
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