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Everything posted by legend

  1. These fucking hypebros (they don’t even deserve to be called tech bros) are turning my field into a laughing stock. It’s so fucking infuriating. There are a great many good and responsible researchers and engineers in the field, but the hope of money and the fantasy of building a god has distorted everything and drown them out.
  2. Getting rid of the motion blur and disabling the camera from instantly resetting while walking around is such a nice QoL improvement. Too bad it wasn't there for the whole game!
  3. If all one was to do with a steam deck is dock it to a TV and never care for its portable aspects, I would just get a mini gaming PC instead and connect it to the TV. You'd get more bang for your buck.
  4. There are references to the previous game's events, so it's definitely still connected, but I do find it weird how little the characters refer to it in dialog. Like holy shit, wouldn't you all be talking about how Ganondorf relates to Calamity Ganon!? My best guess is Nintendo didn't want new players of the series to feel lost or left out for having not played the previous one.
  5. I got the charging hub but not the wireless hub. I also noticed you can’t seem to order the wireless hub separately, so it’s possible that is limited and the blocker.
  6. Not sure there's much if any hate in this thread? Most everyone seems to be enjoying it, the variable is just how much.
  7. I’ve been enjoying it more despite its flaws as it goes along. The side quests get a bit more interesting thematically too. Not that it’s hard to top delivering food It’s also completely over the top. Every new major fight strives to out do the former in spectacle. As an anime fan I’m all for it! As for where I am, I have 6 of the powers.
  8. I didn't think I was going to get anything. Up to: Final Vendetta Sifu Blasphemous Have a Nice Death Impaler
  9. It is. (Intergrade is the release with the DLC) Good decision to get it. It's difficult to predict what a person will like, but my money is on you liking FF7R. It was one of my favorite RPGs of last gen and I think you'll like the hybrid action/abilities combat system.
  10. I never played the DLC because I was so annoyed But from my understanding it does a good job giving closure to the characters, but doesn't do anything to fix the incredibly stupid final choices. If they wanted to have some twist or something to the end they should have revealed a painful truth about why the Reapers were doing what they were doing that kinda had a point. The original intention of the story was going to be something like the mass effect technology slowly destroying the fabric of the galaxy so the Reapers were periodically purging advanced life to prevent it. Which would have been vastly more interesting conflict on which you would build future games.
  11. Mass Effect 3 because it tainted my view on the rest of the series which I loved up until the last 5 minutes or so. I will probably give them another shot in 4 if they go with the ending but also
  12. I dunno, the thread title clearly is marked as open spoilers to allow a person to read at their own discretion!
  13. Incidentally, enterprise managed Windows systems are fucking awful. The worst experience I've ever had with computers. Using managed systems makes me immediately understand why non computer people say they hate computers. Given that, Apple failing to support enterprise management in the same way feels like wash
  14. Be honest, you did this on purpose Jk, that really sucks. Few bugs in gaming suck more than having your progress erased.
  15. I think we should separate the effects from what we should do as society. I absolutely believe there are people who never read the book, but enjoyed the movie and then can be "spoiled" about what happens in the second part as a consequence. How many, I don't know, but I know plenty of people who never read the book, so it's non-zero. So what do we do about that fact? Can we make trailers that are good and don't spoil things? If we can, then sure why not just avoid spoilers for those people? Is it an undue hardship in some way to avoid spoilers? Seems like no, but if so I guess we can talk about how many people it would take before it outweighed. Those are my 2 cents on this very important topic
  16. Great news about the PC release! And who among us could have possibly predicted that the Series S would be a bad decision that would be problematic for developers?
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