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Posts posted by legend

  1. 11 minutes ago, Remarkableriots said:

    Most outsourced programmers in India will see their jobs wiped out in the next year or two, Stability AI CEO Emad Mostaque said.



    My understanding is the quality of out-sourced programmers in India is poor (I'm sure there are great programmers in India in general -- I know a bunch -- but the outsourced coding business specifically is bizarre). Even so, I doubt it. AI code generation is still filled with bugs except for things that you almost perfectly already find by googling or are very self contained functions.


    Also, Emad is a charlatan with no real experience who, like Musk, takes credit for other people's work. You shouldn't believe anything that comes out of his mouth.

    • stepee 1
    • Halal 1
  2. 1 hour ago, best3444 said:


    I'm asking seriously and since you're AI I expect a accurate answer. Will AI someday wipe out the human race?


    Nope! And the people saying it will have the worst arguments that hinge on the premise that a "super intelligent" AI is equivalent to a genie/god, capable of doing anything, and that it will magically form on its own over a few days without the need of actual science and engineering.


    Worst case scenario with AI tech development is a small percentage of corrupt humans centralize power and use AI and robotics to oppress the larger population. Incidentally, if the people who cry that AI will go rogue and kill us all got what they wanted, this more plausible horrible outcome of humans oppressing other humans by wielding AI becomes more likely.

    • Thanks 2
  3. 8 hours ago, Remarkableriots said:

    How many playthroughs can you squeeze in between now and the day you die?



    As much as I love Larian, this won't be that meaningful.


    If there are only 14 independent outcomes featured in the ending that each can only go one of two ways, then you're up to 16384 possible endings and you'd only have to play the game twice to see the resolution to each of those 14 outcomes (once with them all in one state and once with them all in the other).


    BG3 probably has some interaction between choice and it may be more than 2 ways for each to go, but the point is cross products make big numbers from small numbers.

    • True 1
  4. 3 hours ago, best3444 said:


    Nice. I've been doing all side quests too but I'm ignoring the hunt board. 35 hours is a nice number for this type of game. Now, what genre does this fall under?:p


    It really feels like a modern action-adventure game to me because many modern action adventure games have more defining "RPG" elements than this does :p That's not necessarily bad, but is what it is!

  5. I'll be 40 this year. I'm kind of looking forward to it so that it stops hanging over my head. It will be done and then I can move on.


    I realize this is a very CS-centric perspective, but I do think the significant digits of binary correspond to more meaningful landmark ages in human life than decimal digit flips, and I do try to remember that.


    1 -> When you turn one, this is pretty significant relative to being born.

    2 -> Yet again, very significant. We call it the terrible twos for a reason.

    4-> Your language is readily understandable by adults other than your parents and you have some meaningful mobility much to the peril of your parents.

    8 -> You've got some big boy/girl pants now. Probably an opinion or two that isn't utterly worthless too.

    16 -> Most of your meaningful physical development is finished or nearly finished. We'll even give you some responsibility and you really want for your own independence at this point. You're pretty ignorant about the world though and struggle to make it on your own.

    32 -> You're a practiced adult at this point. Your prime as a person has begun.

    64 -> You're now an older adult dealing with the perils of age at an ever accelerating rate, but you do still have life left and you hopefully have a lot of wisdom and experience to show for it.


    Not sure anyone has ever made it to the next one: 128. But if they have, it's significant in that everyone is marveling at how you're still alive.


    From this ordering, 40 isn't really all that special. If I had to add one more milestone, I'd probably make it 24, which is still pretty close to meaningful changes in binary: 11000


    It does, however, mean that 33 lines up pretty well with the 32 milestone! But maybe you should think of it as already passed in that case!

    • Halal 1
  6. On 7/8/2023 at 3:52 PM, stepee said:


    ok I wasn’t in before but now things are looking promising


    Larian is pretty famous for their humor in games and wacky gameplay. Their games--at least since Divinity Original Sin 1--always come across as passion projects from people who love gaming and the gaming community. Prior to TotK I would have given Divinity Original Sin 2 the nod for the most fun systems allowing for emergent gameplay. Even if you're not into turn-based games, it might be worth giving their games a try sometime. 

    • Halal 2
  7. 42 minutes ago, MarSolo said:


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    I kind of attributed it to Zelda being in the past and maybe THAT is why all the Sheikah stuff is replaced with the current shrines now. 




    There's still remnants of the tech. You can find a decommissioned Guardian and I think it's stated somewhere that the towers etc. were torn down and recommissioned, e.g., to build the new towers and other stuff. There's also a number of references to the calamity and the people who are lost. So I don't think there is a time re-write. Zelda seemed to always have gone back in time as well. Note that when Ganondorf reappears and before Zelda goes back, he already knows who Zelda is and figures out that he's looking at Link.


    The shrines previously only appeared to and the monks preserved themselves purely for the reason to help the future hero fight calamity Ganon. Since Ganon is destroyed, the shrines would probably disappear again.


  8. 1 hour ago, Greatoneshere said:


    Yep - Denzel Washington has already been chosen to star, among some others. Yes, they are making a Gladiator 2 and sadly no, they aren't making Nick Cave's bonkers script from years ago.


    Well, I guess I never expected Blade Runner 2049 to be good and it's one of my favorite SciFis of the last 20 years or so, so maybe they can make it work!

    • True 1
  9. These fucking hypebros (they don’t even deserve to be called tech bros) are turning my field into a laughing stock. It’s so fucking infuriating. There are a great many good and responsible researchers and engineers in the field, but the hope of money and the fantasy of building a god has distorted everything and drown them out. 

    • Sicko 1
  10. 1 hour ago, prevail said:

    The music sucked and it didn't seem like John Williams did it. He is very old though. I was also high while I watched the movie and don't really care to explain to downgrades about why it's not a true Indiana Jones movie.

    There is still a Paramount logo but it doesn't do that thing where there is a morph into the same shape as a mountain or rock like in the older movies. It's difficult to explain.

    I mostly made a post to confirm that the reviews are accurate, meaning not good. I'm not sure why people are attacking me.

    It is still better than Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Damn that movie sucked.



    Are you still high now?

  11. 7 hours ago, Spork3245 said:


    It’s weird how there’s seemingly no connections to the previous game


    There are references to the previous game's events, so it's definitely still connected, but I do find it weird how little the characters refer to it in dialog. Like holy shit, wouldn't you all be talking about how Ganondorf relates to Calamity Ganon!? My best guess is Nintendo didn't want new players of the series to feel lost or left out for having not played the previous one.

  12. 54 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

    I think for me that Eikon fight was probably the best in terms of spectacle, music and gameplay. The next one's pretty close, and then sadly I think it gets real disappointing after that before picking up again at the very end.



    I haven't finished the game, but have all Eikons now. From those,



    I thought Bahamut was easily the most spectacle. You join with your brother into an uber Eikon, fight Bahamut in space, and power slam through his giant planet killing death ray by raging hard enough.


    In the second (but not final) Odin fight, him splitting the sea and fighting on the bottom was pretty clutch too.



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