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Everything posted by legend

  1. Yeah that would have been my guess as well, but my chemistry isn't good enough for me to confidently rule it out
  2. My estimate of this being real has gone from very low to very very low However, I'm still waiting for the nail in the coffin of someone reproducing and providing better data to show it's not what they thought, or completely failing to reproduce altogether! Fortunately, the procedure is pretty straightforward so we may have a definitive answer by the end of this week.
  3. If I were to put on my speculation hat, I would guess that the majority of complex alien life is carbon based with maybe silicon based as a second, excluding aliens that live in a completely unknown aspect of the universe. Carbon is just too fucking chemically useful to not be the standard basis. It's not a fluke that life on earth is carbon based, even if you knew nothing else about earth's composition. Or at least that's for the origins of the alien life. If we're talking about sophisticated aliens, I have no doubt they completely re-engineered themselves.
  4. I wonder about aliens fairly regularly. Stories like these though are not really cause for it though
  5. FWIW, I actively wish this were true. But the history of garbage "evidence" for these claims and my awareness of peoples general cognitive failings makes me disinclined to think this time they'll have something meaningful
  6. Yeah the persuasion skill is already a big deal in 5e, and I have no doubt Larian is going give lots of fun dialog opportunities for those with the skill!
  7. Paladins in 5e are really powerful, even more so if you have a support character to buf them. At the end of my last TT campaign I played a level 20 Bard giving Foresight to my friend who was a level 20 Vengeance Paladin and he could basically 1 shot dragons. On top of that, people probably want charisma characters for dialog.
  8. I'm probably going to do a Dark Urge Monk going good, with the background being that my char trained as a Monk to try a suppress the dark urge.
  9. Aliens capable of visiting earth today exist and are half-assed doing it in secrecy. OR The pilot didn't understand what they saw.
  10. Haha yeah I knew about this one. It's different, but it these kinds things are why everyone should be skeptical of grand claims. This one I posted from Korea seems to be getting more attention, which could just be weird social media noise, but I thought it was worth talking about all the same! In all likelihood, it's probably wrong because it's just too good
  11. Room-temperature superconductor 'breakthrough' met with scepticism WWW.NEWSCIENTIST.COM Creating a material that perfectly conducts electricity at room temperature and pressure would be a big deal, but a research team's claims of creating one has attracted more scrutiny than optimism I've been seeing story this make the rounds on Twitter (fuck you I'm not saying X). A result like this needs serious skepticism. However, it's from a reputable Korean research group, and from what I've heard, the paper seems legitimate, so there is a lot of finger crossing that this holds up to replication. If it does, it would be a civilization changing piece of technology. So, I wouldn't trust it just yet, but this seems hopeful enough to think about.
  12. The negative environmentalist attitude toward nuclear is infuriating. I must leave room for being wrong, because I'm not an expert on nuclear technology, but the "environmentalist" arguments against nuclear that I've seen are just bad arguments, so I'm inclined to reject their rejection
  13. I tried it last night. Seems legit! I'll probably be sinking a bunch of hours into it.
  14. Monk Way of the Shadow is also pretty great for an assassin build. At 6th level you can fucking teleport to the shadows and with the right feats (e.g., Mobile) you can hit and run without provoking an opportunity attack.
  15. There are few actors with Glenn Howerton's range for frustration, anger, and calm psychopathic hate.
  16. I expect a build to be able to last for a least a couple of weeks or to even be able to spend some time planning one, like I did in D2. And if the norm is that volatile, then everyone else sucks too.
  17. I haven't watched this one, but just a PSA for people new to DnD: the Fighter class in 5e is pretty awesome. In plenty of other RPGs (even older DnD), the fighter was tough but boring with very few things to do other than attack. Not so in 5e. Take the Battle Master subclass and you get a shit ton of different strategic skills for combat. There are other good fighter subclasses, but Battle Master is so good just in terms of giving you different ways to do things, it's hard for me to recommend anything else.
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