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Everything posted by legend

  1. Mostly I'm just giving you a hard time I think adding a little text on install that says "install early access" or "install preload" (for those cases) would be helpful.
  2. Taco Bell is by far the best garbage food out there. So delicious for such a cheap price. But this case is totally on point. Their advertisement images are so fucking off base I think it absolutely reaches the "false advertising" realm.
  3. FF7R is better. Visuals are not as good as 16 because it's a remastered PS4 game, but it still looks good and has moments of beauty. The combat is better than 16. Still mostly real-time but you can slow down to issue commands, both for your controlled character or other members in your party, or you can switch who you're controlling. Stagger systems exist, but the game doesn't center around that being the entire strategy. The combat isn't hard, but is more engaging than 16, IMO. Each character plays differently. You can't just spam specials and items. You have to build up ATB to use either to prevent spamming and endless healing. But at the same time, the build up time for ATB is shorter than cooldowns in 16 and you can always use whichever you want without specific cool downs. You can also switch characters/issue them commands to use their abilities in between. The leveling and equipment is vastly more expressive than in 16, but it's not complex relative to how complex some RPGs get with equipment and leveling. The main quest structure is not as repetitive as "get to the next crystal." You're not going to predict where it's going at the start unless you played the original FF7. Sidequests are more localized and book-ended. Some are mundane, but 16 felt more spammy in mundane quests. The music is better than 16's, and it's one of the best soundtracks in gaming.
  4. Huge cancer-killing discovery could annihilate all tumours METRO.CO.UK The 'miracle' leaves healthy cells unaffected. Here's another probably too good to be true scientific result. Only animals models thus far lowers my confidence quite a bit because history is littered with drugs and treatments that work in specific lab animals and not people. Furthermore, I can't help but be skeptical of the claim being "all" cancer cells. Feels like there's hype going on here. However, that it's 20 year long research gives some credibility and that they are already in human trials is also encouraging. So, like with room-temperature superconductors, I wouldn't get your hopes up, but the news seems interesting enough to share.
  5. This actually doesn't seem dead yet... At least one Chinese research university is reporting preliminary success at replicating. A researcher from the national lab is also reporting that atomic simulations of the material do support the possibility that it has room temperature superconductor properties that previously were unknown. The diamagnetism being "all" it is doesn't seem clear cut from other discussions I've been seeing online. I maintain high skepticism about all this, but it hasn't been rejected yet...
  6. I've never had a panic attack, but about 5 years ago my anxiety had reached very problematic levels. I went on anti-anxiety meds for a few months and also got some drugs for my NERD (you can't make this shit up -- the doctors said I had NERD and I said "I know.") which was related. I do much better now and am off the anti-anxiety meds. Sometimes you need a little help and a reset.
  7. Yeah I can see why it would be BW for the weekly release, but I would expect popular mangas to typically have full color releases when they’re popular. But that seems like a rare exception. I’m mostly aphantasic so imagining the color is kind of a no go for me
  8. I've told you all before -- I think chat bots and next word prediction is pretty boring. Language grounding to percepts and action is more interesting, but just text itself falls far short of the dream. So no, I wouldn't be doing that
  9. Maybe I'll give the sequel series a chance some time. Manga is hard for me to get into because the I feel like this medium of art benefits so much from color! Why they don't have more color mangas is beyond me. If that one aspect was different, I'd probably pick it and a lot of other mangas up. Granted I don't read many western graphic novels either, but I did finally read The Last Ronin and it's hard to imagine something like that not having color. It would have been so much less. My wife keeps insisting I read Sandman, which I really ought to do...
  10. I'll be honest, I haven't bothered with the 2016/2017 continuations because I heard they suck and I don't want to taint it I wasn't sure I was going to like the 1997 series as I came to it late (a few years ago maybe?), but it really resonated with me. I can't even explain why. It just works. If they could match its quality and do the "whole" manga it would be great (especially since I don't read manga), but it would be a big lift. Castlevania is a good comparison though. I would probably trust that team the most if anyone did it, but I suspect they're busy
  11. That's a tall order! Not sure I would want to compete with the original series in a reboot.
  12. Not sure about videos, but here's my short description: Cleric: Tanky healer that also has really good support bufs. Fighter: Kill people with weapons -- melee and ranged -- and skills with those weapons. Barbarian: Mainly melee DPS fighter. Higher risk and reward. Ranger: DPS ranged fighter and usually nature-like skills Rogue: Backstab, steal, sneak, etc. Warlock: Semi-magic user, and magical weapons. You made a deal with a devil for power. Not super powerful in spells, but has a set of spells it can just cast whenever without resource usage and some other interesting perks. Wizard: It's a wizard Main thing is you can change up which spells you can use regularly, whereas other classes your spell choices are more lasting. Sorcerer: Similar to a wizard, but you have to choose your spells on level. In exchange you get sorcery points which let you either cast more spells, or do other special things, like making sure you don't hit friendlies with AoE attacks. Bard: Talk your way out of anything, succeed at any non-combat task, gain access to a ton of support bufs and debufs skills and spells. Paladin: Strong melee with some magical bufs and weapon bufs. Monk: Very speedy martial arts character. Do hit and runs, have lots of attack opportunities. Also get a sort of magic through Ki. No armor though, so try avoid getting hit. Druid: Shape shift and/or command animals and some magic spells. You get the idea. Each class also has subclass options that change the playstyle a bit. E.g., a fighter can actually get access to magic if you choose the Eldritch Knight subclass. That said, the above should give you a high-level understanding.
  13. Systems driven games are almost always an instant win in this regard, because they're designed for you think out side the box. E.g, Divinity Original Sin 2, TotK, Myth 1/2. Outside of those, I'll also give the nod to Halo, Doom 2016/Eternal, Vampire Survivors (just obliterate the world), Hollow Knight, and probably a bunch of others I'm not thinking of now.
  14. Basically science fiction technology becomes possible if this is solved. Except warp drive.
  15. I’ve decided that the worst timeline is this result is real, but it’s too late, we’ve already crossed a tipping point for climate change in the worst possible version.
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