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Everything posted by legend

  1. The game's characters aren't aren't a harem and actually respond appropriately to the main character's actions, even though the game very much let's you make those choices? Pretty unforgivable.
  2. I’d say they should just make an exception on full support for S, but it would look bad and Larian probably wouldn’t roll back on it after pledging to get it working. The S was such a short sighted decision.
  3. Some tips. If you or anyone else is struggling, and you're willing to read, I highly recommend reading through the various rules and class descriptions on DnD Beyond. That will also give you a preview of where things are going for your class. E.g., class page for wizard: Wizard WWW.DNDBEYOND.COM Wizard Class Details Clad in the silver robes that denote her station, an elf closes her eyes to shut out the distractions of the battlef... You can also look at the "Game Rules" drop down and select what you want to learn about. And if you want, you can "create a character" and just walk through the level up to whatever level to see what it would be like. Debuffs and buffs are fucking awesome, but when you're low level with few spell slots and enemies die quickly, they're not as good. This is what I'm struggling with. It's DnD so there is probably a cost But it's interesting that Thus far, I haven't but I am holding on to them.
  4. I played a bit of Kingmaker. It wasn't quite as free feeling as this, but I ultimately fell off not because of that but because the story just wasn't gripping me. I might still give WotR a shot at some point though.
  5. Not quite, but it helps in a couple important ways (if it is a room temperature super conductor). 1. My understanding is this is *one* of the missing technological pieces for practical fusion, but there are others too, so we wouldn't get to build it instantly. Other things would need breakthroughs too. 2. It would, however, give us perfect efficiency batteries that never lose their change and last a very long time. That's great for lots of reasons, obviously, but one of the big problems with renewable energy is we need to be able to store for later which means batteries, but our battery tech sucks. So this would solve that issue.
  6. In the Pillars games, the "Might" stat increases the power of a wizard's spells. Mostly it was an attribute mechanic reason, but Josh Sawyer (the lead dev) worked it into the lore that casting spells takes a toll on your body so that muscle wizards were common
  7. This game is on track to being a GOTY contender for me which is amazing because I absolutely adored TOTK which came out this year too. Both these games are like once in a generation kind of games, and they came out the same year. If it weren't for TOTK, I'd feel like it was already decided that this would be it.
  8. Battlemaster fighter is a phenomenal class for newcomers. It's just plain good in general, adds a lot of combat options, gives you defense so you can't flub as easily and ist more stragihtforward in the mechanics. Things like getting your superiority dice back on short rest make it easier to think about.
  9. I'd say you'd like it. This is more hardcore than DA:O, but at the time DA:O was the closest thing to something as hardcore a full DnD ruleset other than the original BG games. So I have to imagine if DA:O was one of your favorite games that you like something more strategic with more focus on highly customized player experiences, which this does better than any other game. I don't know if you've played DnD proper, but it's astonishing how closely they've matched the rule set with very few deviations. And the best part of their matching is how much they let all the different skills, classes, etc. shine. There are so many different ways to tackle situations and ways interactions can unfold. The only thing that is maybe a variable is whether you'll like switching to full turn based vs the pseudo turn based of DA:O. I'm also a big fan of the Pillars games which are the pseduo turn-based games, but I prefer the full turn-based for something like this. The not hitting things is very true to form of DnD Bear in mind that the whole armor class system is based around increasing the odds of a miss, not reducing damage. Because of that, misses are common and you have to roll with it. A lot of the gameplay strategy comes down to thinking about how to manage that. For example, magic missle is not a lot of damage, but is a guaranteed hit. That can be really useful if you (1) just need to finish someone off or (2) need to break their concentration. Stuff like that. But yeah, it can feel grueling in both this and proper DnD. We all have our stories of crit failing 4 times in a row BG3 actually has "Karmic dice" on by default to bias things in your favor when you fail because it can feel rough. Oh, I'll add that if anyone feels like the dice is painful get the Lucky feat. It's well known to be one of the best feats for any class in DnD proper and it works very well here. Basically, fail your roll? It will ask if you if you want to reroll it, and you get to do that 3 times every long rest.
  10. Spells and Catrips Different magic spells have different levels. Any given character has a number of "spell slots" for each level (well, you don't have any levels of higher level spells at first or any at all if you're not a magic user). You can cast any spell you know with the appropriate-leveled spell slot, but you don't get your slots back until you long rest. Because of that, you need to be careful about when you choose to use your spells and check how many slots you have left of each level. You can also usually "upcast" a spell. E.g., use a level 2 spell slot for a level 1 spell. When you do that, upcasting it usually means the spell is made more powerful based on how high of an upcast you did. Cantrips are an exception: they are spells that don't require any spell slots to cast and they automatically get stronger as your character level grows. Advantage Many rolls, such as attack rolls, ability checks (e.g., deception, persuasion, insight, etc.) require you to roll a d20 to see if you can pass a difficulty threshold. Usually you also have some bonuses to your dice roll So it's the number the dice rolls + any bonuses you have. For example, when you attack, you will have some attack bonus (such as strength bonus for a melee attack) and the number you roll (plus bonus) must be higher than the opponents armor class to land. Bonuses are usually not that big especially early level. Maybe +5 or so. Consequently, failing is pretty common! However, when you roll with advantage, you roll two d20s and whichever d20 rolls the higher number is the roll you use. Disadvantage works the opposite way: roll two d20s and take the lowest roll. 2 Turns This is something specific to BG3, not DnD, but yes I believe that means you can use it again in two turns.
  11. I'm pretty comfortable with it's max zoom out, but given the popularity the game (apparently), I wouldn't be surprised if someone mods that!
  12. My understanding is the quality of the initial report leaves much to be desired But yes, this will be slow even if it's true. (Well, slow on the normal human tiemscale. In terms of science the community effort is moving very fast)
  13. I think their secret for success it really seems like everyone through the chain just wants to make a great game that they want to play as big nerds, rather than focusing on how to nickle and dime their customers and adapt the game design to have "mass market appeal." They just make a good game and it pays off because treating people like products ultimately makes worse games.
  14. You can multi-class, so you can mix and match any if your want Otherwise: Paladin, Druid, Cleric, or Warlock can fit the bill. Subclasses also often have some magic elements for otherwise martial characters, but it won't be as strong. E.g., Fighter can subclass into Eldritch Knight to get some magic.
  15. For those who were wondering: controller support is definitely there on day one. I like KB/M for the combat, but controller for running around.
  16. I wondered this too, but I'm definitely not a communist or China supporter (I am however, a firm believer in regulated capitalism with a very strong social safety net!) You'll definitely see these. You can already basically do it by prompting with the instruction to respond with that persona. And the number of open source LLM's is growing by the day.
  17. This story is an awesome roller coaster. Every day new drama about it, in both directions.
  18. CP2077 was awesome at launch... If you had the latest Nvidia hardware to run it. As it turned out, I had just purchased my new machine with a 3080 right before release, so I lucked out
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