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Everything posted by legend

  1. Actually, at least I thought they confirmed Gaia would be part of it, but I'm having a hard time finding a source for that now, so it's possible I made it up
  2. Thus far just Demerzel, but she's absolutely not following the laws. Or at least it would have to be a huge stretch to justify how. The show runners said there is a reason for that so I'm giving them the room to show me what they got, but we'll see. Beyond that though, I believe they confirmed Gaia is going to be part of the show and
  3. If you liked DA:O, I think there is a decent chance you'll like this. Perhaps the biggest deviation is DA:O was pseduo turn based, where "turns" happen but it all plays out in real time with the ability to pause. In this, it pauses for every character to make a decision (and then you watch in realtime the often hilarious aftermath like giant explosions yeeting people off cliffs) But yeah, start on easy. There's not a lot of instruction about the complex rules of DnD 5e, and the combat is hard when you don't understand them. I would similarly say there is no chance in hell @best3444 will like the originals. Ancient graphics with small people and a far more convoluted version of DnD (good luck understanding THAC0 as a newbie) with even worse interfaces to explain how it works.
  4. Shadowrun is an excellent series, but there is no way in hell @best3444 will like it. It's all text -- no voices -- with "small people" as Kyle would put it, no spectacle, and very simple (though artistically pleasing) graphics. BG3 on easy is honestly his best shot at any of these games because it's possible the only game of this kind with high production values in story telling, well rendered fully voiced characters, over-the-shoulder perspective, spectacle, and lots of humor.
  5. Doesn't hurt to give it a shot, but I would start it on easy mode if you do. As others have mentioned, if you don't know DnD rules, there's a lot to learn, and if you've never played a game like this before it will be an even steeper ramp. Then, if you are feeling it and are finding it too easy, bump the difficulty up. Also, maybe play with a controller.
  6. I think it's pretty clear that this and TotK are going to be the big contenders for GotY in most venues, and I want to point out to the game industry that these are some of the most system driven games in this history of games and they have no microtransactions.
  7. I am indeed. I'm enjoying this show, but where I land is probably going to depend on how the whole story ends. There are so many deviations, and that's fine if it still captures the ideas of the books, but I still can't tell if they'll do that! The one I'm most nervous about is how they're going to handle the laws of robotics. Those laws are so fucking important to grander theme of the books and every time someone adapts them to a show or move, they tend to shit all over them not getting the point that the laws were never flawed (when there were problems they were problems in execution, not in principle): they were Asimov's axioms for all morality and absolutely necessary mechanisms for robotics that results in the salvation of humanity. So far, the show is playing really loose with them, and seemingly ignoring them entirely. If they don't have some good reason for that and recover the theme I'm going to be really pissed!
  8. You should probably avoid Disco Elysium in that case There was a moment in that game where I had prepared and buffed myself so much to succeed and yet still made an awful roll and failed. Yet, the failure outcome was on of my favorite most memorable moments in the game! But you will fail in that game a lot and if you have trouble with that it would probably be your worst nightmare.
  9. My understanding is deeper investigations are now strongly suggesting the levitation is from ferromagnetic, not superconductor. This story has a tendency to keep coming back from each critique, but this one feels pretty strong. Guess we'll see if this roller coaster has any more peaks left or if we're finally coming to a stop.
  10. I'm going to be really curious how this wild success affects what Larian does next and how WotC wants to proceed. I mean, a big expansion much like the previous BG seems all but guaranteed at this point, but I wonder what else they're going to do.
  11. Not really a spoiler so much as it's a fundamental mechanic Not sure how you got as far as you did without using it! You can choose to "go to camp" kind of whenever and whereever. You set up camp by pressing on the camp button on the bottom right side if you're on M/KB or it's one of the action options from the controller (the short rest option is also in the same menu). When you go to camp, your whole party is there. It's where you long rest, switch out characters in the active party, where various story threads advance, etc. So it's kind of critical to the game! If you don't long rest, your magic characters won't get their spell slots back and you only get two short rests per long rest which is also kind of critical (short rest restores health and gives back some abilities for different classes). To change your characters, just walk up to someone currently in the party, tell them to stay at camp for now, and then go talk to someone else at camp and tell them to join.
  12. Haha no worries. I do get the appeal, but when you're digging the story I usually find for the first time it's better to play it normal otherwise progress will be slow. My friend and I played through DOS2 together first our first play through. We tried it on hard and after a day or two of that we had to cede and play it on normal or we knew we would never finish given finding hours where we could both play was rough If you're playing solo it's not that bad to have the time sink, but I usually want to get a feel for the game and move through the story a big faster than I can manage on hard for the first try. There is a very good chance I'll replay this on hard though! Hope it works out for you either way!
  13. BTW, tip for newbies since you might miss it: when martial classes reach level 5 they usually get "extra attack" which means if you use your action to attack, you can attack again. But you have to choose to do so, so make sure you're getting your extra attack in!
  14. To be clear, do you mean grease + firebolt or grease + fireball? The latter you don't get until level 5, which is still act 1, but maybe not "early." The answer is of course yes to both, but fireball is fucking awesome even on its own (and always has been in DnD)
  15. Just putting this out there: the knock back eldritch blast Warlock pact is pretty awesome in this. I've tumbled many an enemy to their instant-doom with a fucking cantrip from 90 feet away
  16. I would probably save the harder mode for later. The normal mode isn't "easy." It will still force you to think outside the box for a lot of battles.
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