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Everything posted by legend

  1. You'll need to look at the requirements and either tune a car to meet them, or potentially buy a car that meets them.
  2. It's not cheesing when the game actively encourages you "cheese"! Also, I've heard somewhere that no one has as many friends as the man with many cheeses. It's 3. Just 3 I do sympathize with that feeling though. 3 is not a big number but it feels so bad having to destroy magic items even when there are crappy throw away items you can easily justify destroying. They really tap into the gamer horde panic feeling.
  3. It’s possible to have shitty RNG but you kind of have to work for it this days with how easy it is to come by RNG. “Real” randomness doesn’t exist in the overwhelming majority of things we consider random in reality either unless you’re working on quantum systems. Randomness is mostly a model for uncertainty from partial information and so applying it to properly coded RNG is just as valid as anything in life!
  4. I decided to turn off Karmic dice. D20s kind of suck so I get why they would try to do something to make them feel better, but removing conditional independence from rolls kind of blows. "Well this attack won't be great because the last one was" feels wrong. I don't want to have to be thinking about things like that.
  5. Also, I had been wearing the purple pajamas, but I think there was a bug in the patch or something because they disappeared from my person. But I didn't know that until I went for a long rest and an argument broke out between two characters. I came running in stark naked to play diplomat. It ultimately was for the best
  6. You'd know, I'd say I feel bad for Laezel being the least common origins pick and Githyanki being the least common race, but she'd just tell me to eat shit and that she doesn't want my sympathy. Then she would try to fuck me randomly, and then put a knife to my throat.
  7. Yes, but it's not just that I dislike it. There are lots of games I don't like and that's okay because we all like different things. But normally I can understand why people like other things. With Elden Ring, I have a very hard time understanding how people look past a number game design flaws. Or rather, I could maybe see looking past them, but tempering the praise as a result. Instead people hail it as the best game ever made. But I'll leave it at that for this thread
  8. Yeah this actually has a shot of winning GOTY at this rate, and to take down the best Zelda ever made in the same year would really be something.
  9. KOTOR was made by Bioware not long after they made the original Baldur's Gate games and KOTOR also used DnD rules (the SW version of them). So yes, KOTOR is a very good analogy!
  10. What does "jumping ship" mean? Play the game? I mean, yeah, gamers usually play multiple games. Will declare Starfield to be better and the GOTY? lol. lmao even. (Also, FTFY)
  11. Yes to all. However, the campaign and those custom characters will be owned by one of the players's PC. You can't independently level a character and then come back. I.e., it's not like Diablo where you each have separate save files and drop in. Furthermore, I believe you cannot swap out custom characters for NPC party members. If you make a game with multiple custom characters, they always must be in the party.
  12. Cloud at the Honey Bee in FF7R is one of the greatest scenes that has graced any RPG ever.
  13. Both When you level, you can choose feats that impact your attack modifier, or you can just choose a plain ability score improvement and increase the associated stat. E.g., for ranged, you want a high Dex state. A note: every even state value increases your modifer. So at 10, you get a +0 modifier. At 12, you get a +1, etc. Odd numbered stats are worthless. However, sometimes you can have an odd number stat that you then increase to an even number with a feat that gives a +1 to it, or a items that give a +1 to. And you can get additional weapons/items that add to the modifer. Beyond that, as you level your proficiency bonus increases which *also* adds to your attack modifier and as long as you're proficient with the weapon you add your proficiency bonus. My man, it's DnD. Role play your race however you want. The other races give you different aesthetics you can vibe into however you want. DnD Is actively encouraging this more dynamic race RP with every iteration too.
  14. Real dice are fun, but when you always play with remotely with friends from around the country, it's not very practical! I also think DnD beyond is a net win because doing the crunch manually get's rough, and having a system account for all your skills when it determines the bonuses etc streamlines the game and let's you focus on the part of the game matters. Of course I would say that because one of the very reasons I'm a computer scientist is because I feel like there is no reason to do mundane work when I can make a computer do it for me! I do, however, have aspirations to make a dice recognition system over a dice tray and integrate it with DnD Beyond so I can roll real dice and have it do the bonus calculation. That would be my ideal. Yeah, that's basically what I did. I exited the camp when they went hostile and came back later from my own vantage so I could have a better approaching to take them all down. It's a ton of experience and there are a ton of camping supplies. I don't think there is a limit, just a cost for each time. Sharpshooter is fucking amazing as a feat, but you simply must get your bonus to attack up higher to make it worthwhile. A good ranger build can pull like +15 to the attack at which point taking sharp shooter is very wortwhile. But early levels it's not so great.
  15. If you do play real DnD and use DnDBeyond.com, you can get BG3 dice and character sheets: Claim the The Baldur’s Gate 3 Set now! - D&D Beyond WWW.DNDBEYOND.COM
  16. Actually, at least I thought they confirmed Gaia would be part of it, but I'm having a hard time finding a source for that now, so it's possible I made it up
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