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Everything posted by legend

  1. legend

    Is there a God?

    The cliffnotes of reasons I do not believe in a God: Humanity has very little idea about how the universe exists as it does. There is a sea of possible explanations, mostly filled with possibilities we haven't even considered. Even if we treated them all as "equally good" any one of them is unlikely to be it. The position of "I don't know" over this sea of possibilities implies that any specific idea like "a god exists and made the universe" is probably not it. "God did it" in the abstract isn't actually an explanation of anything. It's "not even wrong," yet adds a whole slew of assumptions, which makes it a worse than useless model. Specific claims of any specific God's deeds are regularly inconsistent with observation. Specific claims about any specific God's nature are regularly inconsistent with each other. The more we learn about the universe, the weirder it is, and the notion of a God is far too much of a dumb early man idea to match the trend.
  2. Absolutely insane. Given that, they should restart it and make it more like a DA:O given that Larian just proved people want these games. I'm sure EA understands that now.
  3. Most games up until about now were also cross gen games where they were designed to support substantially worse systems than the S. For such games, the S isn't going to be a problem because it's not the bottom. But that's starting to change. That developers can make games that work doesn't mean there are not sacrifices either. It can just as easily be the case that developers begrudgingly target the series S as the base from the start and work from there, and that they may have done things differently if they could have started higher. And then you have the fact that even if developers who did target higher get it to work, that doesn't mean it didn't cost them significant effort which indirectly affects us all in various ways. In other words, we're reaching the transition point where it's going to start to be a pain, and BG3 is the first very clear example of that pain. When these systems first came out, my prediction was the S wouldn't be so much of a problem for the first few years because of cross-gen and just general slowness to update to new targets but that it would start to be more of an issue after that. And so far that prediction seems about right!
  4. legend

    Is there a God?

    Sorry, these are painfully pedestrian arguments that have been made and debunked about a trillion times already.
  5. The thing is, the series S had always been a bad idea for this very reason. It drags things down and it's only going to become more of a nuisance as the generation goes on and as cross-gen games evaporate in favor of games that demand new technology. So caving on this is good because it means more games can free themselves of its nonsense, even if not all.
  6. I still liked it and am glad I played it, but it has flaws. FF7R was substantially better at striking the right balance of action and RPG IMO and I expected FF7R part 2 releasing soon will also be better. This year is also one of the most packed gaming years in some time, so it gets easily overshadowed and you could easily wait for a lull.
  7. I actually enjoy 3 quite a lot! It's got obvious problems, but the whole is quite enjoyable.
  8. Yeah, the trailer looks cool, but I'm also of the mind that that means nothing I'll give it a shot and hope to be pleasantly surprised while expecting vapidness. That said, can't be worse the Episode 9
  9. Plausibly for a large set of narratives, spoilers won't matter. But if part of the designed narrative experience is for you to be trying to figure things out from the same information the characters have, that experience is completely broken by spoilers. I suppose you can just say you don't enjoy the experience of trying to figure things out with the characters, but there is nothing wrong with liking that and spoilers fuck it. For games this is even worse. There's not many games where your choices *actually* matter (even though all PR says they always do), but for example, I've made choices in BG3 based on the limited information I have, and that specific experience is fucked if someone tells me how things ultimately unfold. Same thing in Witcher 3. Obviously those games have other things going for them that even warrants replays, but that specific experience requires no spoilers.
  10. I haven't watched this, but I do want to say that as someone whose never bothered with Cleric in DnD proper, BG3 has made me a convert. Clerics are so fucking good. Spirit Guardians is fucking amazing on its own and you get high armor to keep concentration spells going (especially compared to other spell casters). You just turn on spirit guardians and walk around melting everyone. And for some of the fights where you have a ton of scrub enemies, it's so fucking OP. They'll just run at you and die! No harm in that. As I said, this game benefits from replays so you can always replay on normal again if you want!
  11. I'm not really worried about it. I just finished act 2 and have loved every moment. The game got incredible scores across the board too. There will be people who are unhappy because there will always be people that are unhappy. This is already such an incredible achievement, particularly as someone who is a DnD player that I'm just not worried about it. If I hate it though I'll eat crow. I loved ME3 up until star child which poisoned me on the series and I'm only now slowly recovering from it. So I suppose it could happen! But seems unlikely
  12. I do, however, fully expect Larian to release an a whole bunch of improvements including expanded content 1 year later all released free because that's what they did for the Divinity games. Although I do wonder (and hope) that they also do a large scale paid expansion with a new campaign (even if shorter) given how enormously popular the game is.
  13. Then it would be the most polished EA game of this scale to ever release. As it is, it's far more polished and a finished product than most game releases.
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