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Everything posted by legend

  1. I've finally finished it! Fantastic. One of the most comprehensive RPGs ever made. Now comes the coop. And maybe new playthroughs with mods. But I also have other games
  2. Fuck, I can't believe this comes out so soon. I'm going to be so backlogged this year. I haven't finished BG3 and haven't started Starfield. Sea of Stars is also waiting for me. And SF6. And Cyberpunk 2.0 + Phantom Liberty is the 26th.
  3. I completely welcome changes. I'm not happy that the changes have also changed the message of the books. I'll enjoy it, but that's what is disappointing to me.
  4. I think there is a distinct possibility they will. From what I've gathered, the problems with current VFX is not due to the VFX team, but because the management demands that most unrealistic schedule and quality drops because something has to give. If they unionize and get better conditions quality may go up. But I suppose that's contingent on the union having enough leverage to change that!
  5. I haven't verified this, but I heard the reason the non-pro is USB2 is because they're using their previous chip for (A16) and the chip doesn't have support for USB3. That makes it a bit more understandable because it's probably a non-trivial cost on their part to upgrade all the chips. Since the pro is using the new A17, it gets the support.
  6. USB 2 on the non-pros does indeed suck, but I think I actually don't care even though it's frustrating. I primarily want USB-C for cable consistency and charging. I can't remember the last time I transferred data from my phone using a cable. Then again, this might be an issue with Rokid Max... so that's probably one potential use I'd miss
  7. I've seen a lot of new interest from devs in Godot which is an up and coming open source game engine, released under perhaps the most permissive license out there (MIT Free). It's still fairly new, but is probably at the useable point. It'd be awesome if this pushed more game devs to start writing in games in Rust, but sadly that's probably not going to happen because it's too much of a switch and the game engines are not quite mature enough. Bevy (also open source) is actually really good from a design standpoint, but is still too volatile and missing a fully featured editor.
  8. I'm still on my XR, which is actually working just fine. But the cable switch is honestly enough to push me over the edge to upgrade as silly as that sounds Bout time! It was such a weird move given they moved every other Apple device to USB-C.
  9. <---- has owned Apple products since childhood, owns multiple current Apple products, and will continue purchasing the Apple products that I like
  10. Still not finished but I’ve decided I want this to win GOTY over TOTK. Not because I think it’s per se better, but because of the message it sends to the industry. This is such a rare kind of game that has been neglected from AAA for too long.
  11. That's a pretty crazy number I don't really know what the range of deaths is these days for natural disasters, but that has to be up there, right?
  12. Oh yeah. In a vacuum I found that movie dumbly entertaining enough, but making the "hero robot" be one with incomplete laws (or something of that sort) that would free the others would have Asimov rolling in his grave. The robot-foundation novels are my favorite book series and yet its message and themes have never been replicated in movies and maybe not even many books (though I'm less of a book reader so maybe I'm just ignorant of them). It's both baffling and frustrating. And in this era where everyone is freaking out about AI coming to kill us, we could really use more of those messages.
  13. The most charitable interpretation for Musk's actions is he's captain hindsight. "Oh well I didn't realize this had brittle hard coded stuff, it shouldn't have that." Of course it does, moron, because it's a large complex system that's been evolving for years. Every "bad" and "brittle" piece of code like this is that way because at some point in the past in those circumstances it probably made sense from a developmental and simplicity standpoint. Even the worst engineers can look at an old system and judge it based on its current needs, but these systems were almost never developed for the current needs and trying to anticipate what you will need in the future is almost always futile and causes more problems than it solves. Very few things in software and hardware centers have a very stable set of requirements that you can expect to be rock solid for many years to come. So yes, find ways to refactor and make it better, but don't just start ripping shit out because you think it will all work and then throw a hissy fit when it doesn't. And that was my charitable opinion!
  14. Haven't really been able to play most of last week, but got back into it over the weekend. Cleared the House of Hope. Holy shit at that end fight. That's the first fight I save scummed because I did not bring the right party for it and I was not going to redo it all Saving grace for why I was able to do it at all is because I had scrolls of
  15. That doesn't follow unless you think you must govern decisions by absolute rules devoid of context and arbitrarily dictated. Which yes, many "moral" systems aim for, in which case see my previous comment on the cancer of a term that is "morality" and how it makes everyone stop thinking "Murder" as a term is useful as a legal construct for dictating large-scale social policy, but that's it. The underlying issue here is you're killing something, and yes, killing something, even fully developed people (of which fetuses most certainly are not), is sometimes appropriate depending on the context. To not consider context and all the impacts of a decision is madness.
  16. Well, they've thoroughly shit on the laws. Spoilers for the last episode. Also that ending certainly swerves FAR away from the narrative of the books. The story has become a completely different story that feels like writers only glanced at the book summaries before writing it. I'm still mostly enjoying it, and in principle diverging wildly can be good, but many of the changes they've made are not for the better. Except for Empire's genetic dynasty thread, which I do think is an interesting deviation that feels like it could fit into the books' world just fine and even complement it.
  17. It's fine to have heuristics in life. But then you need to acknowledge them as heuristics and you absolutely shouldn't base an argument for a position by abusively applying the heuristic well beyond edge cases by equivocating with terms. You say you're open the arguments against why otherwise, which sounds great, except there are mountains of text out there on all the terrible consequences of not allowing abortion. I can't imagine you've never heard them, yet you still cling to this overly simplistic badly applied heuristic all the same. Sharp decision boundaries do not imply sharp value differences. Suppose I have two investment options. Choice A will yield $100 in a year and choice B will yield $101. There is a very clear sharp decision boundary about which to prefer: choice B. That there is a sharp decision boundary doesn't mean the value differences are sharp because it's only a $1 difference. And if choice A's return rises to $101.01 the best choice will "suddenly" switch to choice A, but they are still roughly equal in value and I'm not going to lose sleep over choosing the wrong one. W.r.t. abortion, if someone has an abortion 1 day after where I would draw the line due to cognitive development, that doesn't make the abortion somehow totally horrible in comparison to 1 day earlier, because the value difference can smoothly change even though the preference switches and I most certainly wouldn't seek punishment for anyone involved because of that. Similarly, other contexts and costs also factor in on where someone would draw that line. Most pro-choice advocates do have a line where they don't think it's proper to always allow abortion, but then will still make exceptions quite late into pregnancy if the mother's life is at risk and doubly so when the mother's life is at risk and child is not expected to live. The fact that situations are messy like this is also a good reason for the government to minimize their involvement in disallowing it, possibly not being involved at all. Nothing at all. The cognitive difference between less abled fully developed people and a fetus is fucking staggering. It's weird and maybe even insulting to less abled people to even bring that up as a comparison.
  18. "It's a human and killing humans is wrong" is a terrible argument that equivocates with the word "human" in the two premises and asserts an overly simplified rule as if it were universal. If there wasn't real life-ruining harm caused by this position, a bad argument like this could be ignored -- we all make mistakes -- but Jesus, wake up.
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