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Everything posted by legend

  1. I'm sure Spork can speak for himself, but yes there is. Especially when you're using a mouse to control the game, it can be very noticeable. And beyond that, you don't want to tune by average frame rate really anyway. It's a useful statistic, but more important is that it doesn't dip to troublesome levels, so you usually want your average framerate higher to give a buffer.
  2. Pretty cool! Expect to increasingly see more modern AI controlling characters/NPCs/etc. in the future.
  3. Yeah. CDPR is also recommending people start fresh because the entire skill trees are different with various new mechanics and it will be better if you learn as you go from the start again.
  4. If memory serves, it opens up as a quest branch naturally in the main game which you would do before you finish the main quest.
  5. I'm going in with a new fresh playthrough, which is also what CDPR recommends since they've completely changed the skill tree and added so many new features.
  6. Yeah I very much like the balance BG3 struck between humor and seriousness. There is a lot of fun emblematic of an actual DnD game, but the core companion stories all have serious themes and can be very touching.
  7. My org had a big offset (we're a distributed organization so offsites are a way to get everyone together). In the week of my trip I had to cancel my trip due to some health issues, which sucked. But now about 50%+ of the team has covid, so I guess there was a silver lining to missing it!
  8. In coop you alternate who levels up and your total weapon count between the set of you is capped. You don't need an AFK build to beat death. It's incredibly easy if you just upgrade the Crimson Shroud and Clock Lance by getting the items on the map. Actually, the upgraded Crimson Shroud is usually enough.
  9. Unfortunately I need the whole community to make that decision. And I'm not sure cohost was even fully open at the most crucial moment? (Not sure though).
  10. Funny thing is that I *do* have a collection of kids toys that I was using for some robotics experiments a few years ago! Robotics labs very often look like children's toy rooms (Actually, it's possible I threw them away when we moved, but I used to have a bunch!) Many of us (self included) tried Mastadon when he first took over, but people just didn't like it. It was ultimately too hard to get content from people you weren't following, requiring various hacks. I was willing to stick with those hacks, but not enough people were willing to do so. And now we're all stuck back on twitter again
  11. Sadly they're still learning how to walk. I've tried yelling at them, but it's not helping.
  12. I've been hanging on to twitter while waiting for a good alternative to manifest because of the AI twitter community (and other science communities), but this will push me out immediately, alternative or not
  13. Yes, heart attacks are awful, but let us not forget that stubbing your toe is also unpleasant.
  14. Yeah that will be a little tricky, since people getting paid for assets they distribute is a feature, but I suspect also a solveable problem. Ideally, the engine would define ways to use signed content and then allow for 3rd party stores to open up that use that mechanism.
  15. Is that still true? The video for the patch on console described it as having solid frame pacing in this round, which suggests it's improved a lot more on console with this patch than on PC. (Animation playback is still probably an issue though since that seems more inherent to design decisions). On PC I have a 3080, so no frame gen. CPU is a Ryzen 3900x, which ought to be fine, but with this, sounds like maybe not I'm feeling fairly committed to this PC until a 5090 releases and then I'll probably do a whole computer upgrade. I'll add that I'll gladly trade IQ for less stutter. It's the easiest way for a game to sabotage itself in my mind.
  16. I really hope Unity shooting itself in the foot with a bazooka ends up a positive thing for the industry. Game engines are hard, but there is more than enough of a community and distributed development tools to make it possible for open source game engines to be "the thing" most people use. Even in terms of staying up to date it can work well because there is a thriving graphics research community as it is, and if there was a standard open source engine research hacked around in (much like how the AI community uses one from a few open source DL libraries), researchers would probably integrate with it making the connection to produce that much faster. But you have to get people to commit to them to flesh them out. And maybe this will cause that.
  17. The ending isn't bad by any stretch. This most definitely is *not* an ME3 fucked up ending that taints everything for you. However, there isn't much closure on what happens with the characters after you finish. This improved somewhat with them giving a bit more for of an epilogue for Karlach in a recent patch (which I saw), but it is sparse on the closure and even the Karlach added epilogue feels like it needs more connection. I would say that is my biggest criticism -- they ought to add a bit more to what happens to the characters, but the plot resolves satisfyingly enough. They also said they're working on expanding that more, so it seems like the message was delivered. Part of me wonders if they deliberately kept the "here's what happens afterwards" sparse because they didn't want to write themselves into a corner if they ever want to do anything else with these characters in the future.
  18. That's a little tricky because I played the original EA release to completion (which was about 70% of act 1) and in coop and did spend half a day playing coop on the full release (which I'll probably get back to now that my friend and I are both finished). So that all said, the Steam number reads 191.7 hours. It's probably closer to 140 for the single playthrough. And yes, I did every bit of side content that I found. Though I know I still missed some! EDIT: Actually there is one other data point which is the last full save I have does list 120 some hours. That doesn't include and reloads, some of which were more sizeable than others, but I'm going to say 130 might be a more reasonable estimate.
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