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Posts posted by legend

  1. 10 minutes ago, best3444 said:


    I do that but my car is still not fixed hours into gameplay. One of the quest says wait around until your vehicle is fixed or something like that. I'll try to summon my bike later though. 


    I think it just takes a number of in-game days or something. It's not a good car though, so you're not missing much!


    Also, Motorcycles in first person is the correct way to travel the world anyway :p 

  2. 18 minutes ago, best3444 said:

    I figured it out by buying an apartment. You have to deal with your wardrobe there. I'm just confused as to why my original vehicle isn't fixed yet. The mission says to wait but it's been 7 hours lol. 


    What you described sounds weird in general. But you start with your own apartment and you could have gone there. There are also a bunch of clothing shops on the map. There are a lot of filter options you can use on the map so make sure you're either cycled to the correct filter, or cycle to the custom filter screen and choose the relevant options you want to see on the map manually.


    9 minutes ago, best3444 said:



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    Jackie Wells mother gifted me his motorcycle but I have no idea where it is?



    I think it's back by the garage you visited first. But you can also probably just call it as usual once she gives it to you.

  3. 1 hour ago, Ominous said:

    10 hours into my 4th play through and I just completed the intro before you meet Johnny Silverhand. Cleared all of Regina's missions before doing that mission. I say don't rush the main story missions and do the side quests to build your character up. 


    To add to this, "gigs" are easy to ignore but are actually often fun short missions that will net you a lot of experience and money very quickly.


    Then you can use the money to buy more/better cyberware, which is also now responsible for your armor in addition to the cool things it unlocks.

    • True 1
    • Halal 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Biggie said:


    @stepee do I have to purchase the dlc right now?


    No you can purchase it later and enjoy all the system upgrades in 2.0 through the main story/side quests.


    If you get  the DLC later, you'll get a text or phone call or something to alert you to the DLC missions, once you boot up your save after installation.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, atom631 said:

    Im getting closer to the end of Act II. Havent been to moonrise yet but have done just about all the other side missions and cleared almost all of the map up to moonrise. 


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    I will say that if Act III is as good as Act 1 and 2, not only is this GOTY; this is easily in my top 5 of all time (and im not really a fan of turn-based combat). 


    Act III is awesome. The only "problem" with it is the very very end after it's all "done" you don't get a lot of closure on the characters themselves. But the whole act otherwise is awesome. Oh, and I guess it technically harsher on systems with framerate drops. But this isn't so bad for a turn-based game.

  6. 3 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

    Because you hate turn based :p 


    Haha I think that's okay. I have no beef with people who don't like turn based. I do have beef with people who think Larian should chase a broader audience spending enormous resources just to make a game they don't actually want to make themselves.


    Game design by committee is awful. BG3 is a success and great because Larian went all out on making the game they wanted to play.

  7. 1 minute ago, Biggie said:

    Yeah I know it got shit but it also gets a pass and forgiveness. Most games don’t or wouldn’t. Not many games actually get pulled lol. 


    Which games that were massively improved since release didn't get a second chance (at least in terms of opinion) with their updates? There are few games in that category. Most bad games stay bad. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is No Man's Sky, and it also got lots of good will from their continued updates.

  8. Lol yeah, Cyberpunk was getting endlessly shit on by PC gamers when it came out (except for perhaps those who just bought a 3080/3090 which also just released at the time and didn't suffer so many bugs), to the point that it felt like people were just loving to hate it. The difference is they fixed many of their mistakes and even improved the game in areas it was already good. So naturally, people are more positive on it now. It's not that complicated.

  9. I'm definitely getting back into the groove of this game. Motorcycling in first person through the city and rural areas with the radio on through the rain remains one of the most chill gaming experiences. It was enjoyable before, but the driving does feel tighter than I remember which is great. I haven't even gotten into the vehicle combat stuff yet either. This game and Spider-man are probably the only games where I don't fast travel because I enjoy the travel itself.


    And dashing + double jump feels great too. I'm slowly working my way toward David Martinez's fate :p 


    Haven't started PL just yet. I have the main quest open that opens it up after that, but I will probably level up a bit more before starting it.


  10. 2 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:


    I have perhaps too much Wyrmwood stuff, including one of their modular desks. Turns out one of their creative directors got accused of harassment by a bunch of women, so there's just no getting away from this nonsense. But I've played on a few MGTs and they have a very solid price / quality ratio, especially from a domestic manufacturer. I spent a wad on their GM screen and I should really kick the tires on that one of these days.


    Yeah I started hearing about that after I ordered the MGT. It really feels impossible to find a clean org. I will also probably still end up buying their MGT chairs which they recently teased just because deciding where to get good chairs has been tricky. Sigh. Glad to hear the product is at least good though!

  11. 18 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:


    I manage it by being the one that owns the game and insisting that players come to my house, where I can set it up on a dedicated gaming table I spent a couple thousand dollars on (this one, if you're interested or curious, though I paid a good deal less before less during a Kickstarter before COVID ruined everything) that has a recessed surface and a topper so I can fuck off at the end of the night, cover it up, and still have a table I can use. :p


    Kidding (KINDA?) aside... I use an insert that I got from The Broken Token. I keep my map tiles separate in one of Romney's binders full of women that I put full size sleeves in and then sort alphabetically. The owner of TBT turned out to perhaps be not so great but there are other, similar inserts that really do help. Now that I have the muscle memory from the organizer, I can probably set up a game and break it down and it'll take me 15 minutes at the start and the end. It also helps that we play intermittently so our campaign has lasted like... 5 years and I have lots of practice. I got a similar insert for Frosthaven, though my main concern is throwing my back out lifting the fucking thing. I wish I was kidding but between the hardware and the sleeves the thing is probably pushing as many pounds as I have years.


    Mentally though I'm wired in s way that I find game organization, which includes setup and breakdown, relaxing and soothing. That helps!


    Thanks! I do have some 3d printed organizers for it and they helped, but it still always felt like a drag. I also have an Wyrmwood modular gaming table coming in December, so I suppose that should also help with leaving things set up. Maybe I need to look into a binder as well and give it another go after that!

  12. Just now, Kal-El814 said:


    As someone who has played a ton of Gloomhaven and engaged in a tremendous amount of door camping gamesmanship and lamented that if you're on a door tile you're technically not in either of the rooms the door connects to... I always smile when shit in games goes stupid around doors.


    Tangentially, how did you manage Gloomhaven setup/tear down? I really like it, but holy fuck it's like an hour to set up and an hour to tear down and it drains my will to play :p 

  13. 7 hours ago, stepee said:

    I use a little tray thing and a regular desktop, I dont use BPM. But I don’t want to grab the keyboard/mouse tray thing every time I want to take a picture and then upload it and post it. It’s just a LOT of work.


    Photo mode will give you a direct interface option for taking the image and saving it to your HDD (under your windows pictures directory). Googling, on consoles you enter photo mode by pressing two analog sticks down together, so that might be how you access it on PC with gamepad too.


    If so, that would allow you to take photos without your keyboard. You would still need to upload them afterwards, but if you ever use your mouse and keyboard, you can do that pretty easily on something like https://pasteboard.co/

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