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Everything posted by legend

  1. Okay, go. Tell me your grand plan about how the secret order of the left would go about "molding" Musk and keeping him thinking that the entire progressive population is on his side. Do we hold the meetings on Wednesdays like last time?
  2. I find this pretty sad. (Josh was the director of Pillars of Eternity 1/2 and later Pentiment) It sucks that he sees this as very unlikely, because the message should have been that gamers want these kinds of games and MS owns one of the few studios who is capable of competing with Larian in the space, if they were given the budget. MS ought to jump on that opportunity.
  3. BTW, to anyone who hasn't started yet, I wanted to say that the Dark Urge "resist" really ought to be the "canonical" origin and story. It ties in very deeply the main story and resolves nicely. I totally get why there is a no-background character. It's DnD: you might want to RP a different kind of character origin. But Dark Urge resist is awesome and shouldn't be missed. And you can play it with any appearance, so you're not quite as locked in as another origin character.
  4. Finally started this one, and I am on board! Better than I thought it would be.
  5. I did not manage to finish Valhalla I think that game's biggest mistake was how unexciting loot was. I would go out of my way to get some special armor or something, only to find it's absolute dog shit because it needs to upgraded through a long grind to match my current equipment that I could instead just invest into my current equipment. Essentially, it felt like a massive grind and you never got anything good for the grind.
  6. Might be a little harder, but I didn't find that fight especially hard in general, so I think you'll be okay. Prior to the fight did you choose to
  7. The first half was a little slow as they introduced us to the new characters, but the second half was fantastic and I think the character building in that first half paid off. My wife was very pleased at the end
  8. I think it just takes a number of in-game days or something. It's not a good car though, so you're not missing much! Also, Motorcycles in first person is the correct way to travel the world anyway
  9. What you described sounds weird in general. But you start with your own apartment and you could have gone there. There are also a bunch of clothing shops on the map. There are a lot of filter options you can use on the map so make sure you're either cycled to the correct filter, or cycle to the custom filter screen and choose the relevant options you want to see on the map manually. I think it's back by the garage you visited first. But you can also probably just call it as usual once she gives it to you.
  10. To add to this, "gigs" are easy to ignore but are actually often fun short missions that will net you a lot of experience and money very quickly. Then you can use the money to buy more/better cyberware, which is also now responsible for your armor in addition to the cool things it unlocks.
  11. No you can purchase it later and enjoy all the system upgrades in 2.0 through the main story/side quests. If you get the DLC later, you'll get a text or phone call or something to alert you to the DLC missions, once you boot up your save after installation.
  12. Act III is awesome. The only "problem" with it is the very very end after it's all "done" you don't get a lot of closure on the characters themselves. But the whole act otherwise is awesome. Oh, and I guess it technically harsher on systems with framerate drops. But this isn't so bad for a turn-based game.
  13. I certainly don't mind RTw/P and have enjoyed a lot of games in that space. But I prefer turn-based to it and I think the breadth of DnD 5e that BG3 supports wouldn't work well in RTw/P.
  14. Haha I think that's okay. I have no beef with people who don't like turn based. I do have beef with people who think Larian should chase a broader audience spending enormous resources just to make a game they don't actually want to make themselves. Game design by committee is awful. BG3 is a success and great because Larian went all out on making the game they wanted to play.
  15. Yeah that's another good example, and one which did change a lot and did indeed get a second chance from the community and then some.
  16. Which games that were massively improved since release didn't get a second chance (at least in terms of opinion) with their updates? There are few games in that category. Most bad games stay bad. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is No Man's Sky, and it also got lots of good will from their continued updates.
  17. Lol yeah, Cyberpunk was getting endlessly shit on by PC gamers when it came out (except for perhaps those who just bought a 3080/3090 which also just released at the time and didn't suffer so many bugs), to the point that it felt like people were just loving to hate it. The difference is they fixed many of their mistakes and even improved the game in areas it was already good. So naturally, people are more positive on it now. It's not that complicated.
  18. I'm definitely getting back into the groove of this game. Motorcycling in first person through the city and rural areas with the radio on through the rain remains one of the most chill gaming experiences. It was enjoyable before, but the driving does feel tighter than I remember which is great. I haven't even gotten into the vehicle combat stuff yet either. This game and Spider-man are probably the only games where I don't fast travel because I enjoy the travel itself. And dashing + double jump feels great too. I'm slowly working my way toward David Martinez's fate Haven't started PL just yet. I have the main quest open that opens it up after that, but I will probably level up a bit more before starting it.
  19. Yeah I started hearing about that after I ordered the MGT. It really feels impossible to find a clean org. I will also probably still end up buying their MGT chairs which they recently teased just because deciding where to get good chairs has been tricky. Sigh. Glad to hear the product is at least good though!
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