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Posts posted by legend

  1. 1 minute ago, Bacon said:

    Kinda BS how shit the loot is. Like, there are some killer pieces, but it's a struggle actually to find good stuff. Like, I haven't, but man, I just want to mod in a bunch of Crusher's rings and put one on all of my melee characters other than my main character. I am constantly swapping that ring depending on who is in my party.


    I think that goes overboard. If there are a huge number of copies of the best items, they lose their uniqueness and makes everything mundane. I think BG3 strikes a very good balance of giving you a lot different unique loot so that each feels special and opens up different paths.

    • True 1
  2. 28 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

    I’ve been playing on and off all day, made it to N-2. Mostly sticking to the main path, because the other stuff is going completely over my head. I’m totally hooked. 


    That's just where I got to.


    So far the only puzzle that had me quite confused for a bit was


    High ground.


    I was completely overlooking that there was another placable platform hiding up on top of one of the pillars until my wife pointed it out.


  3. 11 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:

    Maybe, but why then? Meaning, why would doing that have anything to do with memory loss? Also, they lost their memories later when the temporal loom failed, not when they killed He Who Remains.



    By going to the end of time and interacting with what exists there, their physical makeup became quantum entangled with it, thereby making them always separate from any particular time line. Obviously.



    • Haha 1
  4. I've made my way to the second area. It remains a downright delightful puzzler. Nothing too hard yet. I think my biggest struggle in a puzzle was when I was playing late at night before bed and I had effectively solved it, but I had been completely overlooking that you can pick up a connector without resetting its connection and that was key to execute the solution. I started it up the next day, saw the text I had apparently been ignoring, and immediately solved it :p 

    • Hype 1
  5. 29 minutes ago, stepee said:

    It really is best to wait for DF if you can if you own both consoles. One will sometimes be quite advantageous over the other and it’s really back and forth. There is really no clear cut winner this gen (at least with current techniques) it’s a game by game basis.

    I wish I could say or get it on PC, but sadly that is still not always 100% better due to some awful optimizations. 

  6. 1 hour ago, ShreddieMercury said:


    I haven't been nearly as bothered by any of what you're describing, but I think you're giving gamers far too much credit.  The average gamer isn't nearly on the same level as a CBS viewer, despite how depressing that sounds.  And I don't think it's about intelligence as much as it is just patience and general critical thought.


    I think the mind place stuff exists purely as a cushion for people that are new to Remedy's games or did not play Alan Wake.  As frustrating as that is for more seasoned Remedy-heads, I think it makes sense when you consider that it could be a helpful visualization of specific story and plot threads that are admittedly difficult to keep in focus as the story's layers are so fluid and complex.  I have found myself going back to it and reading the snippets here and there, and for me it really works as a mechanic, but I completely understand somebody thinking it's obvious and bad.  I will say that Alan's plot board has been much more interesting, but I won't spoil why.



    On the other side, I find the mind place's organization of evidence and threads poor and I want to change it :p But you can't because the developer says this photo has to go "here" or Saga will be unable to start the next dialog.


    And actually, I probably would have enjoyed an open-ended space to organize evidence much more. When I was a kid I fucking loved that Myst shipped with an empty journal to write in.

    • Hugs 1
  7. 31 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


    I have no idea what the ending meant either (just finished it 10 seconds ago), but "weird interesting" is definitely my description. :p 



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    the bartender's face looked blocky like she was from a PS1-era cutscene.




    Like @Spork3245 mentioned it seems like a spiderverse reference. But the the PS1 era graphics for the world is tripping me up. The bar with no name and bartender is meant to be a place where spider villains hang out.

    I'm not sure how much any of that helps make sense of it. In fact, it might only raise more questions about what they're going to do. But that's all I got :p 



    Whoops made that quote instead of spoilers at first! Hopefully I ninja'd it fast enough.

    • True 1
  8. 2 hours ago, best3444 said:

    I'm apparently in the minority here according to the reviews. Maybe when I'm in a severe dry spell with games I'll give it another shot. I just don't like games with no direction and you have to constantly think about what the hell to do to advance. It was getting exhausting. Plus no combat and the constant voice overs drove me nuts. 


    The game by no means has a lot of combat. But it does have combat. There's a boss fight at the end of chapter 2.



    My take so far is I love the vibes. The detective work feels not all that interesting yet. It feels very "click on the correct next thing"  rather than me solving a puzzle and I think it's compounded by the game being fairly railed, but in kind of a no man's land between railed and open. The problem with that is some things that feel like you should be able to go to and do, you cannot, and that makes which parts are the "correct" places to explore feel arbitrary. It interacts with the mind place poorly too. I walked around for a few minutes unable to progress because I didn't "close the case" on a case that was obviously closed. You had to go through the motions just to open up the obvious dialog. It makes it feel very check boxy rather than natural investigation.


    But the vibes are good, the graphics are beautiful, and I'm there for the weirdness. We'll see how it goes.

  9. Okay, I got the final spider bots too. There is an optional traversal upgrade for seeing tech chests on your minimap that also shows the spiderbots, so that made it easier to find the final ones. Weird interesting ending to it. Makes me wonder what they have planned.


    The only thing I didn't do is get gold on all the challenges (although I did get gold on most of them).


    I feel like these games are ideal comfort games. They just feel good to play and chill.

  10. 11 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:

    One of the things that made me laugh was when Peter is hanging out with Harry. Harry is trying to sell Peter on taking a job with him so he can do real science because Pete is brilliant. Harry asks Peter, basically, if he’s heard of Gregor Mendel and the pea plants. That shit is like hanging out with Snoop Dogg and asking if he’s ever heard of George Clinton. :p Bitch who are you talking to. Peter invents whole new plants 90 seconds after that question. “Have you heard of Gregor Mendel,” fuck you motherfucker, I hope you sit on a pumpkin bomb and your children never learn how to read. 


    I found the whole "lab" funny in that it's what I bet children think a state of the art "science" lab looks like, complete with arbitrary display cases that tell you neat factoids! :p 


    Being a comic story, this is of course on brand though.

    • Hugs 2
  11. 1 minute ago, stepee said:

    Beat this today just in time before Spidey! Excellent expansion and all the improvements make this so fun to play now. I liked the flow of this story more than the main plot. I’m not a huge fan of Johnny though so that’s part of it.


    I got the ending that I think I like best after reading the others so I’ll stick with that for this play through. I don t think it’s what is considered the “best” ending, but that one seems grim lol. I did the one where

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    I sent that girl to the moon [/spoilers, as no side or option seemed “good” and that was my damn mission at that point.


     I still have some side mission stuff to do, maybe next time they add new graphic features! 



    I did the same.


    The world of Cyberpunk is awful for the characters. Being able to give someone a happy ending feels good.


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