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Everything posted by legend

  1. Pretty sure he's using the badness of nazis to emphasize how bad he thinks building AI will be, because he thinks the latter will destroy all mankind (thus getting rid of all future value or "utils" from mankind), whereas in the former you still have people alive -- they "just" cause severe suffering across the world. EDIT: Yes, my above interpretation is correct. Here is the thread it's from: "Paperclipped" is referring to an idea from the AI doomer cult that if you build an AI to make paperclips it will wipe out all of humanity to turn them into paperclips.
  2. Honestly, I would hate being CEO of anything and would probably do a bad job at it. As it is, I feel like I do too much people and organizational management and I only directly manage 8 people. (And they're good people too!)
  3. Welcome to the insanity of AI doomers. It's a cult for silicon valley techies. And just like most cults, some are true believers and some are just opportunistic about it.
  4. I’m torn because I think there needs to be more responsible development and deployment of AI tech, but the “safety” people at open AI work on “problems” that are based on self-serving delusions of a malicious genie being let out of its box.
  5. Sure, but the point is being a trillion dollar company is supposed to be a non goal and to get there you would likely be in conflict with the supposed goals
  6. That's kind of the rub, though, isn't it? Open AI was supposed to be a non-profit. The switch to a capped for-profit company was obviously BS and they wanted money, but it left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouth. Them being "non-profit" is regularly made fun of and they earned a lot of bad will from the AI community for the shadiness of it all. The "board" doesn't want to be a for-profit company so pointing out that they could have been a trillion-dollar monolith isn't going to persuade them. Now is that reason for this? I have no idea. I'd honestly be impressed if it came down to the non-profit side trying to stop this, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
  7. Well this should be interesting. I'm not a fan of many of the things Sam has been saying, but I somehow doubt whoever replaces him will be any better.
  8. I *think* the combat log will tell you the details of the event (like a critical hit) if you hover over the events. Which means when he get's a crit you can hover over it to see the calculation. But it's possible I'm conflating that with Pillars of Eternity and Roll20.net
  9. It's a shame it will likely be a dud, because I really like Sofia Boutella as a physical actress and wish she was in more stuff.
  10. There may come a day when a use finally emerges for it, but a few years ago I did spend a fair amount of time thinking about different applications where it might be useful and came up empty. And given how many other people were also trying to find applications for it for so many years and failed, we may be waiting a long time before such a problem emerges!
  11. Just finished the story tonight! A really great game and one of the best puzzle games out there. I still have a number of the extra puzzles to complete (lost/golden gate/stars, etc.) that I'll go back and do. Well... not sure about doing the stars, but I want to at least do the golden gates.
  12. This. The hard part of cross-game items has absolutely nothing to do with making the data available and everything to do with 1. The technical challenges of actually supporting other content in your game even when provided the data for those items; 2. (and even worse) the fact that those alternative items might make zero sense in your game and cannot be balanced. Making the data available was always something that's relatively easy with lots of ways to do it, yet NFTs only address that aspect that can already be solved. NFTs are the ultimate solution looking for a problem. It never actually solves real problems and they're almost always a technically *worse* solution than existing alternatives. The whole concept of blockchain in general is aimed to solve a problem that is never a problem in practice That is, it solves "how do you timestamp events when you cannot trust any timestamp sever or set of servers to even timestamp anonymized data?" This is a fascinating intellectual question that has no real world instances, and the various technical costs you pay to solve it are substantial and multifaceted.
  13. Naa, it's absolutely close with BG3 in the running and I even lean BG3. But both are generational games that happened to come out in the same year.
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