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Posts posted by legend

  1. 31 minutes ago, Biggie said:

    Only if you like CRPG. I don’t even know what a CRPG is lol. 



    "Computer Role Playing Game," a genre named due to the fact that RPGs released for PC (back in the day) tended to a have a different style than RPGs released for consoles (e.g., JRGPs). Generally means you control a party or character that you can deeply customize to your play style, usually with turn-based or semi-turn based combat in an open environment (compared to lined up in old console JRPGs) with very non-linear stories that branch from your narrative decisions in dialog (or otherwise). Examples:


    All BG games

    Original Fallout 1/2

    Dragon Age Origins (not as much the sequels)


    Shadowrun games

    Wasteland 1/2

    Pillars of Eternity games

    Divinity Original Sin games (obviously -- these were Larian's previous games)

    • Thanks 2
  2. 5 hours ago, best3444 said:


    I was obviously kidding. I'm just not a skilled gamer so I play my games now on the easiest difficulty. I did do better than I thought I would in Elden Ring but I could never beat the game. 



    I dunno. Sometimes I wonder if games feel "harder' when we're older just because when we were young we didn't pay too much attention to how many times we would die and just immediately retry :p 

  3. 1 minute ago, best3444 said:


    Yes, I bought it. Completely worth it. So fuckin good I had to quit at a difficult spot but I wanted to keep playing. 


    @Bacon I'm still early on making my way to the bandit camp. But I ran into a group of enemies with a dragon next to them. They completely trashed my entire party. I'm on the main quest and level 3. Am I supposed to be heading this way? Or should I find side quests in the cove to level up then proceed that way?

    If you’re where I think, then unless you avoid that fight by talking your way out that’s probably too high level for 3. You can see the levels of enemies. If they’re much higher you might want to consider coming back later.  

  4. 8 minutes ago, best3444 said:


    Uh oh. I was playing on the easiest difficulty in the trial. Is normal difficult?


    I think normal is likely to be difficult at times (not all the time) if you don't know dnd all that well. But you can start there and if you run into such a fight, don't feel bad just dropping it down a level.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 23 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:


    This is all true. I go back and forth on how much I like her portrayal. She’s powerful and awesome, but her agency often boils down to her sidelining herself for most of the games. It’s much better then when she was a straight up damsel in distress of course so I can’t complain too much.


    I see what you're saying, although I'm not sure I'd say she sidelined herself.



    She was fighting Ganondorf in the past, recovered the sword, made a huge sacrifice, and still in dragon form helps you defeat dragon ganondorf. That is, she was still quite active and doing a lot of stuff. The game splits you, which is to your point: you don't get a lot of direct interaction with her and we only get glimpses of what she was doing, but her adventure was critical.



    In BOTW, she's was out of commission for a 100 years, but so was Link. The memories we get of her in the past is her learning her powers and it's focused on her arc. The event in which she finally learns them is her stepping in to save Link, rather than the other way around. She then holds Ganon off for a 100 years while Link gets his beauty rest. When he returns, she's the one who defeats Ganon. Link just sets the stage for her.


    So I agree "sidelined" in terms of the game interactions with her, but not sidelined within the story.

  6. 21 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:


    Just do what they did in Skyward Sword and have Link in a crystal for like a billion years or something.


    It seems like it ought to be easy. Something I appreciate about the new games, especially TotK, is just how awesome Zelda is. Link saves her in the end, but she goes way above and beyond to save him and everyone else in kind. She's powerful, important, and has significant agency. It's what makes the final moments of the game hit so hard for me and it's probably one of my favorite video game endings for emotional impact, even though it's simultaneously a very simple story with clear good and evil.


    So given all that, a Zelda focused game seems like it ought to be easy.

    • True 1
  7. 18 minutes ago, XxEvil AshxX said:

    Ya know, I used to go to this one Italian restaurant and I'd get the chicken cacciatore, every time. One time, one of the servers that knew me as a regular, said to me, "You order the same thing every time you come in here. You should try something different for a change." I told them I try different things all the time, but I go there when I want chicken cacciatore.


    Same goes with Zelda.


    I'd be perfectly fine if they went back to the traditional LoZ style of adventure game. BotW and TotK wasn't it.



    And similarly, the chef can decide if they don't want to make that anymore even if they potentially lose your business.


    If a dev chooses to make something in the same style as something old, that's fine. But insisting that dev only regurgitate what's done is unhealthy for the industry. The number one thing gamers should push for is letting developers make the games they want to make.

    • stepee 1
    • True 3
    • Halal 1
  8. 38 minutes ago, Remarkableriots said:

    Any books that would be worth getting to try to learn actual math?


    I don't have a list on hand, because most of the real math I learned outside of any specific course (again, because courses generally suck) and indirectly from my own research studies (meaning: working on problems myself and then reverse searching for papers or texts on the concepts I needed to learn) and mentors. We're in the shit situation that because our education program is so fucked, it's hard to find real math books that aren't at a more advanced level. The damage is kind of done and we really need to change a lot of things to fix it.


    What's your math background now? You might want to see if you can find anything from Paul Lockhart, who was the author of the essay I posted, because he clearly gets it.


    EDIT: Yeah, actually he does have a book that might be great. I haven't read it, but I would trust it to be good.




    Here is another from him:



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