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Posts posted by legend

  1. 10 hours ago, crispy4000 said:

    Even the ones who like it like myself admit that it’s flawed.  The positives still do outweigh the negatives if you do get into it.  And to be frank, you’ve experienced its flaws before in games that have less of a through line to pull them.



    Agreed. My summary of 16 is Good story, good graphics/art, excellent music, fun set pieces, flashy but shallow combat, almost no character customization.

    • Halal 1
  2. Something that's great about Act 3 is it's place not just for "the" ending, but lots of endings. Every origin party member gets a very satisfying ending to their personal arc, with different possible outcomes (okay, Karlach's is debatably up in their air still, but we might still get something for that later). And it's not handled second class, it has some really epic and emotional finales for them. And if you play Dark Urge, you also get your own personal ending in addition to "the" ending too!


    Those of you who haven't finished also get the benefit that you'll get to finish the game with the added epilogue. Its original ending without it much to abrupt and was the only real criticism I had about the game. But the epilogue that's there now does the game justice.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

    Putting this in spoilers because I know there’s at least 3 people ITT who haven’t beaten the game yet, but it’s about future DLC (just speculations):


      Reveal hidden contents



    I had the exact same thoughts. I'm also hoping it includes a way to


    De-mindflayer myself. I mean, Karlach also could have become a mindflayer, so if they're going to include fixing her, they might need to include that option too!


  4. Not digging the art style. It feels like it falls into the classic trap of trying to emulate what old games looked like instead of presenting a more realized vision (given modern hardware) of the art style the old games used. Sea of Stars is how I wish more retro games were designed.



    • Halal 1
  5. 11 hours ago, Biggie said:

    so 25 hours in and I just learned how to unlock chests and doors without bashing them and how to use my torch to light up dark areas lol.  Shows you how great this game is because I don't mind exploring and taking forever to figure things out. It's literally one of the best RPG's I have ever played. Guess I'm a nerd now.


    Divinity Original Sin 2, the developers prior game, was perhaps even more arcane in how to do things, but in a pleasant way. That is, there were all kinds of cool mechanics you had to figure out just by interacting with things.


    Want to be able to heal outside of combat? Get a bed roll and use it. You can carry it with you in your inventory so it's always available.

    Want to stop slipping on ice? Craft your boots with some nails to get boots with nails that don't slip.

    • Halal 1
  6. The original Prince of Persia holds a special place in my heart. When I was kid in something like the third grade, I was not a great student (I wasn't a good student really until grad school when I finally became interested and kind of decent at the end of my undergrad). To get me to do well, my dad showed me the very beginning of Prince of Persia on mac (on mac it is was pretty technically impressive for the time, much more so than the DOS version). He told me if I wanted to play it I had to get a 100 on a spelling quiz or something like that. And Whad'ya know? I got a 100 on the very next quiz. Funny how that just happened to happen.


    So yeah, I'll play this and pay full price.

    • stepee 1
    • Hype 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

    I honestly have zero idea how they solve that conundrum at anything resembling the scale that their investors are looking for, especially to justify its supposed $15 billion valuation.


    That's fucking stupid and is going to be impossible. Aren't investors supposed to actually understand how business works? How are they so bad at their one job?

  8. 8 hours ago, johnny said:

    i got this game. are there any tips for the beginning of the game? 


    Get the full party to join you, even if you're off put by them at first.

    Use shove liberally around any cliffs or pits you see.

    Be aware that there are two kinds of actions: your main action, and a bonus action. But they are not interchangeable (without some feats), so they let you do different things.

    Give Gale light armor.

    You can "knock out" rather than kill enemies if you go to passives and choose non-lethal and defeat them with a melee attack (as opposed to magic)

    With the latest patch, when you find Minthara and if you're playing "good" side, knock her out, don't kill her.

  9. 21 minutes ago, Biggie said:

    Normally I never do it. But holy shit this game is confusing to me but I really do enjoy it. It’s fun as hell. This will be my second restart. Question about equipment. Do you change your party’s weapons or armor? Seems I never find anything better than what they originally start with. I do change mine but very rarely. The loot seems to just there to sell. 


    Yeah I absolutely sympathize that if you've never played DnD before, there is a ton of complexity and the game doesn't attempt to explain it all. (Probably because trying to explain it would be long and boring. Even in real DnD sessions it takes new players a very long time to really get it all and arguments about rules still pop up among seasoned players. I think it's probably is better to just let the player go and have them figure it out along the way.)


    I changed my parties armor a fair amount. There's probably not a ton of good stuff until the last third of act 1 though.


    Also, if you use Gale, make sure you equip him with some light armor unless you find some robe with fantastic magic stats you want (which you probably won't find much of in act 1)

  10. 45 minutes ago, Biggie said:

    Well actually I wanna replay since I have a much better understanding what the hell is going on. I don’t really mind because the game is that good. 


    Haha fair enough then. I don't think I realized how many people regularly restart their games while they're in the middle of them. I can't remember the last time I did that.

  11. RE: learning spells: Wizards can learn from spell scrolls to permanently know the spell on the scroll. You can also change what set of spells he can use from a massive list anytime outside of battle. There are also some unique spells you can't get outside of scrolls, so having him be able to permanently use them is amazing.

  12. 14 hours ago, Biggie said:

    I’m 21 and a half hours in but it’s really a lot more than that since I started over. This goblin camp is fucking huge. Clearing it one area at a time. So goooood. 


    Yeah Act 1 is crazy big. Act 2 is really good with a very different vibe and some excellent story beats, but is the shortest.

  13. 42 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

    I just don't see a world where the end state is that artist X gets paid whenever their training data is utilized to generate something.


    I agree that model won't work. The logistics is too difficult to track. I also think open source models may need special rules from models/services that are sold.


    But for the sold service setting, I think a better model is just opt-in consent. Set up a market place where artists/photographers, etc can sell their work a fixed price. I think a lot of artists would consider that. Especially because as tech gets better, generative images will become a more useful tool for artists and they'll want it to work well.


    But figuring out an economic model isn't really my specialty, so that might not be great either. But in any case, I'm pretty sure people can find a way to make this work. Giving up because you cannot just steal would be utterly ridiculous :p 

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