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Everything posted by legend

  1. I'm down and my wife will probably be down too. Bioshock Infinite is one of her favorite games. It's not only one of the few games she's played start to finish, but replayed many times.
  2. There are many Kojima games I don't like. But I'm glad he's out there doing completely bizarre shit.
  3. Their stance on that is so weird to me. Plenty of people with well more the secure finances continue to work hard. Sometimes even just to acquire even more wealth! The history of world overwhelmingly shows people aren't just going to be satisfied with the bare minimum and will work for more.
  4. Okay, I think I'm going to get Tekken 8. But I have to figure out when P3 Reloaded is right around the corner and will probably dominate my time. I'm so behind on games.
  5. I've played both, series to some minor extent in the past, but never much. I think I owned one of the Tekken games on PS2 back in the day. Mostly played SF at friends houses back in the day.
  6. I guess a strong solo component is good. If I really get into it I might try multiplayer.
  7. I still haven't played SF6. As someone who's not a big fighter player, but occasionally plays one for a bit, which would you recommend more: Tekken 8, or SF6? They both seem like they made a lot of strides and may more accessible for new players.
  8. I tried a hololens back in like 2015 or something and though it was very primitive, it did make me very excited for AR.
  9. Pricing in the VR/AR market is fairly complicated right now. The range is enormous. But certainly the AVP is a hell of a lot more expensive than a quest. Interestingly, it's still substantially cheaper than what an original Mac cost if you adjust to today's dollars (about half the price). But yes, the price will be hard for mass market and I don't think Apple intends to capture that on this round.
  10. I was instantly sold on the iPhone too, but many of the various forums were filled with nay-sayers who didn't get it. It was exhausting. But I do think you're right that this still won't quite be there for mass appeal in terms of form factor whereas the form factor for the iPhone was fine (we're still using light rounded rectangles!). Getting people to put something on their face is a hard sell in comparison, and it's still too heavy and thick -- or at least I suspect it is -- even if they do slam dunk the interface. But I do think they have a chance at showing us what the future will be. Or, they fuck it up If not, I will probably get one sometime this year.
  11. I actually think this looks a lot like the iPhone launch. The iPhone wasn't the most incredible technological advance on paper. At the time of its announcement, there were hordes of people pointing out how it wasn't that much better, how the keyboard of the blackberry was really important, that touch screens have been around for a while etc. What the iPhone did is the thing that's hard for people used to looking at tech papers to quickly grasp. They implement a *vastly* better interface for tech that had been floating around for quite some time. That's exactly what Apple Vision Pro is pushing. Its hardware is nice, but that's not really the important thing nor the thing they're highlighting. They're highlighting the interface and how the hardware is selected to serve it. Now, it's entirely possible that Apple won't succeed this time. We're all really just going to have to play with it more. And the high price may limit its impact (though the iPhone was also considered too high priced when it released). But the strategy here looks very similar to me and I think it's too early to tell.
  12. Completely agree! And I also can't bring myself to do evil playthroughs in a game a like this. Especially since the evil path is *so* damn evil. I couldn't stomach it. It's plausible the most evil I've been is ME with the occasional renegade trigger for some of the especially annoying baddies who had it coming
  13. Yeah act one is tons of fun of course, but it all feels low key. The end of act 2 is when you start to feel like the heroes (or villains, I suppose ) of the story.
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