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Everything posted by legend

  1. I'm not worried about it capturing more people than the crazies, I'm worried about it giving the crazies more reason to do something insane. I sure do hope you're right about it not affecting the election!
  2. For the malicious uses, I don't think that final 20% matters. Too many people are already willing to believe more blatantly obvious propaganda.
  3. Yeah, I can't say for sure he would stay strong and veto it on principle even if would lead to ruin, but given the history of how he's run the company since the early days when he continued to push through financial problems, I could easily see him sticking to his guns.
  4. Humanity will eventually be able to navigate this. But the the first few years will have growing pains and this is coming out right during a presidential election with one of the most corrupt and incompetent candidates the US has seen. So it's not great!
  5. Sure, but I think their meaning stands. Tencent doesn't voting rights (according to the article) so they don't have to make decisions with them in mind.
  6. I think Larian has become my favorite developer. 'We don't have shareholders, but we also don't think about them,' Larian Studios uses its stage time at the DICE Awards to speak out against a brutal industry climate | PC Gamer WWW.PCGAMER.COM "Building games that are actually fun is going to make you the most money, that's it."
  7. Peer review is only marginally better than nothing. And sometimes it keeps good stuff out!
  8. If the hardware can't vary and different makes cannot be differentiated, I'm not sure why that would be an appealing business model for manufacturers. And if they do vary, then you're back to the software-hardware problem I described. It honestly seems easier to just port to the other platforms than try to find a model where this works for one neutral fixed hardware spec with (presumably) a common OS/driver stack. There may come a day when just making games work across a range of hardware specs does kind of just work. PC has gotten better with time. And if it does, then I think this prospect opens up more because you can allow different manufactures to differentiate themselves with different hardware without a software problem. But we're still not there and may not be for some time. I don't see manufacture's jumping to it until then.
  9. Yeah FF7R's soundtrack is second to none. That scene is awesome. It's kind of hilarious to go back and watch the CG of it from the OG in comparison vs The story beats hit so much harder with the better technology.
  10. I think having a standard hardware set is hard and kind of at odds with the very idea that different manufacture's make different things with varying levels of quality. Maybe something that will help emphasize why gaming is different and harder to do is that TV and music are just data and the manufacturer is free to make any hardware and software they want to consume that data. Games are not just data, they're also software that has to directly interface with the hardware the manufacturer provides. Consequently it's hard to have manufacturer variation. And if there isn't manufacturer variation, there is really no point to make a single platform from the manufacturer's side. Having a nice console like interface on PC is all well and good, but it's a separate matter from the problem I'm highlighting.
  11. A lot of people have echoed and expanded on what you said here, so my reply is to them too, but just quoting you seems easier The main issue with gaming not be able to adopt the DVD/Music frameworks is that gaming is a *vastly* more volatile technology. Yes, you can have better or worse speakers, but the core functioning of the media will work the same across devices because that level of technology is heavily codified. Gaming, not so. New tech develops every year and it's complex enough that it doesn't "just work" on different hardware. The primary advantage consoles have over PC is fixed hardware targets. (Even if you have a pro unit, that's not much more to design against compares to PC). Without fixed hardware targets, the volatility of the technology means there will be problems. What you end up with is exactly what we already have: the PC market. The scene is more stable today than it was before, but it's still not perfect. And while many of us are happy enough to deal with those issues (I primarily game on PC), it's still a problem for large portions of the population. But hey, if the game industry wants to try this and decides linux is the neutral territory, thereby making linux more viable for gaming, I won't complain!
  12. Not sure if Rebirth looks much better in detail, but the overworld is far bigger than any environment in Remake. Also, this is good news.
  13. I'm trying to reflect on why that is the case, but I don't actually have great answers. The best I got is a combination of culture shock and the fact that the game has *so many fucking tutorials* at the start and it takes a long time before you are even in the main rhythm of the game.
  14. Games rarely majorly surprise me in terms of my ultimate opinion after a few hours. Good can go to great (and vice versa), and bad can go to terrible, but rarely cross that good/bad line. But there is one major exception, which was Persona 5. I had no interest in it and I didn't watch anime. I felt pretty confident I wouldn't enjoy it. But a lot of people here and elsewhere recommended it (e.g., @Rev ). After the first few hours I was like "god this sucks, this is not for me, but I hear it gets better so I'll stick with it longer." At 10 hours in I was at "Okay, it's not that bad." At 20 hours in I was at "I'm enjoying it." At 50 hours in I was at "This is really good!" By the end I was at "this is one of my favorite RPGs!" That's when I decided I should give anime more of a shot.
  15. You're getting close to the Honeybee, the greatest sequence in the game. Looks like some LOD textures failed to load.
  16. The game's not wide open for sure, but the chests you're talking about were not meant to be exploration rewards. They're for preparation of what's next and to keep you going forward. So that's not exactly a meaningful statement There are definitely other things to find that you have to look around for. That all said, if that was your one issue, that won't be a problem in Rebirth.
  17. There's usually a counter for everything. Machines can often be fried with lightning. It's also possible your materia setup isn't good?
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