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Everything posted by legend

  1. The church part is the main quest. He meant the other stuff where you interact with her more is in the side quests.
  2. Speaking of Red, he has an amazing scene on the boat ride with you play through the card tournament. Spoilers if you're not there yet.
  3. You can absolutely go on a date with Red! But who you get depends on your "relationship" status with each. Whoever has the most is who you get. So just make sure you dial it back a bit with the ladies if you want Red
  4. If my twitter timeline is anything to go by, Tifa is the world's favorite video game girlfriend. Aerith is great, but it's hard to compete with Tifa. Also, Square is making it extremely clear that Tifa is the canonical romance for Cloud.
  5. I think this game really emphasizes how much 16 suffered from not having a party experience. 16's biggest problems IMO are lack of party, lack of character customization, and painfully slow cooldowns. God I hate slow cooldowns in every fucking game that uses them.
  6. I probably will too once they release the inevitable "complete trilogy remaster' But I am going to have to pace myself and I probably won't 100% each that time either. Seems better to do it after you played each separately or you might hit some fatigue.
  7. Playing all 3 back to back will be a huge time sink. Remake is as long as OG FF7 if you do everything, Rebirth is even longer, and I suspect the final one will be similar. But for perspective that’s probably only a little longer than BG3
  8. I enjoyed the Piano and got to A rank on the first two, until I got to Barret's theme! That one is hard as fuck because the sound actually throws you off. When you hit a "note" it actually plays several distinct notes in sequence and that completely throws my timing off. That said, some of the "free form" songs people have been able to play on it is impressive!
  9. Well, there is no sudden death in this one. If there were I would have handily won a number of rounds I narrowly lost!
  10. I didn't like Fort Condor in this either. It was originally the (one) mini game in the Yuffie DLC and I enjoyed it a lot more in that. I'm not sure if this is the difference, but in the encounters in this one, the time limit felt far too short and arbitrary. I lost so many rounds down to the seconds because of the clock while I hacked away at the final base. The timer just made it all feel arbitrary and frustrating. Also, the fact that the timer didn't pause when you open the menu felt really dumb too. As I said, I can't recall if the previous one had a timer or not, but if it did, it was much more lax.
  11. It's fair to wait until part 3 is out (ME3 is a great example of fumbling in the final minutes ), but on its current trajectory I would rank this higher than 6. 6 is great and all, but it does feel dated to me at this point. Both in gameplay and presentation, and I think presentation is actually extremely important for being able to effectively deliver emotional beats. In a more apples to apples comparison, Remake/Rebirth just hits so much harder than OG 7 even on the same beats because they do so much more with the tech. And in addition to that, the remakes are expanding the characters and their interactions much more.
  12. You're going to have to do a lot more work to argue that. Even with piracy specifically there can be surprising positive benefits on their market and emulators actually have a wide scope of acceptable usage beyond piracy.
  13. Vague accusations that people belong to two groups are not particularly helpful. Name names if you got em! I certainly don't pirate games. I do, however, emulate old games purchased in the past and have considered emulating modern games I legally purchased.
  14. Use the synergy skill (does not require ATB) to throw Tifa at him in the air. For Cloud, make sure you use the circle followed by the square hold (not tap) to launch Cloud into the air for air attacks. I forget if he has any elemental weaknesses to cause pressure. If so, make sure you use those elements to pressure and then stagger him. (Use Assess ability to check for weaknesses). One pressured use your characters "focus" abilities to get it to stagger quickly. E.g., Cloud's Focused Thrust. Other characters have "Focus" abilities too. And you should *always* be frequently shifting between teammates to * Build up each of their ATB * Avoid the eye of the enemy attack. Non-controlled teammates take less damage and are not as commonly the focus of attacks, so switching once he starts looking at you is a good way to minimize damage intake. Oh and if you're taking Aeirth and he has an elemental weakness, make sure you use the ward ability so that when you cast from it, it casts twice. You can have Aerith teleport back to it quickly if she walks off if you press Triangle.
  15. For Cloud you only have to do the shooting game, or the puzzle based card game (which is easy since it's turn based, with few moves, and you can look up the answers easily). With Tifa you can just collect some of the scooters and for Areith you can just snap some pictures of cactature (or whatever they're called). You don't need to do the paino, nor red soccer. (I think there is also one more but I'm forgetting now)
  16. I might play this one in EA. The main reason I didn't like Elden Ring is its absolutely abysmal camera controls (and controls in general) and "hide the enemy" game design. Shouldn't have an issue with that here!
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