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Everything posted by legend

  1. I didn't even know this was a thing. Trying (and apparently failing) to make things equitable by bringing others down instead of lifting others up was quite the policy decision!
  2. Yeah, pipelining it so you switch to another character while your previous character's ability is animating is a great way to get off a lot of abilities.
  3. I'm pretty sure this is entirely by design, and I decided I liked it back in Remake. When you know that's how it works, coupled with the fact that AI controlled party members tend to take less damage, you can manipulate the enemy AI. But manipulating them requires you to regularly swap party members and gives you another reason to not stick to just one character. I do, however, feel like its switch time to when the enemies focus on you is a bit slower than it was in Remake which gives you more time to do things before swapping.
  4. I think it's the best (mostly) real-time combat in an RPG. BG3 combat is pretty amazing in how many different ways there are to play, but it's a completely different beast. I've said it before, but if the KOTOR remake ever sees the light of day, I really want them to use this style. It would be a perfect fit for KOTOR.
  5. While I loved Remake, this is absolutely everything on a much larger scale. I suspect one of the reasons they split this game into parts is because they had to figure out how they wanted to remake it all, and by putting it into parts they could better pace themselves and build on foundations. It sounds like that will *still* be the case to some extent with part 3 building on part 2, since the developers have commented on how one of the big things they have to figure out in part 3 is how to properly integrate the airship into the overworld they've built up in part 2. But because the game was split, they didn't have to solve that challenge for part 2. I hope when all is said and done, these same lessons learned can be applied to future FF games. I really dig how they managed a real-time combat system that still encourages use of your party and strategic ability choices.
  6. It's cosmetic for the overworld but carries stats in a mini game that you will probably avoid aside from the one time you'll do it for the main quest
  7. Yeah I got them all and the extra gear, but it's really not necessary, you can also just get 2/3 extra gear if you skip the queensblood one, and I don't see Best doing a lot of Chocobo mini games so I think he's safe to skip all the extra 3
  8. My final opinion of FF16 is the same as my early opinion on it. Fun, but not great. FF7Rs have done a much better job at balancing classic FF party, leveling, and turn based strategy with a (mostly) real-time system.
  9. Correct! This is one of the disadvantages for people who didn't play the OG coupled with the fact that everything is so expanded that it's taking much longer for the reveals to hit in the story of the remakes.
  10. I'm even okay calling it AI, because it did come from the AI research community. But that people think it goes the other direction, that all AI is generative ML is just too far!
  11. That people have decided that AI now means Generative ML is deeply infuriating to me. I do put a lot of blame on OpenAI leadership for this nonsense. They are such irresponsible pseudoscentific twats.
  12. My twitter timeline is strangely filled with people posting Cloud-Tifa interactions and comparisons with others. There are a lot of signs
  13. lol. Barret is awesome though, and I like how much their friendship evolved from the start of Remake. My Cloud is definitely not brushing off Tifa But he is like a teenager badly hiding how hot he is for her.
  14. Just don't tell any of the passionate sides that it wasn't clear. They each think it was incredibly clear for their side I do agree with you though: they were wrong and it was deliberately left open to interpretation in the OG. I would even say that it's open in Remake. But in Rebirth, I feel like there is no room for interpretation. There are so many signs that Tifa is the canonical love interest. It even seems like Aerith knows that and mostly likes to tease Cloud.
  15. Oh, TBC, I meant in Remake. The Church scene is in Remake, not Rebirth. But then there are a whole bunch of side quests in Remake that expand on Kyrie and her grandmother. Rebirth does also have additional side quests with Kyrie, but thus far they really do feel like side quests: they're not critical to the story. The main quest feels pretty comprehensive so far.
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