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Everything posted by legend

  1. Swen is also going off! Baldur's Gate 3 boss blasts publisher "greed" behind layoffs WWW.EUROGAMER.NET The director of Baldur's Gate 3, Swen Vincke, was one of many to speak out on the recent mass layoffs within the video …
  2. No expansion Larian Studios Won't Make Baldur's Gate 3 DLC, Expansions, or Baldur's Gate 4 - IGN WWW.IGN.COM At a Game Developers Conference (GDC) panel today, Larian Studios founder Swen Vincke dropped something of a bombshell by revealing that the developer isn't planning to release any expansions or DLC for Baldur's Gate 3, nor a Baldur's Gate 4. The "No dlc" part is a little funny, because Larian has effectively been releasing a ton of DLC already. It's just that it's free
  3. I hit the point of no return. My understanding is it's another 4-7 hours or so from there. But I imagine it's going to be a roller coaster which means I'd prefer to play it all in one go. Unfortunately, it's hard to dedicate that much time during the weekdays. So I may have to put this pause until the weekend when I can really enjoy it
  4. I find that feeling like you have to finish a game before you start another game will immediately drop my enjoyment of the game I'm playing (and trying to finish). I was pretty close to the end of Persona 3 Reload when Rebirth came out, but I didn't want to ruin the ending by forcing myself to rush through, so I just put it on hold and started Rebirth. Feels much better. The game will be there when you feel ready, and I know I'll enjoy finishing P3R much more after I'm done with Rebirth and can give it proper breathing room. So yeah, I think coupling that with just a lot of FF you've been playing lately probably means you need a break! The game will wait for you
  5. Honestly Best, I think you just need to take a break. You blew through the previous game right before this one which is a lot of FF. Chapter 10 is not slow and all of its pretty relevant. I think rather than just forcing yourself to finish through it, you should take a break for a little while and come back to later when you can enjoy it more.
  6. You should definitely remedy that because they are a lot of fun and *very* useful! So there are two kinds of synergy combat things you can do: 1. Synergy skills 2. Synergy abilities. You unlock both of these through the "folio" skill trees for each character. And both skills and abilities are attacks you make with two people at a time. For example, there are skills/abilities you can do with Cloud and Tifa, and if both Cloud and Tifa are in the party, you can activate them. If one of them are not in the party, you cannot do those synergy skills/abilities. But you if you have one unlocked for another pair of characters in the party you can use them.** Let's start with synergy skills because they're the easiest to understand. Synergy skills can *always* be activated (if you have the corresponding people in your party). It does *not* require ATB to do. To pull one off, you hold the block button (R1), and when you do so, you'll see your menu will change to show you the different skills you can do with other party members, each assigned to a face button. So then all you do is press the face button and the two characters will execute that synergy skill. For example, one of my favorites with Cloud and Tifa is if you choose Tifa as the PC and then do her synergy skill with Cloud, she'll leap onto Cloud's sword and Cloud with throw her through the air at an enemy. Since Tifa has limited aerial moves, this is a great way to let her attack flying enemies. Now let's talk about synergy abilities. For synergy abilities you cannot just activate them whenever like you can with skills. You have to build up the ability to do so for each character. That is, if you look at the character name in the UI, you may see these little vertical line notches that when you start combat are unfilled. You need to fill them up for both characters involved in the synergy ability to do it. To fill them up you need each character to use ATB commands. If you go through the menu when selecting an ATB command, you'll see in the bottom left corner a little text describing what the ability does as well as an indicator of how many of those vertical lines for synergy abilities it will grant you. (I believe that not all abilities will give you them, but most will). E.g., Cloud's Braver or Focused Thrust will grant you some of the synergy notches. If you get usually around 4 notches for both characters you can use a synergy ability with them. This fact encourages you to not just play as one character and ignore the others. You really benefit from switching between characters to quickly build up ATB and use synergy-building ATB moves with them. Once you have enough with both characters, when you open the combat menu, you'll see the menu item "Synergy Ability" is now highlighted and you can go into it and select a synergy ability you want to use. If multiple characters have enough, you can choose which pair of characters abilities you will do. And you can have multiple abilities for the same pair of characters that do different things. Activating a synergy ability does *not* consume any ATB, and they are often very powerful. But not only are they powerful, there are a few different kinds that have extra special benefits. For example, one will make MP cost for both characters zero for a temporary period of time allowing them to cast the most powerful spells for no cost. Another is you should do after staggering an enemy because it will do more damage and extend the stagger time. Since these are powerful and do not consume ATB, they are very useful to use and build up. Hope that helps! ** Once per battle, you can actually use a synergy ability with someone outside the party, but I almost never do that.
  7. Yes, the relationship is tied to that. Some notes though: first, Aerith and Tifa will just have more opportunities so they're going to be the default if you're doing everyone right. Second, there are specific non-dialog moments where you must choose someone over the other which can lead to a tie breaker. Third, an additional tie breaker is how much you use synergy skills and abilities with each character. So you should be able to do everyone well and still have a preferred person. I have, however, deliberately tipped the scales a couple of times
  8. I have zero a priori interest in this, but I feel obligated to give it a try given it's overwhelming positive reception. But it will have to wait.
  9. Let's assume we want to age restrict porn access. I don't think having the porn sites manage the verification is the right mechanism. Instead, sites should be required to sign their server with an age requirement which is simple to implement. Then web browsers provide verification. Ideally, there should be a common protocol for that used by all web browsers with open source implementations for it. I would suggest using a government issued pass-key like system with a government hosted database of valid public keys (but no identity), but I'd have to think about the details. This lowers the barriers for websites and, puts the burden on the government for regulating the keys, and makes it easy for all browsers to set up so that you get very easy and immediate broad protection across all sites.
  10. I do think it would be nice if they made it a more objective sales metric that could then extend to the smaller groups.
  11. Yeah I'm not defending 30% being right, I'm more so defending the notion that it's cheaper for games that are expected to sell a lot. That or a policy that has the same effect seems appropriate.
  12. On it's face that doesn't seem wrong to me? I mean I'm not saying that 30% is appropriate, but I don't think the fact that bigger games get better deals is all that wrong. There is going to be a higher purchase rate for bigger games so it's easier to justify hosting them and any of the other stuff that goes with hosting the game on steam, just like buying in bulk is cheaper. Maybe there is a better policy where you change the rate based on sales so it gets cheaper the more you sell or something, and that way it's not limited to special deals with the big players, but on it's face it's not crazy to me that this kind of economic dynamic exists.
  13. Haha yeah I understand. Not uncommonly you may hear me shouting into the void "All I do is make slides and go to meetings!" (I work from home so I can get away with shouting)
  14. How would this interact for salaried employees? Are you supposed to get overtime as a salaried employee if you work more than 40 hours per week now? Because, uh, that doesn't happen Or would this be introducing new regulations about overtime for salaried employees as well? (Not that I expect this to push though, just curious) Counterpoint: I'm sure it's a pleasure and privilege to be in meetings all day with me
  15. Played through the gears and gambits main mini games. Pretty fun. But you know would make it even more fun? No arbitrary timers! The timer seemed much more forgiving in this one, but I stand by it being a shit game design! It would have been far more interesting to remove it and just keep the waves coming until someone died.
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