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Everything posted by legend

  1. This is probably the only non-corrupt reason for it and I am somewhat sympathetic to it. If people regularly joined a company inexperienced, were trained, and then quickly left for another company, the outcome would be that companies would stop hiring inexperienced workers, which would be an absolutely awful defect-defect equilibrium for society. However, I don't think this is all that regular. If you're good to your employee, they will probably want to stay with you because consistency is convenient. If you treat your employee badly (bad compensation, bad management), then you really only have yourself to blame.
  2. I do agree with sexualization deliberately being less overt. I do not agree that they're deliberately making the characters less attractive in any meaningful capacity. I mean, you just named a lot of attractive female characters! But the argument from a certain community that I'm referring to is much stronger than even that. These people are saying western developers are deliberately making their female characters *ugly* because the standard that they demand is oversexualized women like Eve. Hence why I think Stellar Blade is a victim of people associating their distaste for this community with the game. I think the game is perfectly fine (at least from what I've played and seen so far!) and it shouldn't be knocked just because a distasteful community likes it.
  3. Okay. I answered that separately. Your points about Horizon character attractiveness doesn't seem like you responded to that though. Does the analogy I made to you not make sense to you? I cut it out to highlight for you that you were repeating exactly what I said. Here's the full quote which we can read in context: Notice how following my request to qualify what you meant I provided possible interpretations you could have meant? This is indicated by ending them with questions marks. I then state "Yes, I agree with that and yes I think that's a good thing." Following that I described what interpretation I wouldn't agree with. Specifically "But no, I don't think the industry is otherwise lacking attractive female characters." If in fact, you actually meant the thing I said I agreed with, you could can just say "yes, that's what I meant." You also wouldn't need to tell me "but let's not pretend it hasn't happened" if in fact you agreed with my description, because clearly I wouldn't be pretending something was true that you disputed. But you did say that, indicating you didn't agree with what I said. And here we are.
  4. So then were you not disagreeing with my original point where I said just that then? If you agree, great! But then I'm not sure what contrasting point you were trying to make.
  5. I'm responding to what you wrote, in two different places. Hence, why I quoted you in two places and responded to each separately
  6. Let me give an analogy. It would have looked dumb as shit if in the LOTR movies Arwen was running around in a bikini. Fantastical settings doesn't mean unserious in this way. This Horizon doesn't have attractive women?
  7. I'm largely okay and can even enjoy over the top sex appeal for the same reason I can enjoy B movies. When Eve is pulled out of the pod in the beginning in the most over the top sexy way, it's good fun and you can laugh and enjoy it. You're going to have to qualify what you specifically mean. Fewer women with completely oversized boobs in tiny armor in an otherwise "serious" game? Less out of place fan service? Yes, I agree with that and yes I think that's a good thing. But no, I don't think the industry is otherwise lacking attractive female characters.
  8. I think this game is a victim of the fact that it's liked by people insisting that western devs are deliberately making female characters ugly and insisting that all women in games should look like super models. Those people suck, but I think it's making a lot of people hate on this game merely because it's liked by those people.
  9. Oh for sure. It sounds like it's useful regardless. I'm specifically questioning just how "universal" it is though.
  10. All I can figure is a natural infection won't result in the body ever producing the RNAi because the suppression from the virus lasts too long to allow the system to ever engage.
  11. How are they doing that though? It sounded to me like they are taking a live virus, but removing the part of its coding that allows the virus to suppress RNAi so that it's safe to infect people with it. And that because it's otherwise a full live virus, our immune system does a better job learning to fight it. That might still be better than what we do with vaccines today which are more targeted, but that would still wouldn't be better than immunity formed from a natural infection. If they're doing something more than crippling a live virus, it's not coming across clearly to me.
  12. It's a hybrid. You fight the lower-level enemies in real time, and the higher-level ones in turn based. But I'm guessing you spend most of the combat in the turn-based.
  13. If I'm following this, it would not be more effective than your eventual immune system if you were actually infected and recovered. Is that right? If so, it's unclear to me just how "universal" this vaccine would be, because we have instances of people getting sick with a different strain of COVID not very long after they recovered from a previous version. Sounds like it would be better than what we have, but I question the extent of how universal it is.
  14. FWIW, it's not enough to just kill enemies and harvest their parts. Some parts can only be retrieved from enemies in specific ways and you need to look at the bestiary to learn what those ways are. The really high-level gear often required components that needed those special conditions to retrieve. Yeah Burning Shores is gorgeous. There are few games that stand with it graphically. Maybe just Cyberpunk and Alan Wake on PC?
  15. Yeah I think my biggest issue is the weapon grind is a bit much. Games need to strike a balance between not handing you the best weapons without work and making sure you can get some of them in a normal playthrough. Getting the best fully upgraded gear swung too hard into a slog. Otherwise, the game is great.
  16. Not sure I have any interest in returning to F4. It was the weakest in the series IMO. Either that or I just didn't feel like it evolved enough. But I might back back in for the London mod.
  17. I got it to land once or twice but then just abandoned using it because dodging (assuming you had stamina!) was just so much more reliable. I'm trying to decide why it feels off. The best I can come up with is the animation does a poor job illustrating when your actual parry frames are.
  18. Played a little. Very pretty. I'm getting a ton of audio stutter almost non-stop which isn't great. Hopefully they fix that soon. I'm unsure how I feel about the combat so far. The parry timing feels weird to me and at level one your stamina is so fucking low that it makes it kind of unfun with how quickly you just can't do shit. I've also never liked punishment for death, so taking degradation costs doesn't feel great. I'm all for games where they're hard and you die a lot, but punishing the player for it has always struck me as just out-right bad game design. It's possible that as the game goes on this will be fairly innocuous with sufficient repair materials, but I think games shouldn't even bother with it -- just don't make it a design element. I much prefer games that are hard but *encourage* you to keep trying rather than punish you for failing. E.g., Rogue Legacy 2. Also, I'm kind of lost? I guess I have to find a lever somewhere but the entire map is filled so I'm clearly overlooking some needle in a haystack. I don't think having quest markers for everything is great, but finding a missing item somewhere on the map isn't great either. We'll see how this one develops.
  19. There isn't really a ticking clock game-play wise. There are maybe 3 times in the game where you need to be careful about doing something without sleeping and the game is usually clear about those moments by the characters saying if you spend too much time x will happen. Otherwise, just sleep whenever. Loot everything for camp supplies and send them to your stash. Also make sure you use your short rests in between sleeping. You get two for every long rest. Depending on the class, short-rests can restore abilities and spell slots. You can respec your entire class and ability assignments anytime you want once you find Withers. You can even respc party members into wholly different classes if you want to. It technically costs 100 gold to a do a respect but (1) that's not actually that much once you get going and (2) you can steal it back from Wither very easily with no penalty But yeah, it's a lot. DnD has a fuck ton of rules/abilities/spells and this game gives you them all It's better to just play with abilities to learn it as you go. Don't be afraid to save scum a bit to give you a chance to experiment with different skills and abilities to figure out how they work. You can save anywhere in the middle of battle, so you can even save, try an ability you're not sure about, and then reload immediately after seeing what it does.
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