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Everything posted by legend

  1. Yeah it's absolutely a bubble. There are so many nonsense companies and products getting mind-boggling funding for nothing. But modern AI tech is actually useful -- just not for the insane things the industry is claiming -- so while it will pop, I'm pretty confident we won't be headed for another AI winter.
  2. Yeah I like Johnny a lot more in PL, particularly at the end of the story he has some growth. But Songbird is the best character in it, flaws and all. I really like the PL ending, at the least the way it played out for my choices.
  3. Yeah I think taking this game to flesh out the character relationships was a really good narrative choice. I feel more attached to these characters than ever before and it makes everything that happens to them so much more meaningful. That said, I do also understand what @crispy4000 means. We have so much additional knowledge about this universe than we did the first time, and then there are game specific changes that soften something we otherwise took at face value in the OG. But I'm okay with that. I'm happy with them do a little bit of divergence and am interested to see where it goes, and the the character strengthening really helps with that. Then on top of that, I just really like the gameplay loop of this series. I don't think any game has nailed mixing turn-based and realtime combat in a way that's as satisfying as Rebirth. I was already a big fan in Remake, but Rebirth evolved it in all the right ways. It's why if they ever do remake KOTOR -- another game I love that was real-time with pause -- that they do it Rebirth style. Starwars is such a good match for this approach.
  4. I played a bunch today, but stopped when I ran out of battery. I should probably get a second controller at some point It's solid. Has some challenging, but not overly challenging fights and doesn't make you spend a hour getting back to where you were. The first two areas (excluding the very short prologue) are fairly linear, but then you get to a city with a bunch of sidequests and a much bigger open area. All around a good time! And yeah, asserting that this game was "censored" is fucking nuts looking at some of these outfits
  5. I've put a bunch more time into it. It's absolutely good and I think they have the foundation to expand it even more than VS. There are a surprisingly decent number of different character classes too. I've been spreading out playing them all which is probably not the best idea if I wanted to get through act 1 faster, but it's fun experimenting with the different styles.
  6. It's not even clear it's censored instead of just an artistic choice. The lace is pretty and see through, and various other outfits still have all out cleavage. You know you're fucked when even this release of Stellar Blade isn't sexualized enough for you.
  7. We should just drop it. Your life is going to be hard enough as it is when ChatGPT is already exceeding your reading comprehension and ability to grasp analogies.
  8. You can have both. Bear in mind this whole discussion started because I said I think in the context of Stellar Blade, Eve is fine -- the game is deliberately over the top in all aspects. It's not fine when it's demanded to be universal in all games and inserted into places it doesn't belong. If only I could think of an analogy for it being inserted in places it doesn't belong...
  9. If only there were a record of the conversation that would allow you find the context. Guess we'll never know.
  10. I brought up Arwen. Liv and Cate are indeed beautiful. The point being made in that comment wasn't that they were not beautiful, it's that it would look stupid if they were running around in bikinis. It was contrasting the difference between have attractive characters and having overly sexualized characters in a setting that doesn't make sense. That they are beautiful, but not sexualized and that the former works but the latter doesn't in that story was the point.
  11. This game is awesome and only $7. It's in early access, but it plays completely fine from my couple of hours. Its' a rogue like, but it has persistent Diablo-like loot you collect. You also get what are effectively boons from different gods who have short chats with you ala Hades. And finally, the mobs feel very Vampire Survivors-like. Get this game.
  12. $350 for a 42" is fucking nuts. Making me wonder if I should get one as a work screen!
  13. I appreciate the concession! Your statement was "Some examples of western developed games with female characters in them that seem to have been deliberately made less attractive looking" which claims a motive of the developers to make their female character less attractive. That's simply not it in any meaningful capacity (I'm sure we can find *some* games where the character by design is unattractive, but that's not a meaningful trend and not the case for many of the games you cited). There are far more benign reasons than an intent to make characters less attractive, such as some of the things I enumerated in my earlier response. Ooph. My man, you have no idea. The amount of shit developers get is legendary. And to top if off, they work incredibly long hours, for often comparably low pay to other fields, and then get laid off when the game they put the whole lives into was successful, because the execs need to report "growth" every quarter for shareholders over the people who bled for it and laying people off is the easy way for them to do it.
  14. Looking like the character is not proof. 1. Writers don't direct the art, nor create the character models. 2. There is a credited model for the actual character, who is so much the actual model, she got toxic attacks for it. 3. Insomniac directly confirmed that they used the same model for the appearance as the first, because of the false accusations. All facts point to it not being the writer. Clinging to "no, it has to be her because she looks like her, all official sources must be lying" is not proof of anything. It's conspiracy theory. That's the essence of the whole point: you're leaping to a false accusation on flimsy grounds for this belief in general, although this instance is particularly acute. You can prefer characters to look however you want, but making baseless accusations about the motivations of developers just because you don't like it really isn't cool. Especially not when developers are treated like absolute shit for all the hard work they put in. Don't pile this nonsense on top.
  15. Both width and length are a problem. Sit at window and lack of length makes it a major pain to get out. Sit on aisle and the attendants will smash into you all the time from lack of width. Put a bag under the front seat, say good bye to stretching your legs assuming you can fit it in.
  16. Maybe a side benefit is if this discourages them from these tactics to always get completely full flights we will not have to run into the nonsense about there not being enough room for carry on luggage. Airplanes are so fucking cramped it's a nightmare.
  17. Wade beat me to the reviews! Looks good! Coupled with the demo which I enjoyed, I'll definitely be picking it up.
  18. Yes, I did go back edit that in to acknowledge that you said "less attractive," but too late it seems! I realize that's softer, but it is still is a wrong claim for the exact same reasons. Holy crap man, that video *is not* proof! That is a person speculating, speculation that goes directly against the actual facts. This is conspiracy level nonsense. The developers have already come out and said it's the same model and that same model publicly stated that she *quit* because of the backlash She's not a make believe person.
  19. This is too long a list go down one by one, but let me give you a general response that covers a lot of it: these devs are not deliberately making characters ugly, but here are some things you may be conflating with that belief: The industry much more regularly uses scanning tech for characters for actual actors/models. Most real world people are not the hyper exaggerated female appearance like we agreed is less prolific. Furthermore, we both agreed they're not as sexualized as previously; they're not wearing night party making all the time nor wearing skimpy clothing. So you *do* get a difference there. But that doesn't make them *ugly* (I realize you've made the softer "less attractive" claim) and saying as much is pretty gross. Coupled with the above, some of the issues you have may be due to immaturity of technology not translating well. It's more of a tech problem from games than a deliberate effort to make models ugly, especially if you cherry pick scenes since in games it's incredibly difficult to make sure every scene lights and renders well. If you know game developers or at least follow game developers on social media, you will find them commenting about these problems and challenges. Some studios are better at it than others or invest more time and money into it. Games are expensive and despite working insane hours, developers *still* don't have enough time and get readily laid off anyway. You need to give people some slack instead of forming a conspiracy that they're deliberately making characters less attractive. When you scan models, sometimes those models change in appearance while the developers still want to keep the same person. MJ in Spider-man 2, who you listed, is the same model as in Spider-man 1. But the gaming community yelling about studios "deliberately making female characters ugly" just assumed they got someone different because they're woke or something. They didn't. There's rumors that she did have some facial surgery from an accident, I don't really know and it doesn't really matter. The point is, the claim "deliberately making characters ugly" from this crowd was a completely false accusation (so is "less attractive" because although softer is still peddling the same negative conspiracy) and the result of that gross behavior is the model quit modeling and working for games because it became so toxic.
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