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Everything posted by legend

  1. I'm hyped. It will be a tall order to match Fury Road though, which is, IMO, a flawless movie.
  2. This was almost surely a game the developers were told to make and to check a bunch of boxes marketing thinks are necessary, rather than a game the developers wanted to make.
  3. Avowed is still cooking, so as long as they don't nuke Obsidian, there will be at least one more.
  4. Acquisitions can sometimes be good. But MS buying everyone, managing them badly, and shutting them down quickly thereafter, isn't the way. If MS wasn't so awful at this, acquisitions would be much more palatable.
  5. Social media only becomes stranger It probably wouldn't have even registered as a "thing" if you played the game in a vacuum.
  6. Don't worry, it get's worse The thing I like about Hades is you do feel a good skill progression. Not just because you get more powers, but you do eventually feel able to reliably tackle challenges that seemed really daunting at first. My biggest issue with Hades is it's a bit too too much rogue like, where to practice a fight you have to go through the whole damn thing again. I think Rogue Legacy 2 has the right idea with letting you "lock" a world so you could get right back to the boss fight you started. Although I do recognize this has some design challenges in Hades since you really need to get some boons etc. to properly handle the fight. If nothing else, they need a practice section of the spawn area that doesn't "count" but let's you learn a boss with some former loadout you had.
  7. Maybe instead of buying and then closing studios we should fire the management forcing them in awful directions.
  8. MS ruins far too many devs they acquire. They're no better than EA. I'm really worried for Obsidian. MS could be good -- giving them more budget -- or they could ruin them like so many other devs.
  9. I had a similar "this is good" but wasn't clicking with me response at first. But probably around the time I got the shield it hooks sank in. I think the biggest problem I had with the first was the lack of defensive options other than dash, which is probably why I loved the shield. I've only done two attempts in this one, but it might be better in this regard. Your cast, for example, is an area around you that locks enemies in place, and in addition to your dash, you can sprint.
  10. It's pretty solid. I managed to clear the first area on my second try after experimenting a bit with the combat changes. It's extremely polished. I wouldn't know it was early access just from this (although it will probably be more apparent when it stops early )
  11. Which one? Yeah there's a bunch of outfits that are not as unsubtly sexualized. I think you mean less "dull"
  12. I believe I've finished all side quests and actually grinded through catching all the fish. There's a bunch of random collectables but I'll probably skip that and aim to finish it up next time I have a long-enough window. It's been really good!
  13. You *have* to finish PL first. Otherwise you are taking back to before the point of no return if you do the main quest first. And yes, it does open up an additional ending depending on your choices.
  14. Why does this matter? If you buy a console you can play those games. The notion that the console would be better if developers artificially didn't release the game on PC is super weird.
  15. I swear people say "this generation sucks" every fucking generation. If you haven't been overloaded with great games to play maybe you just don't like gaming. What a stupid fucking rule!
  16. I finally got around to watching and finishing this. I wasn't hooked until the end of episode 2, with episode 3 fully grabbing me (and it took my wife the same time), but man did it take off. Phenomenal show. Every aspect of it is well crafted.
  17. I totally believe this is the case, though it's so foreign to me -- I tend to have the opposite mentality in my group's large software base. I regularly want to burn everything down and start fresh. In the cases where we can't because we have some annoying legacy dependency, I'm counting the days to get rid of it and pushing for the steps that will allow ourselves to be free of it so that we can do something new and better.
  18. I've been trying to talk myself into starting Starfield, but this thread is not helping! The main thing that has been holding me up is its endless load screens. It's simply inexcusable in this era of open worlds. Makes it seem like Bethesda is incapable of growing with the genre they practically invented.
  19. @best3444 If you want a feel for what the Cyberpunk Edge Runners anime is like without starting it, I would give the below music video a watch. As I say in the post, it really captures the whole feel of show (other than it being a music video rather than a show of course ). So if it appeals to you, you will probably like show. And I don't mean to dissuade you from watching Cyberpunk, just pointing out that if you are new anime but are curious, you should definitely checkout Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. It's one of the best introductions to the genre and also remains one of the best animes ever made (it regularly reaches the top of the best anime lists, so that's a pretty commonly held opinion)
  20. No Netflix or Hulu? Pretty sure it's still on both. (EDIT: looking at my netflix phone app, looks like they may have removed it. It used to be on it) Words are flexible, so you can make an argument either way. That said, the Spider-man 'verse movies are more typically considered animation, but not "anime." "Anime" is typically reserved for the style of animation popularized in Japan (but does not necessarily have to be made in Japan). That said, if you enjoyed the Spider-man animated movies, there are probably lot's of animes you'd enjoy.
  21. Cyberpunk is a great anime. However, if you're not really into anime and want to explore it, I would recommend watching Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood (Note: There is an earlier version just called "Full Metal Alchemist," but the one you would want to watch if the one with "Brotherhood" in the title). Invariably, this is the anime that makes people who don't watch anime like it. It's also one of the few shows in general that is effectively entirely free of "filler." Every episode moves the plot in important ways. In the early episodes, it's not always obvious. E.g., there is villain they introduce early on who seems like he would just a villain of the week, but is actually an incredibly important character for the whole series.
  22. I don't even notice the arm with that doofy clown smile stealing the show.
  23. I don't think I need to read this. Who he is has been clear forever. No need to wallow in it.
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