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Everything posted by legend

  1. The last boss is hard (though there is a fork regarding who your final boss is) I only tried a bit last night. Will keep at it when I have more time to practice my defense timings. I think that's basically the only way forward. It hits like a truck.
  2. I think something that complicates this analysis is that while PM has numerous obvious faults, it felt impactful in the time it was released. Whereas The Hobbit was outclassed in every way by its own predecessor (successor?) +1 on the Misty Mountain scene being awesome though. Probably the one scene that stays with me from the movies.
  3. In the past exclusives probably made more sense because platforms were Much more different from each other than they are now. Games typically required much more lower-level hardware specific coding than they do now. The development budgets were much smaller, so the cost of porting was therefore probably a larger percentage of the original development cost. Given that, little exclusivity bonuses may have made more financial sense. But now, none of those things hold true anymore. Yeah I was going to say something similar. Didn't SE consider games like Tomb Raider failures because it *only* sold millions of units?
  4. Yes, you can continue from right before the final bit to do anything you missed after you finish.
  5. Holy shit these final boss fights have been quite the skill check. I have one left but need to take a break after the pen-ultimate boss kicked my ass for a long time. Finally got through but I hear the last one is an even bigger fucker. (Then I watched someone online do the boss I just did with no special abilities and just effortless perfect dodge and parry everything.)
  6. If she and other executives fought and lost this battle, they should loudly quit. It's not even like quitting would be a big financial risk for people like them. They'll be fine.
  7. Not that long ago, various Xbox fans were losing their shit that MS was going to release some games on PS and wanting to "quit the brand" over it. I think these actions are far greater reason to do something like that. It would be fantastic if the gaming community so severely punished MS for being a cunt to their developers that they were forced to change their behavior. Not going to happen though.
  8. Interestingly, this is how Sony is handling their analog of it. Though I subscribe to neither Gaming is cheap enough and I'm fortunate enough financially at this point in my life that I can buy the games I want to play when I want to without thinking about the price.
  9. Developers have such a shit deal. It pains me that the people responsible for my favorite hobby/art are treated so poorly and mismanaged so terribly.
  10. I had a similar initial reaction to this feeling like a return to cable. But I think that's not true. We'd still be improved on 1. On-demand first. You're not beholden to some arbitrary schedule an executive made. 2. You don't have to scan through a bazillion channels to find something. The interface for on demand and the searchability is substantially better. 3. The on-demand content is much wider even than modern cable -- or at least was the last time I used on-demand cable options. 4. You can cancel and subscribe anytime. 5. Content is separate and agnostic to infrastructure. Switching to Version FIOS doesn't suddenly change how I'm getting my content or what I'm paying for the content. 6. No ads. The sixth one is the most at risk of being lost. I don't love to see ad models creeping back in. I'm okay with it as long as there are ad-free versions. But if ads become mandatory, it will be a significant regression and will suck. I'm not happy that Amazon is experimenting with this and I'm deliberately not watching content with ads because I don't want to support it. That all said, the other items would hopefully remain at least.
  11. I'd be okay if they wanted the device to do more than games, but either way they need to work on actually providing value and not just buying the world and then fucking it up.
  12. I have no doubt the major shareholders are myopic fucking morons like they usually are.
  13. The Xbox and Xbox 360 were good consoles that created value. They need to go back to that kind of culture and stop trying to buy their way into relevance.
  14. MS going third party would not be healthy for the competitive market. Maybe they should just fire management and stop sucking.
  15. If someone thinks agile means don't have a plan, they're not really doing agile. They're just fucking around
  16. Not a fan of the wand weapon that shoots projectiles. If you thought the enemies felt spongy before...
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