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Posts posted by legend

  1. Nice stuff!


    I'm always jelly of people who can draw, particularly in the sketch variety. I always think about how much more awesome my research journals would be if it didn't look like I was late stage in Parkinson's.

    • stepee 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Nokra said:

    I agree, this should be an ongoing pinned thread. :daydream: 


    The one thing I don't quite understand is why in some of these videos people actually shouting "shame, shame!" at the person. That just makes me laugh, because it reminds me of the "witch" scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. :p 


    Might be GoT inspired.



  3. I came to post this too.


    What the flying fuck people!? How are people this fucking retarded? I'm not typically a big fan of using shame to influence behavior, but I simply see no other option with people like this, so I hope recording people calling the cops on POC for the most mundane shit becomes super popular so we can shame this behavior out of existence.

  4. 1 hour ago, Greatoneshere said:


    Usually when one isn't informed, they are surprised! :p Denis is great, as it sounds like you now know. Check out his other movies if you haven't yet, they are all universally great. 


    I do grant knowing too much about a movie hurts my ability to be pleasantly surprised which is why these days I rarely even watch trailers. I just look at the behind the scenes talent and word of mouth and personal interest and go from there hah. 


    Haha for sure. Although other factors you can examine about the movie are often a reasonable predictor of how much one will like a movie. Just not with certainty as was the case there :p 


    Naturally, more informed individuals like yourself should be able to make even better predictions about whether you'll like a movie!

  5. 18 minutes ago, Rev said:

    I've attempted to do this like 8 or 9 times since it came out and failed. Well done.


    Haha yeah I first started up like a year ago and just wasn't feeling the beginning at all. It took until now for me to push further and it finally became fun :p 

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