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Everything posted by legend

  1. If subboards showed up on both the main board page and subboard, they would be solid. But they' don't and tags otherwise handles that role with filtering. Spamalot, however, makes sense as subboard since the purpose is to contain spam. What say you Supreme High Chancellor? @SFLUFAN
  2. I actually like the Switch Pro controller for a traditional controller. It's surprising comfortable.
  3. I expect a formal report of your findings.
  4. I saw this thread title (while browsing on our HTPC with our TV) and said to my wife, "I mean, he's got to be a black kid, right?" Oh America, you suck.
  5. Nice stuff! I'm always jelly of people who can draw, particularly in the sketch variety. I always think about how much more awesome my research journals would be if it didn't look like I was late stage in Parkinson's.
  6. This gives me an easy way to rewatch and see if my feelings change on the second viewing!
  7. Does this account for the fact that some states may have different numbers of people with general activity through life? For example, people in NYC may walk a lot more than people in other states, due to the nature of the city.
  8. At least looking on my phone, the new colors look much better. I'll check my pc later.
  9. I'll second that I like the darker color tags, but the bright ones should be changed to a darker color.
  10. How is this real life? As time goes on I only become more disappointed in humanity.
  11. I finally got around to playing and finished Hyper Light Drifter. Good game. Now I just got Hollow Knight for Switch. Might get Mario Tennis. Unsure since the SP is so lacking and I'm not sure I'll be competitive online.
  12. I came to post this too. What the flying fuck people!? How are people this fucking retarded? I'm not typically a big fan of using shame to influence behavior, but I simply see no other option with people like this, so I hope recording people calling the cops on POC for the most mundane shit becomes super popular so we can shame this behavior out of existence.
  13. Haha for sure. Although other factors you can examine about the movie are often a reasonable predictor of how much one will like a movie. Just not with certainty as was the case there Naturally, more informed individuals like yourself should be able to make even better predictions about whether you'll like a movie!
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