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Posts posted by legend

  1. 3 hours ago, PaladinSolo said:

    Impact of a global market thats about to see more of a cheaper Chinese product making the US product even less enticing?  


    I was asking why it wouldn't be the case that other sellers would keep prices low to take the market. I think I may be confused about which actors are being referenced in that quote. They raise a few: "American sellers, American buyers, Chinese sellers, Chinese buyers, and finally other countries selling.

  2. 5 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

    Supply and demand, supply goes down, prices go up.


    The reason that doesn't seem to push through under the context described is because they're saying that the price raises will ultimately hurt businesses because it will drive too many customers away (I perhaps should have quoted the rest to make this more clear).


    If a raised price is simply bad for the business, but is only required of the US, the competitors would be wise to keep their prices relatively stable, and enjoy an increased market share, rather than similarly rise and drive everyone away, no?

  3. 15 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

    Yeah I don’t mean you specifically. Just surprising that people are saying THIS is the moment. Like... wat.


    Yeah I'm not convinced we've finally reached the long fabled "moment" (or if we ever will). I suspect people thinking that believe that while people defending Trump have long been doing mental gymnastics, that to continue it at this point would require Spiderman-like skill.


    I really hope that's true, but I think it's very probably that Spiderman will leave impressed.

  4. 8 hours ago, Jose said:

    Diversification is always key. Have you looked at whole life insurance policies? Guaranteed returns of 4% (actual returns have always been higher tho) with reputable companies. Money stays liquid, too. It's a great option over investing in bonds or letting the money collect dust in a savings account.


    I haven't looked into that before. Sounds interesting! I will check it out.

  5. 23 minutes ago, Jason said:


    I won't claim to be an expert here but what my father explained to me about regular 401ks vs Roth IRAs is that you're basically making a bet about what tax bracket you'll be in upon retirement. And that if you expect to be in a higher tax bracket, do a Roth, and if you expect to at most stay in the same tax bracket, do a 401k...tax free upon entry isn't great if you'll be in a higher bracket. 



    Hence why I suggested those online savings accounts as a less-awful way of keeping a liquid emergency fund handy. :p


    Looks like I should be able to do both. 401K has a much higher limit (18,000) versus ROTH IRA ($5500) from what I can tell.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Paperclyp said:

    Right now we just have our 401k’s maxed and are putting everything extra for the most part into my student loans. It really is criminal the rates and amount of money the government inflicts on young adults, and it makes me angry to think about. 


    But we should have those paid off within a year, about 5-6 years ahead of schedule, then we will look into investing. 


    I can't stress enough how great it felt to pay off the student loans. I totally endorse knocking it out!

  7. 13 hours ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

    The head of HR our "Chief People Officer" replied by saying that you never want to be the company paying the most for labor, nor the company paying the least.


    Maybe I'm wrong. But at first glance this seems like bad application of the winner's curse.


    For those unfamiliar, the winner's curse refers to a property of the bidder who wins an auction for which the item has a true value that is roughly equal to every bidder, but isn't known upfront and must be independently estimated by each bidder. In this case, if the average bid of bidders is an accurate representation of the true value of the item, then the winner was someone who incorrectly overestimated the value and is paying more than they should.


    In that context, a rule of thumb for never being the top or bottom payer makes sense and the HR officer was correct.


    Except there is a significant failure mode in that. The winner's curse only exists if the average estimate is an accurate reflection of the true value. For a huge number of reasons that are probably obvious to people here, for employee wages, it's entirely possible that the pay wage is a pessimistic reflection of the true value of the worker. And if all bidders are systemically bidding under the true value, the winner won't be cursed. They'll actually be doing the best, because they'll still be underpaying its true value: they'll have a positive net gain, while the competitors gain nothing. That is, the higher payer will get the best workers and still be paying less than their value.


    What companies should be doing is not assuming the average wage is an accurate estimate. They should actually look at what production they expect to get from a worker and estimate what their value is from there.

  8. Looking again, I think I must have made a mistake before. I think I was looking at the single income limit. Going by what I'm reading, I can contribute $5500 a year to one. So that at least seems like the obvious next thing to do.


    I think I'll probably still want to do something more on top of that. Money sitting in a checking account beyond what you could reasonably need immediately just seems stupid :p 

  9. 12 hours ago, Jose said:


    Regular IRA's arent that great. I think you are referring to a ROTH IRA, which has an inckme limit for a married couple filing jointly of $189,000 a year.


    Thanks. Yes, you are correct. I meant ROTH. I'll have to double check. Last time I checked the limit seemed lower, because I bring in the sole income between my wife me, but I'm not making that much. So maybe I made a mistake when looking at it. I remember seeing that you would get diminishing amounts you could invest and while I could invest some, not much, and I'd have to do a bit more managing of it to make sure I did it right.


    10 hours ago, Jose said:



    Honestly 401k isnt that great without employee match. Deferring your taxes on your 401k isn't much of a help considering we are living in a time with very low income tax, historically speaking. In all probability, you will be in a higher tax bracket when you retire and the tax rate of that bracket will probably be higher as well.


    Yeah, I know the 401K isn't great for that reason, but the tax free on entry on entry is better than nothing at all. I would prefer ROTH IRA if I can.

  10. 1 hour ago, Jose said:


    Any reason why you are maxing out your 401k? Does your employer do employee match?


    Unfortunately, they do not. But it at least has some tax benefit. IRA would be preferable, but I can't make as much use of that from my income limit is my understanding.

  11. I'll add one other thing bothers me. I don't think it's a spoiler and it starts pretty early on, but I'll mark it anyway.



    I really dislike how they've made Claire naggy about Luke's father. It's an enormous pet peeve of mine when people use reasons like "but it's your family!" This is an incredibly naive and poisonous concept. Some family members can be very bad people and it is mentally healthy to separate yourself from them. My mother's mother was a terrible person and my mom thankfully managed to get out and separate herself from that in her young adulthood. My best friend's mother was the same way. My wife's biological father and step mother are similarly awful harmful people.


    And yet, you still have assholes from the peanut gallery who don't know what they're talking about try an insist that these family members are included in their life, just because they're "family," with no appreciation nor regard for how psychologically damaging (and otherwise) it is to keep these people in your life. And worse, they do it with the self-righteousness similar to what Claire in the show displays. Fuck that shit.


  12. I'm maxing out my 401k and killed all debt at the start of this year. I took a bit of a hit to do that, but now I'm reaching a point where I have enough in my checking account that I should start saving it better rather than letting it all sit there. I'm also weighing what to do against the fact that I'm probably going to have to get a new car this year or next, which means I need enough fluidity + buffer to be comfortable doing that.


    Savings accounts seem like mostly garbage to me when I look at them. Getting a portfolio seems like a reasonable decision, but in these strange times, I'm a little hesitant about putting my money in stocks, even a well distributed portfolio. One option is to do a dividend based portfolio which is a little more stable, but maybe less chance for increased funds. Any thoughts on that?



    Those of you may remember I've asked a similar question before. But since I'm now past the point of taking care of the obvious (maxing 401K and clearing all debt), and because the market may be behaving a bit differently now, I thought I'd ping people again. Especially since I can no longer revisit that earlier thread :p 


    I remember people had mentioned IRAs, although I think I can't take full advantage of that because I'm pretty close to the income line for a two person household.


    I also did buy the Random Walk Down Wall Street book on advice from this board before. I haven't read all of it, but it's been a good read. Still though, I'd benefit from other thoughts.

  13. 3 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

    Credit card skimmers having a direct line to your bank account and your money (not the cc issuers money) if you use a debit card


    I have considered this possibility, but like @mclumber1, my experience is that my bank is over cautious and pretty good. Might not hurt to have an extra layer, but I have to weigh that against making sure another bill is paid off on time :p My impression is that card security in general is getting better too though. 

  14. 6 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


    I'm pretty much in agreement.  I do have old credit card debt that we are paying off, and should be all done by next year.  We haven't used the actual card in a long time.  I should be in a position next year to never need to use credit again, aside from buying a house when we move. 


    Nice. Although I didn't have any credit debt, my wife had some (about 5K) that was also just lingering from old stuff rather than current use as well. Once I moved out of working in academia it was one of the first things to go :p Was so nice to get rid of it. I think you'll similarly feel great once it's gone.


    The next thing to go was all my student loan debt, which was not as bad as some people, but absolutely a burden. Got rid of that the beginning of this year and we're completely 100% debt free now. Was such a huge relief. Now I just worry about making sure I'm saving enough for the future and how to catch up at those savings :p 

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