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Everything posted by legend

  1. No thanks... Not because I have a problem with not owning the game, but because I have problem with latency in gaming. If they want to open up a service where you still download the game, but only own while you pay for the service, I'm open to that.
  2. T2 has a far more nuanced and compelling story that sadly doesn't really seem to reach a lot of people. T2 challenges the very idea of the first: that AI are dangerous monsters who will kill us if we develop them. The thesis of the second is that intelligent machines can be a force for good, or evil. It's a reflection of ourselves. It succeeds in building an actual relationship between the humans and the T800, including even Sarah Connor who is forced to confront her worst nightmares to do so. It makes you feel for the uncompromising emotionless machine. T1 is just a monster movie.
  3. FWIW, PoE2 is fully voiced except for the "story book" elements (and some of them are voiced too)
  4. No, I'm afraid not. Game is fucking tough. Many of the battles, even "mundane" ones, need to be independently thought through. This is not a game where you learn one or two strategies and just repeat it on each encounter. I had previously started a second playthrough with my wife, but having already played it with my friend did *not* make it a breeze to go through, because one play through is not nearly enough to remember how to play each battle. This goes doubly if you change your character designs.
  5. How much political sway does the Catholic church have in the US? My impression (which may be wrong) was that the protestants had more political power here.
  6. That sucks that Pillars 2 is doing so poorly. There are absolutely valid complaints about it, but it also had some great stuff in it and I really like the visual style they've built. I think DOS2's amazing success means there is still a solid interesting the games, but it may mean that they need to diversify more as DOS2 did. FWIW, Dragonfall was simply better than Hong Kong, even though I did like Hong Kong a lot. RE: Tyranny, yeah it just kind of stops. There are even additional GUI elements pointing to a continuation of the story. I was fully expecting a big expansion for the continuation, but it never came. Not sure if they scrapped it because it did poorly or if they never actually planned on finishing it in an expansion. Otherwise it's pretty great with a refreshing take on matters.
  7. Hell yeah. Rymrgand and I have unfinished business.
  8. We're finally reaching a point where the dumb things kids do that will be broadcast across social media can be generalized to Gen Z instead of Millennials. Hooray!
  9. Ah okay. I just "finished" it after about 40 hours I put that in quotes because while I thought I was doing what was needed for the best ending, I apparently missed something you have to do in the final boss fight to trigger it Consequently, I got the middling ending of the 3. So I'm going to go back to it tomorrow and finish it proper. Also, there are still some other DLC quests that I hadn't started yet that I'll want to try. It was hard as shit (for me), but I thought it was a really great game. I'll be interested to see how you like it!
  10. I'm still going through Hollow Knight I think I could get to the first ending/boss fight about now if I wanted to, but I'm aiming to get the "real" ending. Finishing this game will be quite the accomplishment for me! @CastlevaniaNut18 I'm curious about your thoughts on Hollow Knight. I don't play a lot of Metroidvania games, especially ones this hard, but I've been loving it and I think it's probably my favorite of this kind. How do you think it stacks up? I envy you; taking these first steps into a new frontier. There is a metric ton of stuff you can do that is not necessary. Just stick to the big or interesting sounding quests in your log unless you really feel compelled. Myself, as the main game was reaching the close, I started to do all kinds of nonsense because I was trying to delay it from ending Also, you'll reach what seems to be a "point of no return" and they'll even give you a message about it. That's not the end of the game though There is still a lot more and it's just that advancing the story that far may cause some sidequests to be uncompletable. I really wish I could replay this game for the first time. It easily has the most satisfying ending to any game/series I've played. (I'm speaking of the main story's ending. There is one more sort of end in the final expansion Blood & Wine that is also nice and got me in the feels, but more so as a nice nod to the fans.) If Bioware could learn anything from CDPR, it's how to end the story to a series.
  11. I love how Trump is effectively throwing his son under the bus by refusing to associate with what his son did.
  12. If I had kids I would absolutely get this for them. Why are you looking at me like that? No I wouldn't being playing it myself!
  13. It's pretty mind boggling that despite how awful what they did here is, that cops have done infinitely worse (out right killing people for no good reason) and gotten off essentially scot-free. While I resist the generalization, I totally empathize with how people get to the point of just hating cops.
  14. My prediction: Not a brain. They just mean you have a large bundle of neurons responsible for controlling some subsystems. Article content: "Okay, not a literal brain — more of an autonomous matrix of millions of neurons that can, somehow, control intestinal muscle movements without any help from your central nervous system" The internet is getting lazy
  15. If I won the power ball, I'd still be doing what I am, but maybe living in a nicer place with nicer things. Depending on how things went, I suppose I might use the money to start my own company thereby making sure I was doing what I wanted, but there is also a lot of crap I wouldn't want to deal with when fully running the company, so things at my current job would have to go sideways quite a bit for me to make that leap!
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