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Everything posted by legend

  1. Absolutely. There are a few movies/shows we'll differ on, but we have extremely similar tastes by and large.
  2. CDPR off the back of their first attempt that annihilated all former endeavors by other developers.
  3. If memory serves, you can just choose any level you want to replay and set the difficulty, which yes carries over your upgrades.
  4. It's not enough to have tribal warfare. We must also invent it where it does not exist!
  5. Trying to extrapolate from memory to what it would feel like on my head, but seems like it would be on the heavy side, no?
  6. FWIW, I didn’t really enjoy the game starting on hard. Not because it was so tough per se, but because I was constantly running out of ammo and a shooter like Doom without ammo is boring. I dropped it down to normal after coming back to it about a year later and had a lot more fun. After you get enough upgrades so that ammo isn’t as much of a problem, going back to hard would be fine. Just a thought.
  7. Excellent! FYI, 4th Foundation book is a bit of a cliffhanger, so it’s not a good place to stop. And if you want to go that far, my suggestion is read the first 3, then pause and reach the robot novels (Caves of Steel, Naked Sun, Robots of Dawn, and then Robots and Empire). Then read The last 2 (in universe chronology) Foundation books: Foundations Edge, and Foundation and Earth. You will thank me for that pause and reverse toward the robot novels If you cant get enough, then read the prequel Foundation novels: Prelude to Foundation and Forward the Foundation after the final two foundation books and robot novels. Under no circumstances read Foundation and Earth nor the prequel Foundation novels before reading the robot novels. Also, the robot novels are IMO better, especially the last two.
  8. I distinctly don’t want X-men in the MCU. Maybe they could do it in a compelling way, but I think what makes X-men tick is that the mutants are a disruptive force in society. In the MCU, they wouldn’t be, and so the social ramifications wouldn’t work the same way. So while maybe they can find a way to pull it off in an interesting way, I think they would work better in their own universe (plus Deadpool)
  9. This is the first Steam alternative that I might be able to get behind.
  10. NASA is so fucking cool. It's one of the few remaining symbols of america that's positive.
  11. Sucks. The Netflix marvel shows aren't as good as they were when they started so I'll probably just avoid signing up and buy the movies I want.
  12. I think she's a great casting choice. Even though I've stopped watching these shows, I might check it out to see how she does in it.
  13. I personally find the freedom of speech appeal as some fundamental knock out a non-starter anyway. That "right" does not exist on its own as some natural force of reality. We imposed it as a law because we think it's useful for society to prosper. If appealing to it as as an absolute is *not* useful, merely appealing to "freedom of speech" does nothing to justify the position that Facebook et al., banning IW is bad. And fortunately, our laws in place are not some absolute imposed even on private products, so we don't even have to change something fundamental about our laws to be in favor of the ban.
  14. I mean, lets just be clear. The alternative being proposed is that Facebook should be legally prohibited from regulating who can use its service even when the users in question clearly propagate harmful misinformation? Really? Is that the alternative we think is better?
  15. Understood; my point is that legislation and the way people conceptualization it is more of utility than something like Facebook. For that reason, I don't think we have to worry about a slippery slope. There's a pretty clear difference between them. Ultimately, we shouldn't feel compelled to put everything in a pre-determined set of boxes anyway, though I understand legally it is often necessary to do so, which is why I raised it as "through the lens."
  16. I don't think the ISP analogy would be pushed though because law and regulation of ISP is more from the lens of the internet as a utility. Regardless of how prolific Facebook (et al.) is, I don't think there is any reason to conceptualize it as a utility and therefore generalize the law across. This would, however, generalize to say, Youtube and Twitter. And I'm also okay with a world where they block content for the same reason I'm okay with a world in which cable channels choose their content and can kick shows off.
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