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Everything posted by legend

  1. Nothing officially. It just is. I always thought it was something like "geometry and textures," but no, it just is.
  2. This is the perfect response. It's almost identical to my reaction when I read the thread title.
  3. Ah good point. In that case, they've at least used lube.
  4. I still need to watch the stream. But fuck those prices. Actually, the pain will probably be on the other side.
  5. That's kind of what I'm thinking. On the PC side today, there are any number of optional special effects in games, including Nvidia specific ones like HBAO+. I can easily see better GI options using some limited ray tracing being something similar that can be turned on.
  6. That's not too surprising to me. I don't think most burger's I've ordered come with mayo as a default.
  7. Not full ray tracing, I agree. But I think in the next few years we will see limited ray tracing for better effects and possibly low-quality (compared to fully ray tracing) implementations for approximate GI. Better GI is IMO one of the best ways to improve the naturalness of games. That would be interesting to have a split on the same line, but that makes sense too.
  8. I don't think it holds up anymore, but I do agree that they often had some really nice angles to emphasize the danger of the heights, jumps, and slips.
  9. Yeah I think it's interesting to have that level of rebranding. It's been a long time with GTX and it's interesting that ray tracing is what is making them change it. If ray tracing really does start taking off though, I can see why. It will have pretty significant graphics ramifications.
  10. Unfortunately, I won't be able to have that until I also purchase a 4K TV That's probably going to happen next year. I'm also slightly concerned about my i5 bottle necking me, but I think it will be okay.
  11. I might get this for the local coop and see if I can swindle my wife into playing it with me. Fuck.
  12. There's a damn good chance that the 2080 will be my next video card.
  13. Trick? It's not like Triss cast a spell to make Geralt fall in love with her. If she did, then yeah, loving someone because of a spell would be a pretty shoddy foundation for a relationship. Huh. What do you know, that's exactly the foundation for Yen & Geralt It's not about playing as me. Geralt goes through a lot, grows as a person, and has that spell broken. He also has reached a point where he's settling down. With the arch of the final games, it makes sense for Geralt to make a more adult decision in this regard too. Yes, Yen loves Geralt in the same way a narcissist does. I don't know about you, but I've met a lot of really toxic people in my life with that personality (fortunately, usually not attached to me, but someone I care about like good friends, my mother's mother, etc.) If you try and disassociate it's all "poor me the world is falling, I can't live with out you" histrionics. But when it's not that they put the person through hell. That is Yen, and fuck that shit. It's not mentally healthy to attach yourself to those people.
  14. Exactly. Triss legitimately loves Geralt. She still helps him to remember in the former game believing she'd probably lose him despite doing. Yen is massive cunt, so much so that everywhere Geralt goes people laugh at how Yen treats him like a dog. Compare Yen's response to Geralt when you meet her in W3 to the meeting with Triss. Triss tries to set aside her feelings and get the job done despite them, while treating Geralt with respect. In my world for Geralt, he grows as a person and chooses a relationship with a sane and passionate adult.
  15. Yeah W3 has a lot of interesting down stream consequences for decisions you make. Hopefully your downstream consequences for decision affecting Ciri went better!
  16. It's the Blood and Wine expansion of W3 at your vineyard if you do the smart thing and choose Triss.
  17. I do, but I decided i don't really like it It's' too easy to mistype. Not sure if its a property of being mechanical or if the keys just aren't low profile enough for my tastes.
  18. If he's losing his shit, maybe he should stop posting on twitter and with all the self promotion pretending he's an expert on everything?
  19. It has occasional dips on Switch, but it's not bad. I've gotten up to the penultimate boss (there is only more area and then the final boss fight) and think I've been everywhere else and it's never been an issue. It's also one the most ideal portable games around, so it is fantastic on Switch.
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