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Everything posted by legend

  1. ? It's not a controversial statement that a developer's max settings would strive to take advantage of the latest cards, consequently resulting in the max settings only being really possible with the best cards. That's not dumb, that's exactly what we want devs to be doing. Making the max setting being ceilinged by older cards sucks. Having demanding max settings doesn't mean the game won't run on older systems on lower than max settings.
  2. Most likely I won't be playing anything that is not Dead Cells or No Man's Sky.
  3. I just read that before coming here. While I'm clearly in the camp of "I want this card to be a massive success!" (provisional on independent analysis) I completely agree. That was some weak sauce reasoning. Or at least a good chunk of it was. Particularly this paragraph: The only thing that was at all interesting was the suggestion that Nvidia might be deliberately pricing the 20 series a bit higher to pawn off the extra stock of 10 series they have from previously expecting more crypto miners.
  4. You guys got to play to your audience. If the below clip (and to completion) doesn't win @SFLUFAN over, then nothing in the show will.
  5. I'm perfectly okay with the death penalty for some in principle, for the same reason I think war is sometimes necessary. But I have yet to see a method proposed that seems like it would be cheap and robust to corruption, idiocy, and other gross aspects of humanity.
  6. Then that person needs to seek help if they would murder the person themselves. I'd also be entirely supportive of the state offering services for victims, or really anyone, if they're struggling with such problems. Seeing someone shouldn't be so shitty to justify the drain on society keeping an otherwise now good person in jail causes. To be clear, our human reaction to be adverse to letting such a person go is understandable. Indeed, I fall victim to any number of irrational bad decisions because my emotions can at times get the better of me just like anyone else and losing a loved one is one of the most emotionally powerful events a person can suffer. But reactions being understandable does not make them acceptable. Under no circumstances would I ever want society to shape its policy around emotional human reactions, including my own.
  7. Welcome back! So, just why did Leon flip you on your back in the desert and refuse to help you turn back over?
  8. Because keeping people who would be productive citizens incarcerated is a big drain on society. The damage they caused is a sunk cost; keeping a "100% rehabilitated" person in jail in won't solve the damage any better.
  9. If we take the earlier specs showing that this might be first line to safely handle regular raster games at 4K well, were you really expecting it'd not only manage that feat, but also do it with all the new stuff it enables too?
  10. You won't be maxing it out if devs start embracing the hardware of the 20x line. A 'low' resolution like 1080P won't save you. If devs don't then yeah, you'll be fine.
  11. Yeah I think that's probably true as well. It seems like a hail Mary, particularly because unless he has concrete evidence to offer that they don't already have, his statement is pretty useless.
  12. Given the potential, a lot of people are going to get real weird with it!
  13. https://nypost.com/2018/08/21/cohen-willing-to-tell-mueller-about-conspiracy-to-collude-lawyer/ We'll see.
  14. I'm thinking a bit more about what having this much tensor core power on a gpu means for gaming. I came up with a bizarre idea that I think would be a lot of fun for modders. One of the current trends in DL is pixel to pixel networks. This is actually what their super scaling and AA tech is. But one of the more fun things you can do is train artistic styles to turn regular images into something stylized. What this means for modders is they could train an art style and then apply it to a game to get a very different aesthetic.
  15. I was literally about to respond saying that camera looks really irritating from the video and then I see that
  16. These results panning out (and not being BS scores) with everything else would still only be at a "might?"
  17. The other DL based tech I mentioned earlier that this hardware could see making its way out of research and into actual games is "animation" systems where the movements are governed by intentional behavior that adapt to the environment. It's tech that both (1) makes the development pipeline much easier and (2) makes for more compelling correctly reactive results. Here's a blog on the tech: https://xbpeng.github.io/projects/DeepMimic/index.html And a summary video:
  18. This is much better than I was hoping! Of course this is Nvidia's testing right? In which case it's a bit suspect. But if these numbers mostly hold out with more independent reviews, all the better!
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