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Posts posted by legend

  1. 35 minutes ago, Mercury33 said:

    Is it just me or does this really really look like what Too Human was ORIGINALLY supposed to be? At least the very little I remember from the magazine articles at the time. 


    It's just you :p Too Human was always planned to be a third person hack and slash dungeon crawler with (initially) a focus on multiplayer. That is... not like Cyberpunk.

  2. 12 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


    I think if Obamacare was left as is, support for MFA would be much lower. But the GOP and Trump ran on repeal, did a shitty bang up job of trying to repeal it, made it worse for everyone, so now people are willing to go the single payer route.  


    Even I would support it, as long as it is funded smartly, and doesn't include periphery care like prescriptions, dental and vision.  I know you communists will get all pissy because I said that, but let's be pragmatic, not even Canada includes those services in their socialized healthcare plan.


    Why are you opposed to including prescriptions? While I think dental should be supported I better understand why it's more debatable. But why no prescriptions? Many drugs are not cheap, yet also necessary. 

  3. 33 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

    I think that first person shooting is often difficult to parse in video. When people talk about a shooter like Destiny just feeling right, it's not something that I think is particularly well conveyed in video. It's the little things, the feel or the texture of the combat that differentiate excellent shooters from more generic ones.


    If there was anything in the video (at least what I watched of it) that felt bland it was the default pistol. I think a fully automatic weapon like that can easily feel more boring than things like the shotgun that we saw later.


    I agree with you that there is tightness in shooting mechanics that can make or break, in the same way the subtle way motion in a platformer is handles is really important. Things seemed to move pretty nicely in the video to me though and looks solid in the same way when I watch videos of the new doom it feels solid. And then you have the plethora of variation they showed.

    You might be right though that a negative community reaction is stemming from peoples reaction at the start. It's a very long video where they slowly reveal stuff and a lot of people may not have stuck through it all.

  4. 2 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

    It looks a lot like Deus Ex, and I think that's a good thing. I imagine we'll see plenty of people that complain about the shooting being generic even though the game allows you to play in any number of ways


    I guess I really don't understand why people think any of the combat shown was generic. What are these shooters people see that are so much deeper in variety of combat? People rave about Doom (and I enjoyed it too), but I'm not seeing how that is somehow not generic whereas Cyberpunk is. I'd even say that Cyberpunk has a lot less generic combat than Doom.


    TBC, I realize you're not saying that yourself but I'm just kind of sounding off on the idea that this is a general impression people have.

  5. 12 hours ago, Bacon said:

    I like Bulletstorm and I don't like many of the 2012+ FPS games. And I don't like many FPS RPGs. Cuz it is 60+ hours of just shooting.

    I know it may sound silly, but shooters mostly feel like you are just shooting with not much else.

    Which FPS RPGs do feel like nothing but 60hrs of shooting to you? If you're thinking of something like Boarderlands or Destiny, sure I agree, but those seems like a very bad comparison to Cyberpunk. Games like that are more like sprinkling in some RPG elements into a shooter, rather than an RPG with shooter combat. Better comparisons to Cyberpunk would be the Deus Ex series and the post-Bethesda Fallout series, neither of which are 60+ hours of shooting.


    Still not good matches, but which are not 60+ hours of shooting are the Dishonored series and the new Prey game.




    Like I wouldn't say TW3 is just swinging your sword. You have your spells, traps, you actually dodge attacks and don't just hide behind cover. There are also light and heavy attacks. Yes there are other things, but just look at ME. You are either shooting or using an ability that lets you shoot enemies better, like launching them in the air or slowing down time.


    I'm a little confused at your comparison to Mass Effect being different because you can use abilities to launch enemies or slow down time,

    I think I misread your reason for referencing mass effect. Nevertheless, I think my next comments stand, there is a lot of different style in the combat they showed. We saw

    • Slowing down time
    • Dodge moves
    • Double jumps
    • Wall running
    • Melee attacks from robotic arm upgrades
    • Hacking people's guns
    • Combat in vehicles
    • Using bots

    And probably other stuff I'm forgetting. And that's just the combat side. Did you not watch much of the video? :p 


  6. 18 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:



    2080 = Titan Xp performance. Good, good! 

    If so then the 2080ti should edge out the Titan V. 


    Man, that comparison chart makes my 980 look peasant like. The same 980 you guys got me so I didn't have to be peasant-like in my now favorite RPG of all time Witcher 3 :hug: 

    • stepee 1
  7. 4 hours ago, elbobo said:

    Something I was thinking about, if AMD doesn't incorporate ray tracing into their next cards and as a result the next gen consoles don't have it how big a deal is it going to end up being? 


    It will hurt things, IMO. Consoles always rein things in to some extent. Even though devs will often push things with their max settings, I don't see how consoles can not have an impact because of underlying design for the console hardware.


    I don't think it will be completely crushing, because for some time the path forward will be integrating ray tracing on top of raster pipelines; the intent isn't to fully switch all at once because we can't do that. But I can't imagine it still wouldn't have important impacts because if consoles don't support it, ray tracing will be forced to be designed as an extra rather than core to the graphics of a game.

  8. 5 hours ago, Reputator said:


    LOL what developer would be that dumb?


    ? It's not a controversial statement that a developer's max settings would strive to take advantage of the latest cards, consequently resulting in the max settings only being really possible with the best cards. That's not dumb, that's exactly what we want devs to be doing. Making the max setting being ceilinged by older cards sucks. 


    Having demanding max settings doesn't mean the game won't run on older systems on lower than max settings.

  9. 48 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

    Enjoy this article that seems like it was written on a dare or after losing at some game of chance! Its cringe worthy to read, like watching a person who clearly doesn't believe what they are debating, debating the point anyway because that's the straw they picked! :lol:




    :lol: I just read that before coming here. While I'm clearly in the camp of "I want this card to be a massive success!" (provisional on independent analysis) I completely agree. That was some weak sauce reasoning. Or at least a good chunk of it was. Particularly this paragraph:



    Life is short. How many months or years do you want to wait to enjoy a new experience? You can sit around twiddling your thumbs and hoping that an RTX 2080 gets cheaper, or you can enter the world of ray-tracing and high-speed, 4K gaming today and never look back. When you die and your whole life flashes before your eyes, how much of it do you want to not have ray tracing?




    The only thing that was at all interesting was the suggestion that Nvidia might be deliberately pricing the 20 series a bit higher to pawn off the extra stock of 10 series they have from previously expecting more crypto miners.

    • Haha 1
  10. 28 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

    Personally, I would also be fine with removing the truly and completely unrehabilitative from existence.  Unlike the current death penalty, this would not be a futile exercise in "justice" or "deterrence", but rather based on pure utilitarianism.


    Come at me, liberals!


    I'm perfectly okay with the death penalty for some in principle, for the same reason I think war is sometimes necessary. But I have yet to see a method proposed that seems like it would be cheap and robust to corruption, idiocy, and other gross aspects of humanity.

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