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Everything posted by legend

  1. I have an immediate aversion to a celebrity running for office, but I really don't know much about her and she could be an exception. Can you give me an overview on why she is qualified?
  2. FWIW, whenever I do upgrade, which will very likely be for one of these cards, I'll be giving away my 980, because as far as I'm concerned it's a community card anyway.
  3. Witcher 3's combat was enjoyable, but not great, IMO, and I say this as a person whose by far favorite RPG ever was Witcher 3. (I do think the combat was improved in the DLC though). Fundamentally, I think Witcher 3's combat was held back from greatness because There was too much waiting for the opponent to make a move. Geralt could be stun locked for far too long (getting knocked over and getting back up, being blocked, or hit with some other stun move) Weapon attacks and their timings did not feel predictable enough Aiming certain spells or weapons was too clumsy An action game of that sort doesn't need hugely long combos; in fact I usually don't like that. But the player should feel in control at all times, and should always be doing something or be rewarded for doing something rather than standing around (or taking a hit for doing the wrong thing).
  4. So you think the "swing melee" in Fallout is legit but the arm blades that let you wall run, kill from above, etc, is not? Nevermind the remote hacking, bots, and diplomatic conversation options throughout the game? Is it possible you're being unreasonably reductive to Cyberpunk and exceedingly charitable to anything else? So sliding behind the "boss" at the end to take out its shield mechanic close range with a shotgun didn't seem effective? And wall running above enemies to get into position to hack them and attack from above when they couldn't see you also didn't seem effective? You're going in with the assumption that despite "all this cool shit" being there, it just won't be useful, but that's a really bizarre assumption to make. Not only doesn't it not seem valid from what we saw in Cyberpunk, but I don't think it's true for a lot of the best FPSs. The Halo series is one of my favorites because of how rewarding doing really cool shit was. The recent Doom is also best played in the "cool shit" kind of way by keeping moving, bouncing off of jump pads, double jumping, and using glory kills. Maybe you just play shit shooters?
  5. It's just you Too Human was always planned to be a third person hack and slash dungeon crawler with (initially) a focus on multiplayer. That is... not like Cyberpunk.
  6. Why are you opposed to including prescriptions? While I think dental should be supported I better understand why it's more debatable. But why no prescriptions? Many drugs are not cheap, yet also necessary.
  7. I agree with you that there is tightness in shooting mechanics that can make or break, in the same way the subtle way motion in a platformer is handles is really important. Things seemed to move pretty nicely in the video to me though and looks solid in the same way when I watch videos of the new doom it feels solid. And then you have the plethora of variation they showed. You might be right though that a negative community reaction is stemming from peoples reaction at the start. It's a very long video where they slowly reveal stuff and a lot of people may not have stuck through it all.
  8. I guess I really don't understand why people think any of the combat shown was generic. What are these shooters people see that are so much deeper in variety of combat? People rave about Doom (and I enjoyed it too), but I'm not seeing how that is somehow not generic whereas Cyberpunk is. I'd even say that Cyberpunk has a lot less generic combat than Doom. TBC, I realize you're not saying that yourself but I'm just kind of sounding off on the idea that this is a general impression people have.
  9. Which FPS RPGs do feel like nothing but 60hrs of shooting to you? If you're thinking of something like Boarderlands or Destiny, sure I agree, but those seems like a very bad comparison to Cyberpunk. Games like that are more like sprinkling in some RPG elements into a shooter, rather than an RPG with shooter combat. Better comparisons to Cyberpunk would be the Deus Ex series and the post-Bethesda Fallout series, neither of which are 60+ hours of shooting. Still not good matches, but which are not 60+ hours of shooting are the Dishonored series and the new Prey game. I'm a little confused at your comparison to Mass Effect being different because you can use abilities to launch enemies or slow down time, I think I misread your reason for referencing mass effect. Nevertheless, I think my next comments stand, there is a lot of different style in the combat they showed. We saw Slowing down time Dodge moves Double jumps Wall running Melee attacks from robotic arm upgrades Hacking people's guns Combat in vehicles Using bots And probably other stuff I'm forgetting. And that's just the combat side. Did you not watch much of the video?
  10. Man, that comparison chart makes my 980 look peasant like. The same 980 you guys got me so I didn't have to be peasant-like in my now favorite RPG of all time Witcher 3
  11. I thought the combat looked fun in general, for any FPS. Relative to other action RPGs it looked extremely good.
  12. It will hurt things, IMO. Consoles always rein things in to some extent. Even though devs will often push things with their max settings, I don't see how consoles can not have an impact because of underlying design for the console hardware. I don't think it will be completely crushing, because for some time the path forward will be integrating ray tracing on top of raster pipelines; the intent isn't to fully switch all at once because we can't do that. But I can't imagine it still wouldn't have important impacts because if consoles don't support it, ray tracing will be forced to be designed as an extra rather than core to the graphics of a game.
  13. I'm curious if she'll look at the forwarding pages to her videos and discover this thread and the previous ones Wade has made
  14. I'm interested. But the biggest problem I've had with games of this style is getting the depth alignment when attacking right always feels annoying to me. I often feel like I should be on the correct plane, but am not.
  15. Someone who knows how to do 16bit, but updated aesthetic the right way!
  16. Assuming independent reviews confirm what I'm expecting, I'll get either a 2080 or 2080Ti. Not sure yet.
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