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Posts posted by legend

  1. 5 hours ago, HardAct said:

    Always had this game as a "need to play title". That said I will wait for a huge discount, sorry! I love Legos even now and I'm old, and the building part of Fallout 4 was some of the most fun I've had in a game in a long time, even though most hated it. I have to reboot that game first as I haven't played any of the dlc that I own, but I will keep an eye on this. Would be a good game to use to show off a new gaming PC coming this winter!!


    Haha no worries. Mainly I just wanted to give people some feedback to give it a try if the reason they didn't is because of how abysmal it was at launch 2 years ago. If you do wait even more, there is a benefit in so far as Hello Games has made it clear they're still not done, so by the time you get to it might be even cooler than it is now :p 


    On the other hand, if you wait, you might lose your chance to build the largest empire in the game ;) 


    2 hours ago, DPCyric said:

    Lack of VR support is whats keeping me away... maybe next gen?


    It would be amazing in VR. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if they offer it in this very game somewhere down the road, rather than having to wait for next gen. But I haven't heard anything on it either.

  2. After the NEXT update, I feel confident in saying this is the game it should have been from the start. It's been a long road, but I'm really enjoying this a lot now.


    If you were hyped for it before, but didn't get it because it didn't come close to meeting expectations, give it a shot now. If you're on PC, you can at least give it a shot and return it if you still don't like it.


    To describe what it's like, the best analogy I can think of is sadly one that probably most people won't get. It's in many ways, what Escape Velocity (a mac-only game series in the 90s) wanted to be, but never had the technology to achieve.


    At the most basic level, it's a survival and dominance game. You start out with nothing but your shuttle and struggle to survive and slowly make your self go from vulnerable, to empire. (Okay, not sure anyone in the game has quite yet achieved empire status, but there are groups working on it.)


    • There is a main story quest to follow to get you going;
    • there are guild factions and missions to play;
    • there are raids to perform;
    • pirates to survive (or fleets to plunder if you go the other way); 
    • there are fleets to build;
    • a personal collection of different kinds of ships to collect and upgrade,
    • systems, planets, a species to discover and name in the persistent universe
    • multi-planet bases to build;
    • cross-planet mining,



    The base building in particular is a lot of fun. I don't normally get into games like Minecraft, but this is really starting to scratch the itch for me. I think because the world is more interesting, persistent with other players, while still offering you opportunities to build out your own remote bases in remote systems that are not hubs (but there *are* also hub systems if you want to build in those systems too.) 


    The dynamics of the construction and the world at large also causes lot of great organic requirements. For example, building certain kinds of things requires materials that you can only find on rare planets, which naturally causes you to explore and search for ideal mining planets and start formulating plans for how best to build a mining network to build out your base. Or how to build up a fleet and manage it so that they can go on exhibitions to gather rare material.


    Building up your first base also triggers a bunch of side quests that are given to you by the people you hire. I originally meant to make some progress on the main story yesterday, but got side tracked by all the base side quests that open up.


    There are also lots of fun things to do with the base building that after something like 30 hours of active play I still haven't even been able to start: like constructing exovehicles and race tracks on which you can compete with your friends and save times.


    The other really promising aspect of all this, is it's not done. Hello Games is still working on new stuff for the game and has started community missions that rewards "quicksliver" you can use to get additional cosmetics in the game. (I originally thought that like most games, you had to pay for quicksilver, but that is not true; it's rewarded to you for the community missions).




    Finally, the exploration itself *is* fun in its own right. I know people would worry that randomly generated worlds wouldn't be fun to explore, but they absolutely are. I've taken more screenshots in this game than the vast majority of games that I play. Here is a selection.






















    • stepee 2
  3. 33 minutes ago, Mithan said:

    Not disagreeing with you on "winning card part", just saying it is very expensive and many people wont really benefit right now and in my case, I will wait for performance to imporove, I do not think this will offer much over my 1080Ti.  Benchmarks will show that of course.


    Yeah, I won't deny its expensiveness and if people just don't like spending that much money on this kind of thing, I totally get it. But for those of us who would spend that much, I can't think of a better card to do it for in the last 15 years or so.* And I think that holds true even for people who are still on a 1080P TV.


    * Provisional claim until we have more confirmation about its performance being real.

  4. 1 hour ago, Mithan said:


    I think in time it will go that route, but I do not see this as being something people "must have" today or in the very near future (next 12 months).  I also think the hit to performance is more than the vast majority of people will tolerate.


    You might disagree, but I am one of those people who loves graphic fidelity and will drop $1000 on a new video card, but I still want a decent frame rate.  I don't see a point in dropping $1600 Canadian on the 2080Ti version, when it will give me the great graphics but at about 30-40FPS, not after playing at 120+ fps in almost every game the last year, maxed out.  I just don't see the trade off worth it, so I will skip it until it IS worth it, which I suspect will be a generation, so late 2019 or 2020.  


    I like the tech, it is the future but I think at this point, prices are extremely high.  


    I'm also a framerate whore about a steady 60 fps and loathe micro stutter and tearing, so I always optimize for that. But every indication shows that 1080P (which is the original context of my comment to Dre who said he wanted to stay at 1080P) with ray tracing features at 60FPS is absolutely going to be possible quite frequently, and it's only going to get more possible with time as developers start optimizing for the hardware. The DF Dice videos do a good job at making that clear.


    Now if you're commenting out of the original context of the 1080P discussion,  want 4K at 60fps, and otherwise would rather have that than ray tracing, then this is *still* a great card to get because this is the first line of cards that seem to make conventional ultra raster games at 4K extremely reliable. And because the ray tracing resolution can be lower than the screen resolution, as time goes on you'd probably still be able to do 4K Ultra at 60 with some degree of ray tracing on as well.


    Really, no matter your preferences on how much you care about each kind of graphical features, this is a winning card.


    The prices are high, there is no doubt about that. But if you're the kind of person who is willing to spend 1K on gaming hardware, there hasn't been a card that gives a better reason to do that in a very long time.

  5. 16 minutes ago, HardAct said:

    I'm now confused, I need a card that will be future proof. I do not upgrade as ofen as I'd like, not because of funds, just because with all that life throws at us {5 kids, etc} and owning each and every damn console it just dosen't fit into my life style! That said, boy have I gotten a country mile out of my 980Ti and I bought into that a few years late too. i'm willing to spend the money, I just want a BIG BANG FOR my damned buck. Is that too much to ask these days? I do not want to buy these 2080Tis and have them actually only 15-20% better then a 1080Ti. So now I don't know what to do, except just keep reading the great stuff some of you PC Enthusiasts Gurus who really know whats what and on the web to wait and see, and maybe let another series go by the by. I want to be able to play @4k high specs HDR mostly 60FPS. Is or is this not the card now -> 2080Ti? 


    Based on what we've seen so far, it looks like going from a 980Ti to 2080Ti will be a substantial improvement, even on regular raster games. From a 1080Ti->2080Ti it's looking like about a 40% improvement on pure raster games (so from a 980Ti would be even bigger.) Then you'll have whatever else starts coming down the pipe that uses the ray tracing and tensor cores which, again, is very promising. Based just on what Nvidia told us in the presentation I was extremely excited (and went in more cautious), and what we're now hearing from devs is even more promising than I felt out of that.


    It also looks like if you want 4K at 60fps, then this is a great time to jump, because it finally looks consistently possible (on a single card).


    However, if you got a 980Ti pretty late and don't like the idea of spending on a lot money on hardware already, at least give it a month past release. We should have a much better feel for things then and you can at least be more confident that if you pay the high price, that it is at least for something that is as special as it's looking it may be to me.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Mithan said:

    I don't think you need to worry about that.  Ray Tracing will be bolted on for a few years at least and unless we see PS5/Xbox 4 adoption, it will matter less and will continue to be an "nVidia Feature" until other people catch up.


    Normal rasterization isn't going anywhere for the next 5 years at least IMO.  




    I don't think that's true unless you consider "bolted on" to be anything other than completely ray traced (which won't happen for many graphics generations).


    The stuff out of the gate we're seeing with almost no time is already quite promising and it's clear there is a huge range of software improvement that can be done that developers are excited about it. It also has support from DX and Epic in UE4. 


    The only reason I think we won't see a nice substantial growth in this tech is if the cards are a major commercial failure.

  7. 34 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

    Do you guys think the i7 5960x (or whatever @Mr.Vic20 gave me :p ) will pair well with a 2080 Ti?


    That's probably fine. I'm more worried about my i5 4670k. The question for me is whether I upgrade to an LGA 1150 socket i7 (also in the 4xxx series) or if should do a more complete upgrade. That would burn a bit, because it would mean new mobo ram and CPU to go with the video card.

  8. 33 minutes ago, Bacon said:


    I saw the hacking, but I didn't see any bots being used unless I missed it. I saw the spider bot being used by the psycho looking guy, but that was it. 


    They talk about how once you get the bot you can use it. They didn't show it much though.



    Oh. I didn't mean "not using guns" because you could talk it out. Honestly I hate how much Fallout is being brought(even if it is my fault) up cuz I am not praising fallout for having these options, and I am not saying it is bad that CP2077 doesn't have a melee option. As I said, I suppose I could be wrong. But yeah, both fallout and CP2077 have diplomatic conversation options, which is good and a way both games are similar. Just like fallout, I doubt I'll use them tho. I mean, I ain't gonna miss out on that EXP. Well, if you don't get EXP from killing baddies then I won't mind not killing. Wait, is there even exp?



    I even know why I am being unfair. Because this isn't what I wanted. A FPRPG is fine, but never ever, have I wanted a FPS + RPG. Like, I know fallout is, but it is so different than an normal FPS. The fact that this game is an FPS does not make me happy. I mean, I would have never played ME if it was first person. I do not want to play a RPG in first person. The Bethesda game are like the sole exception, and a lot of that has to do with your character basically being a floating hand with a gun of sword and not really having any character.


    I am totally being overly harsh and I am still getting the game. 


    It would be deeply surprising to me if there were not a number of melee options even beyond the cyber blades. Melee is quite common in the cyberpunk genre (both the actual game this is based on and other cyberpunk genre games and stories.)


    I would be so surprised I even decided to look it up, and sure enough, there will be a lot of melee support as confirmed below.




    This much was revealed during a recent interview held between GameSpot and CD Projekt Red’s associate design director Kyle Rowley, with the latter stating that Cyberpunk 2077 will feature both ranged and melee combat, and their mechanics are rooted in lessons learned from The Witcher 3. As explained by Rowley, “We learned quite a lot from the combat in Witcher 3, and we’re translating that to the lessons we learned in the gameplay about how to do melee and try to transfer that to Cyberpunk,” with the shift from first-person to third-person seemingly not getting in the way of the translation.




  9. 2 hours ago, RedSoxFan9 said:

    what qualifications are you looking for? Harvard law decree, 2 years as a prosecutor, kissed the right ass on a campaign, appointed to as assistant director as a reward


    I don't have any singular specific set so me listing out the union of all possible things I find acceptable would be rather wasteful of our time. But if you think she is qualified you must have reasons and that's what I was asking you for. It's entirely possible I would agree and I tried to make that clear when I asked you.


    But responding that qualifications don't matter or are just a means to keep outsider out is a super bizarre statement. Most people shouldn't be in a high-level political office (myself included--the world in which I'm a good choice for a high-level office is a very dark world indeed.) and we should absolutely be discerning and look for people qualified for such incredibly important jobs.


    TBC, I'm also completely open to the possibility the bar is low given the competition. I still want to know where she stands in her qualifications though.

  10. 36 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:



    Seems Ray Tracing in 1440P is a go! With the right optimization, we might even get some 4K RY this gen! I'm excited!


    Nice. The discussion in that article is precisely why I want these cards to be successful. I want developers to have every motivation to put resources into the software development so it can sing.

  11. 25 minutes ago, Bacon said:

    I mean, it is the same melee combat that is in ES so, kinda? And the arm blades are a power up or an ult, not something that can be used normally all the time. That is why it doesn't count.


    The melee combat in Fallout is garbage in terms of being interesting in its own right. It's click and you swing. If that's your standard for good, then you should have absolutely zero concerns about Cyberpunk's combat options. And if you don't think it's good, I'm not sure why you're bringing it up as a counter point?


    On what are you basing the idea that the arm blades are a "power up or an ult?" Nothing they said indicated that and there was no time component or "draining" shown.


    And beyond that we also saw silent take downs being melee options.



    not combat


    I was responding to you saying that in fallout you can easily not use guns. But okay, lets talk about combat but not guns. You also clipped out the part where I mentioned remote hacking and bots, being other options.



    It sure was on this difficulty on this boss with no other enemies around. 

    You think being able to quickly slide behind someone and then move again won't be useful in many scenarios? 










    Once again, I hate the slow mo shit. It was way over used to the point of it seeming like a necessity. Of course I could not play that way, but it it is there I will abuse the fuck out of it. The auto aim smg is lame, but I do like the ricochet bullets. And I am not saying Fallout is better for having a viable melee option that can used throughout the whole game, just that CP2077's melee isn't a melee option, it is just an ability with limited use. 


    Okay, you can say you hate slow mo mechanisms. It's really weird for you to then say you'll use it anyway, but setting that aside, you can say "I don't personally like x" and that's fine. We all have things we do and don't subjectively like. But you're going beyond that and making up reasons to criticize the game that don't add up.

  12. 5 minutes ago, RedSoxFan9 said:



    She’s over age 30, a US citizen, and has been a resident of NY for the last 5 years.  All other discussions of qualifications are meritocracy bullshit that’s meant to keep outsiders out and to avoid discussions of issues. 


    You think the only reason to be concerned about someone's qualifications for a political office is to keep outsiders out?



  13. Witcher 3's combat was enjoyable, but not great, IMO, and I say this as a person whose by far favorite RPG ever was Witcher 3. (I do think the combat was improved in the DLC though).


    Fundamentally, I think Witcher 3's combat was held back from greatness because 

    1. There was too much waiting for the opponent to make a move.
    2. Geralt could be stun locked for far too long (getting knocked over and getting back up, being blocked, or hit with some other stun move)
    3. Weapon attacks and their timings did not feel predictable enough
    4. Aiming certain spells or weapons was too clumsy


    An action game of that sort doesn't need hugely long combos; in fact I usually don't like that. But the player should feel in control at all times, and should always be doing something or be rewarded for doing something rather than standing around (or taking a hit for doing the wrong thing).

  14. 6 hours ago, Bacon said:

    Not the same at all? Fallout and ES are FPRPG games (which can be played in third person) and CP2077 looks like a FPSRPG. And in Fallout you can easily not use guns, and in ES you can just use a bow. CP2077 has that blade arm shit but I wouldn't really call that melee combat. Like, I wouldn't say ME had melee combat because you could stab people with a glowing arm blade.


    So you think the "swing melee" in Fallout is legit but the arm blades that let you wall run, kill from above, etc, is not? Nevermind the remote hacking, bots, and diplomatic conversation options throughout the game?


    Is it possible you're being unreasonably reductive to Cyberpunk and exceedingly charitable to anything else?



    I get that this game has all these cool things you can do in combat with the (annoying as fuck trashy I hate it) bullet time and sliding, but LOL like that shit has ever been viable. There is almost no instance where doing the cool shit in a shooter game is actually better than sitting back and shooting from a distance, ESPECIALLY on the harder difficulties. 


    So sliding behind the "boss" at the end to take out its shield mechanic close range with a shotgun didn't seem effective? And wall running above enemies to get into position to hack them and attack from above when they couldn't see you also didn't seem effective?


    You're going in with the assumption that despite "all this cool shit" being there, it just won't be useful, but that's a really bizarre assumption to make. Not only doesn't it not seem valid from what we saw in Cyberpunk, but I don't think it's true for a lot of the best FPSs. The Halo series is one of my favorites because of how rewarding doing really cool shit was. The recent Doom is also best played in the "cool shit" kind of way by keeping moving, bouncing off of jump pads, double jumping, and using glory kills. Maybe you just play shit shooters? :p 

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