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Posts posted by legend

  1. 9 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

    The fact that they are eggs and "living creatures" means you have contributed to their suffering.


    A better argument is why is eating animals not ok but eating plants ok? Plants can respond to outside stimuli meaning they can feel pain, you're making plants suffer.


    Satire, right?



    6 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

    That wasn't the end of the problem, unfortunately. Few weeks later, the husband came home from work one nightand a rat was sitting in the bathroom. He tried to trap it but it got out and ran into the closet.


    Think of it from the rat's perspective. Here he is just trying to have a civilized shit and not only do you barge in on his privacy, you also then chase him out in the middle of it. Pretty rude honestly.



  2. 11 minutes ago, Nokra said:

    Getting upset about this comment by Trump seems to me to be about as stupid as getting upset at someone for kneeling at a football game.  :p 


    I didn't get the impression from the audio that he was making light of their deaths, and Trump routinely does some truly despicable shit. Is this really worth getting upset over? :shrug:


    Yeah not only is the joke not a blip on the Trump radar of shit, it's not something to be concerned about even in a good world.

  3. 3 hours ago, brucoe said:

    Just wanted to say that I spent some serious time in the game not too long ago, and I had two responses to whether or not you should play this game.


    1. I'm not sure what the original release game was like, but it's really a lot of fun right now, and it's deeply immersive. My one problem in the first few days of playing the game was that the universe really felt lonely. Then I started finding random vendors and space people on the planets that kind of helped me realize I wasn't alone, but they were always aliens, and my understanding of their knowledge was horridly bad, no matter how many words I learned. I get the impression that you literally have to learn the entire vocabulary of an alien language to even understand a fraction of their language. Part of me thinks that could take months of playing. I'd probably learn their language quicker if there was a Berlitz training manual somewhere outside of the game (the ones that actually teach you real world languages in the real world).


    But there's a lot of detail and a lot of nuance throughout the game. I could have probably played this forever. Except


    2. They haven't fixed some of the bugs that have been around since release. The last one I experienced basically ended the game for me completely. I managed to get a freighter (from saving an allied species ship during combat) and got onto it. And then my interface went stupid. I couldn't get off the ship, and I couldn't do anything in the ship. It was like I had clicked camera mode in any other game and just couldn't get out of it. And at this point, it had been a very long time since I was able to previously save the game. The game tells you that it saved the game when you get onto the freighter, but it doesn't actually do that. It just tells you it did. Only way to have saved it would have been back on a planet. That was a LONG TIME AGO.


    I could have gone back to one of those saves hours and hours ago, and when I did, I just didn't feel like doing all that again and hope that 90 percent of the random things that happened would lead me to this wonderful point in the game. And when I tried to do that, it just went bad. So I relogged again. And it went worse.


    So, I signed out, commented on the boards, realized that a bunch of people had made this same complaint YEARS ago, and then just decided I wouldn't be signing back on again.


    That sucks about that bug! I've been fortunate that the only bugs I've encountered have been fixable.

  4. 2 hours ago, best3444 said:


    Buy one today just for Spider-Man alone. Not kidding.


    Won't happen today, because I've still got other games taking my time in addition to working longer hours per week. But rest assured it won't be too long!


    12 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


    You're making a good decision! There's a ton of quality out on the PS4 as it's developed a wonderful library (and don't forget Bloodborne!).


    In regards to Uncharted, remember that Lost Legacy is a full-length second Uncharted game on the system, and it's fantastic.


    I'm hesitant on Bloodborne. DS didn't do anything for me, but I've been enjoying a bunch of harder action games lately, like Hollow Knight and Dead Cells. Bloodborne might be different enough from DS in all the right ways that I end up loving it. I'll probably give it a try once I have the system, but it won't be high priority.


    4 minutes ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

    Last Guardian, Until Dawn, Persona 5, Fucking Knack, etc....Sony killed it this gen

    LG is indeed also my list, being that I was massive fan of Ico. I haven't played any of the Persona games, but the love it gets does pique my interest.

  5. Alright. I was already pretty interested in the game since it was announced, but its high quality reviews to confirm make this the game that that broke the camel's back. GoW, Spiderman, HZD, UC, RDR*, and eventually TLoU2 are enough quality exclusives. I'm getting a PS4 (Pro). The question now is just how soon.


    *Exclusive in so far as it's not on PC or Switch.

    • stepee 1
  6. 26 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

    Like I said, you use terms like "murdering fish" and people don't take you seriously, lol.


    @johnny I think you should take Cnut's comment here to heart. Using a word you know isn't accurate to attempt to cache in on the emotional connotation it typically carries probably isn't going to be helpful. In some cases that strategy works to manipulate people (even though I don't like it being done then either), but in this case it's just going to turn more people away from listening to what you have to say on the topic, particularly because vegan's and vegetarian's often have a stereotype of being preachy.


    If you really care about changing minds on it, speak to people more fairly about it.

  7. 2 hours ago, Ghost_MH said:


    He very easily could have said that to his knowledge, he hadn't. He's under oath, so he wouldn't be lying if he was not aware that someone he had spoken to worked at that firm. Nobody would have held that against him. His caginess here is the issue.



    Yeah I agree with that. If he gave the answer "I never knowingly talked to someone at the firm about the topic, but it's possible some degree of discussion happened with someone whom I didn't know worked there being that it's a big story" it would have been a completely legit answer. His refusal to say that though is concerning. It raises the issue that he did deliberately talk to someone there about it, but doesn't want to say while also not wanting to get caught in a lie if she knows he did and can prove he intentionally spoke to someone there about it.

  8. 12 hours ago, PaladinSolo said:

    Trump already felt that he had a dwindling circle of people who he could trust, a senior administration official said. According to one Trump friend, he fretted after Wednesday’s op-ed that he could only trust his children.


    Maybe you could trust more people if you stopped being an enormous gaping asshole! Just a really wacky thought of mine!

  9. 2 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

    @legend isn't there some sort of machine learning thing that can give an estimate of who wrote this trash based on previous writings? I mean, not that anyone in this administration is particularly well written, but would it be possible?


    Given sufficient previously written text from the candidate set, it could probably be done with reasonable accuracy.


    (And if no one has has done this application before, it's super low hanging fruit. I feel pretty confident I know how I would do it and it would just be matter of getting training data and some hyperparameter search.)

  10. 7 hours ago, SilentWorld said:

    This is easy. Nationalize Facebook, Amazon, and Google. They'd all function better as public services than as private companies anyway. 


    While I don't think these companies should be nationalized, I do think there is something to be said for the government offering some basic internet public services. In the same way the government has a US postal service, I think it would make sense to provide a public service for email servers and maybe other limited services like that just so everyone poor or not, is guaranteed essential tools to be a productive member of society. I might also include a basic cell phone and service.

  11. My biggest concern about the tech companies going forward is their strangle hold on emerging domains for AI that cannot exist without the AI tec. See: Alexa and google home; self driving cars; and ultimately, home robotics.


    All of these companies are taking a stab at owning that market along with the other tech they pioneered and I think that would be very bad. Fortunately, I think these new market are easier divides and not as complicated as some of the other one's you mentioned, which I agree, are harder to figure out how to split up.

  12. 22 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

    I tried to come back to it, but it still seemed fairly shallow. I spent years on games like Minecraft/Rust and the type building bases, so I'm not really interested in that aspect, especially with how the game has awful tutoriallization. On top of that, for a game about resource management, base building and survival the inventory system is a real steaming pile, y'know?


    Still needs a few big updates before I feel like it's actually ready for prime time. I do like that they let me crash my ship into the ground like an adult now, though.


    I think the inventory would be fine if it had two simple changes:

    1. Allow me to drop stuff on the god damn ground.

    2. If my inventory is full when I try to collect something, don't make the resources vanish into nothing forever; like above, drop it on the god damn ground so I can sort it out.





    Something I didn't mention earlier is there is a huge community out there doing interesting stuff. Apparently there have even been some "wars" where different organizations encroach on each other's space and try to take it over. Gives me some Eve-like vibes (without the spreadsheets). I'm looking forward to getting involved in that, but right now I've stayed to systems pretty local to my start world system (and the start system of the friend with whom I've been playing some of it) until I feel more fleshed out. It will be really interesting to see how Hello Games continues to develop the game to support the shared universe aspect.


    Here's a cool page they have that details some of the hot zones in the community.






  13. Before, it was kind of the only way to advance certain kinds of story elements.


    Today, it's usually a kludge for a lack of development resources. Dialog can be handled within the game easily these days. Both with full dialog systems or within the context of other game action (Uncharted pioneering how to do this well).


    And for non-dialog events, it will always be cooler if you *play* the event rather than watch it. But, playing key events normally handled by cutscenes does mean that your engine and design has to be fleshed out enough to afford the event you want to convey. Previously, technology simply wasn't up to the task. Today, it is, but fleshing the design and tech out to handle such key special events takes money and effort that may not be feasible on a budget. That is why I say a cutscene is a kludge these days.

  14. 1 minute ago, Kal-El814 said:

    Good thing you’re only trying to crack AI and don’t have to deal with the heavy burden of notches. 




    In my defense, there are natural problems that are fun to try and solve, and there are problems forced upon you by other engineers that keep you from working on the problem you want to solve. The notch is the latter and I have very little patience for the latter. 


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