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Everything posted by legend

  1. The developers would collect a bunch of data (i.e., lots and lots of high resolution screenshots). This can be collected trivially, but is large in file size. Then the developers train a neural network on it. Nvidia probably has a built in API where the developers just point it to the directory of images they saved and let it crank for maybe at most days. After training the neural net, you no longer need that data to run the network. Instead you only need to know the weights that the neural network used. (A bunch of floating point numbers.) The weights only total in the megabytes of size, even for a large neural network. What that means is for a gamer running the game, they only need to load that weight file into GPU memory and the GPU runs the network using those weights on each frame.
  2. Speculating: The DLSS isn't a super sampler for any image that could be provided. Instead, it requires a developer to collect a lot of frames from the game rendered at very high resolutions. Those frames are then input as training data to their DLSS neural *architecture* and they train a neural net specific to your game. Once you've done that, you can have the game load the model it trained and use it for DLSS. While that would require developer support, collecting many high resolution frames throughout the game is not especially difficult and should be something that could be easily adopted.
  3. Yeah the RT is clearly people's focus, but I absolutely agree that what this amount of tensor cores provides may have some really exciting results even in addition to the DLSS. It's more of a wild card at this stage though.
  4. At first I read this as a typo. But on second thought I think it's got levels.
  5. Satire, right? Think of it from the rat's perspective. Here he is just trying to have a civilized shit and not only do you barge in on his privacy, you also then chase him out in the middle of it. Pretty rude honestly.
  6. I think I see why these were shown at TGS
  7. I've always been good with one or two active multiplayer games, and one single player game. Since getting a Switch, I'm expending that slightly to also have a parallel mobile game, but in general it's rare for me to have more than one active single player game at a time.
  8. Yeah not only is the joke not a blip on the Trump radar of shit, it's not something to be concerned about even in a good world.
  9. I love this guy. At least based on this video he seems very reasonable in how he's going about this.
  10. That sucks about that bug! I've been fortunate that the only bugs I've encountered have been fixable.
  11. Won't happen today, because I've still got other games taking my time in addition to working longer hours per week. But rest assured it won't be too long! I'm hesitant on Bloodborne. DS didn't do anything for me, but I've been enjoying a bunch of harder action games lately, like Hollow Knight and Dead Cells. Bloodborne might be different enough from DS in all the right ways that I end up loving it. I'll probably give it a try once I have the system, but it won't be high priority. LG is indeed also my list, being that I was massive fan of Ico. I haven't played any of the Persona games, but the love it gets does pique my interest.
  12. Alright. I was already pretty interested in the game since it was announced, but its high quality reviews to confirm make this the game that that broke the camel's back. GoW, Spiderman, HZD, UC, RDR*, and eventually TLoU2 are enough quality exclusives. I'm getting a PS4 (Pro). The question now is just how soon. *Exclusive in so far as it's not on PC or Switch.
  13. @johnny I think you should take Cnut's comment here to heart. Using a word you know isn't accurate to attempt to cache in on the emotional connotation it typically carries probably isn't going to be helpful. In some cases that strategy works to manipulate people (even though I don't like it being done then either), but in this case it's just going to turn more people away from listening to what you have to say on the topic, particularly because vegan's and vegetarian's often have a stereotype of being preachy. If you really care about changing minds on it, speak to people more fairly about it.
  14. Yeah I agree with that. If he gave the answer "I never knowingly talked to someone at the firm about the topic, but it's possible some degree of discussion happened with someone whom I didn't know worked there being that it's a big story" it would have been a completely legit answer. His refusal to say that though is concerning. It raises the issue that he did deliberately talk to someone there about it, but doesn't want to say while also not wanting to get caught in a lie if she knows he did and can prove he intentionally spoke to someone there about it.
  15. Nothing of merit. I appreciate people working to do otherwise, but it's not one of the battles I'm going to pick. I will, however, completely switch over to lab grown meat when it's viable.
  16. 18 years... but I still remember PS2 being a super next gen console that came after so many former gaming systems
  17. Given sufficient previously written text from the candidate set, it could probably be done with reasonable accuracy. (And if no one has has done this application before, it's super low hanging fruit. I feel pretty confident I know how I would do it and it would just be matter of getting training data and some hyperparameter search.)
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