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Posts posted by legend

  1. 1 hour ago, ALIEN-gunner said:

    It was a damn good trailer much better than Captain Marvel's trailer even with a somewhat similar sombre tone but that was a trailer made later. The debut trailer for Winter Soldier was less brooding, had high action and cool dialog. It really made people excited and gave them something awesome to look forward to, just what a debut trailer is designed for. Captain Marvel's debut trailer looks pretty generic and boring to me. Doesn't really have any cool dialog or much of any action and the main characters expressions are basically all the same: dead and lifeless. It makes me think low budget material and that I should wait for home video streaming. 


    If you think the posted Winter Soldier trailer was great, then your problem really isn't with serious face.

  2. 3 minutes ago, ALIEN-gunner said:

    Only in the car does she barely attempt to crack a smile. I'd expect a trailer to get someone excited for such a character like her. She looked bland and it make the entire trailer look pretty generic for me. The only exciting part was the music. The bad CGI wasn't good either. Overall it's just another Marvel movie I guess. 


    She also smiles when walking out to the jets. Regardless, my point stands. I think all you can conclude at this point is you have a problem with trailer taking a serious dominant tone. There's plenty of room for more levity in the film.


    As far as the actress herself, everything I've seen from her indicates she's very excited about this role.

  3. 37 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

    The 45 seconds Fury is aware of the snap before he grabs the beeper suggest that either he’s been warned that someone might do something like that or I guess that he figured that specifically was the only thing he could do on the off chance that he was gonna dust also. Both of those seem like a stretch, so who knows.


    I lean more toward the latter. The world is going to shit so fast that if ever he had a need beyond the avengers of Earth, that seems like the moment. We'll see though!



    It’s possible I’ve spent WAY TOO MUCH TIME wondering why the people who dust have EVERYTHING THEY ARE TOUCHING get dusted, clothes, weapons, etc. But that beeper DOESN’T dust. Maybe EVERTYHING about Captain Marvel is undustable. We need to go deeper.




    I got it! The determination of what to dust is a function of the state of affairs at the moment of the snap, not the duration it takes to complete it. Nick wasn't holding the beeper when the snap happened (he had to run to get it); ergo, the beeper was not selected for dusting.



  4. 23 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    He doesn't.


    Yeah, while I suppose they could have her be "outside" the universe or something, I think this is a perfectly valid possibility. It's a 50-50 chance she got hit or not. Moreover, as far as we were shown, Fury doesn't even know what's happening. All he knows is the world around him is falling apart.

  5. 3 hours ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

    Yes, its true! I also expect we won't see the DLSS support out of the gate either. The whole launch seems like Nvidia only recently bothered to let others know what they we up to regarding the new tech. Which totally sounds like Nvidia's typical half baked launches. 


    In this case it sounds like MS is the holdup since it depends on DirectX. Working on top of DirectX sounds like the right move, and ideally, Nvidia would have timed the release, but that may have been difficult.

  6. 17 hours ago, Anzo said:

    Phone free calls with the LTE model

    Push notifications on your wrist (texts, emails, app specific messages)

    Walkie-talkie functionality with other Apple Watch users.

    App specific complications (Baseball game scores, air quality indices etc.)




    Thanks. I kind of want one just because I like tech like this, but whenever I think about it, it's never clear it would do anything for me. Though I can see how those features would be useful for some, sadly I don't think they'd do anything for me.

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