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Everything posted by legend

  1. Unless the ray tracing pipe is also consuming tensor cores for parts of its rendering and takes too many, yes, they can be run together DLSS is quite independent from how the base-level rendering is done; whether it be pure raster, or otherwise. All the neural net is based on is "here is an input image." When you train the net, you can train it using images that used ray tracing to generate both the low-res and high-res images, at which point it learns to upscale for that setting. So all it means to use DLSS with ray tracing, is that when Nvidia trains the net, it uses images with ray tracing rendering.
  2. New games that embrace DLSS will be more 4K viable than top end games at this exact moment (unless they're patched for DLSS). That's not to mention other features that come with the new card that may be used to gain performance.
  3. Is this 4K base with DLSS "AA" from super sampling from something even higher; or is it 1400P rastered with DLSS upscaling to 4K? Nvidia talked about both ways you can use the tech.
  4. You were never on candid camera? I'll see myself out.
  5. It is not on par with the 1080Ti. The 2080 is far ahead. The problem, though, is the ways its ahead won't start appearing until later this year, and you don't know what the adoption rate of those features is at the moment. If you were looking for a 4K card and would pay the price of the 2080 if it provided that, I would not get the 1080Ti now. The 2080 very well may be what you're looking for, but you should wait it a bit to see how adoption in the wild goes first. It would be a shame in that scenario to get a 1080Ti now, only to find out that indeed the 2080 is what you wanted if you just waited a bit longer.
  6. Right, this is the critical piece to bear in mind. On just regular classic rasterization, you're getting a bump. But you're also getting a shit ton more of really exciting stuff that will simply take a little time to trickle out rather than being there right out of the gate (if nothing else but because of waiting for MS to release an DX update). If you want practical 4K, you can't look at these stats and be disappointed, because current results don't tell the full story: they're not using the innovative systems (DLSS) Nvidia has provided to address that. If you want to wait for real world analysis of the new stuff, that's completely reasonable, but you really shouldn't be evaluating this card on the pure classic rasterization only being a fairly typical bump.
  7. Nice. I would still love to see DLSS and ray tracing in the wild, but as far as regular rasterization, that's what I was expecting/hoping to see confirmed. Now it's a question of when I will get one and whether I go 2080 or 2080Ti.
  8. I dunno if it's because of Spiderman, but suddenly all PS4 Pros are sold out everywhere Tagged for later. That's right, going old school IGN up in here. Whoooooo!!
  9. That's some old-school promotional material! I will be interested to see how this one turns out.
  10. If you think the posted Winter Soldier trailer was great, then your problem really isn't with serious face.
  11. I dunno. I like Emily Blunt a lot, and I liked the original as a kid, but this didn't really do anything for me.
  12. I dunno. I feel like you can easily project a lot of emotions onto it, which is perhaps why it's funny. For example, I can totally see this face being attributed to a surprise fart.
  13. I mean just for reference, here is the trailer for the best Marvel movie: Winter Solider: The trailer is nothing but brooding Cap. The one joke is even a dry joke. It seems odd to single out the actress for Captain Marvel for a trailer like this.
  14. She also smiles when walking out to the jets. Regardless, my point stands. I think all you can conclude at this point is you have a problem with trailer taking a serious dominant tone. There's plenty of room for more levity in the film. As far as the actress herself, everything I've seen from her indicates she's very excited about this role.
  15. It's hard to draw a conclusion like that when you'd expect a serious expression in the majority of scenes they included in the trailer.
  16. I like this: I love this. It must be integrated. Especially for the lols when Bucky comes back.
  17. I lean more toward the latter. The world is going to shit so fast that if ever he had a need beyond the avengers of Earth, that seems like the moment. We'll see though! I got it! The determination of what to dust is a function of the state of affairs at the moment of the snap, not the duration it takes to complete it. Nick wasn't holding the beeper when the snap happened (he had to run to get it); ergo, the beeper was not selected for dusting.
  18. Yeah, while I suppose they could have her be "outside" the universe or something, I think this is a perfectly valid possibility. It's a 50-50 chance she got hit or not. Moreover, as far as we were shown, Fury doesn't even know what's happening. All he knows is the world around him is falling apart.
  19. Also, who knew the Inception sheep had such vocal range!?
  20. Maybe I'm just a sucker, but it's working for me. I'm in.
  21. In this case it sounds like MS is the holdup since it depends on DirectX. Working on top of DirectX sounds like the right move, and ideally, Nvidia would have timed the release, but that may have been difficult.
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