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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. Damn, I'm starting to really look forward to this. The first one is one my son's favorite movies.
  2. Yeah, people felt the trailers for the first were bad and it was just going to be Remember Video Games: The Movie. Seems to have good reviews going for it, so hopefully it's just mediocre marketing again.
  3. That is entirely possible. I'm too tired to detect sarcasm very well at the moment.
  4. I'm sorry, but the robot metaphor cannot and should not be used as an allegory for race, or any other marginalized group. "Are robots people" is an actual discussion that will eventually need to happen as tech advances and AI becomes more powerful. At what point have we stopped emulating a thinking being, and at what point have we created one is actually a debate. "Are these people actually people" is not a debate. At all. To even begin to conflate the two is both stupid and profoundly misguided.
  5. Let's not pretend the north isn't a racist shithole either, it's just what flavor of racist shithole your prefer. The south is what you'd call your traditional racist. A bunch of useless poor white trash clinging to the only thing no one can take from them which is their whiteness and the feelings of superiority it brings. They erect monuments to their racists and their racist past because they've got nothing else worth remembering. The south is like the local former quarterback that went all state but now is an out of shape drunk working at his dad's gas station with his old trophies still on display and won't shut the fuck up about some touchdown pass he made three decades ago. The only thing keeping him going is the notion of what life could have been, and he's too clueless to realize it never would have happened in the first place. The north however, is your fair weather racist. They know enough to hide their shame, but it will pop up when they feel safe or in fellow company. Often it will be disguised as "irony" or "humor" or some other such bullshit and they'll scoff at the notion that what they're doing is racist or offensive. They're not some confederate flag waving dullard, they're educated and above those things. They'll justify their beliefs with Joe Rogan esque theories and similar freshman year bio/psych trash they can find. They're neither better or worse than their southern brethren for while they're at least smart enough to know they shouldn't broadcast it loudly, they're too chickenshit to admit to what they truly are and will cling to whatever invented justification they can like liferaft outside the Titanic.
  6. But have you considered the possibility that Mr. Mime is also Mutoid Man?
  7. “And while the use of racial slurs, epithets, or other derogatory language does not alone prove discriminatory intent, it is evidence that official action may be motivated by such an unlawful purpose.”
  8. As someone who has no experience in this sort of thing, how is it being localized now? Every demo they've shown has been entirely in english and most of the primary cast they've shown doesn't speak Japanese. It seems like the kind of thing that would have to done simultaneously.
  9. The first episode has no less than two scenes of her bathing, once in the shower and once getting out of the bath and walking naked through the woods.
  10. Watched the first episode over my wife's shoulder and... is anyone else skeeved the fuck out about how the show is presenting Sabrina? Maybe it's only the first episode, but they sure lay a ton of groundwork about how her 16th birthday is coming up meaning she is only 15 years old, yet there's a couple of really revealing shots of her. I get that the actress herself is over 18, but god damn. Also, I found it unintentionally funny when her friend was trying to convince her to spend her sweet sixteen with her friends by saying it was her birthday AND Halloween. Her birthday is always Halloween, that's how birthdays work.
  11. I've taken a bunch of stuff from hotel rooms over the years, a mug from my honeymoon I really liked, more glassware than I can recall, hand towels, etc. I've never had any hotel ever get back to me about any of it. These aren't exactly hard to track either, there's a certain number of mugs or glasses in each room so it's pretty obvious if one just isn't there anymore. Now that I'm older and less of an asshole, I don't just take things for the laughs anymore. If I had to guess, if you took one pillow and only one pillow nothing would happen. It can be chalked up to something unknown. Taking two entire pillows, probably more likely to raise an eyebrow because how the hell does that happen by accident, but if you go there enough they're not going to raise a stink. If you want to avoid the issue, you can probably just look at the thing for a tag, or more often than not the name of the brand is just embroidered onto the thing if you remove the case. Whatever you do though, don't get housekeeping involved. If a pillow or two goes missing, they'll figure the guest did something with it. You call and say your bed doesn't have enough pillows and you're putting the person who turned the room down at risk for not doing their job properly. I'm fine with people assuming I'm a dickhead, but I don't want someone else to catch shit for it. Honestly though, why would you want used pillows? You know how many people have fucked on those things by now? The annoyance of calling and asking where to buy the pillows lasts a moment, never knowing how many strangers jerked off leaning against your pillows lasts forever.
  12. Most memorable assassination was Silent Assassin suit only for the model elusive target Walter Williams. He would always walk by a bathroom next to a restricted area, so I very, very carefully kited over every single person in that area into the closest bathroom with a coin, knocked them out, and then dragged them into the other bathroom while no one was watching. I needed that closest bathroom empty otherwise the newest victim would freak out and alert the guards before I could put them to sleep. Eventually there were no witnesses in the area when he finally came around. He was much harder to pull away, but after a bunch of desperate coin tosses, he finally decided to check out what was going on in the john, only to get pistol whipped and shot while unconscious on the ground. I left his body there, and about 6 unconscious saps in the bathroom next to it.
  13. ... ...... ........... You do know that you just named two series where the sequels made more money, right? I mean the second Matrix movie made almost twice as much money as the first. In fact, the only Marvel sequel to not make more money than the first was Age of Ultron. Shit, even Thor 2 made more money than Thor.
  14. People turning up their nose to American cheese are no better than the people who get their dick in knots over pineapple on pizza. Get over yourselves people, arguing over the "right" food is meaningless. Oh, you like cheddar? American cheese is typically made with cheddar and colby, they just put some emulsifying salts and such in it so it stays shelf stable and melty. If you don't like the taste, you don't like the taste, but let's not get all high and mighty over the fermented cow tit juice we're putting into our body. American cheese is fantastic on burgers, the proper cheese for egg sandwiches, the only right way to make mac and cheese to get it melty and not clumpy, the right gooey topping for a cheesesteak, and the the best possible option for a nice and stretchy grilled cheese sandwich.
  15. “Invaluable insights?” This motherfucker has no hidden motives, he just says everything out loud that he’s thinking. What could they possibly learn from spying on him that anyone couldn’t figure out from just watching his public appearances?
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