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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. I read him to mean that the political message was killed, not necessarily the entire game. Far Cry 5 very much feels like a game that was supposed to have a message, only to have it all bleached out at some point.
  2. If you want an example of a game that seems like it really intended to have a political message that was ultimately killed by the people up top, look no further than Far Cry 5.
  3. Every time I see this god damned picture I get less upset about the seizing of power and more upset that these dumb motherfuckers don't even understand the concept of a god damned venn diagram. For fuck's sake.
  4. Remember a time when the NYT wasn’t a bunch of padding you threw out to get to the crossword puzzle? Pepperidge Farm remembers...
  5. You absolutely can tell. The house I grew up in had a water softener because of hard well water, and you could always tell when you needed to refill it with salt because you'd be taking a shower and it's like someone cast a spell on all the soap and it didn't do shit. You'd be trying to lather and you'd just have a wet bar of soap and nothing to show for it. Trying to shampoo your hair made it feel like you just smeared some crap in your hair, and then it came back out in glops. Brushing your teeth with it was weird.
  6. You know, generally speaking I oppose the death penalty BUT... I would not be opposed to them melting down that statue and casting bullets out of it to shoot this motherfucker in a firing squad.
  7. I don't know, the entire premise kind of skeeves me out. Dude copes with the bad things that have happened to him by creating a world of art around him. Ok, seems fine. Dude inserts himself into the little fantasy world full of dolls he's created. Getting a little weird now, but still alright. Dude fills his fantasy world with all the hot women in his life who constantly support him and think he's the greatest. That's... really kind of creepy.
  8. Eh, I'm waiting for a PC release, and even then I'm waiting for a mod that cuts out all the bullshit.
  9. Yeah, it's a cryin shame kids today aren't doing things like sitting on flag poles or seeing how many can fit in a phone booth.
  10. Yeah, and he needs to get off my lawn too!!! It never fails to amuse me when people who probably sounded like absolute lunatics to their parents now judge kids for the games kids are playing now. My parents probably thought I had a stroke when I told them I wanted something called Chrono Trigger and Space Quest 6 The Spinal Frontier for Christmas.
  11. Cool, thanks for the info. I'm still kind of on the fence about it, but we'll see.
  12. Honest question, what are your thoughts on how appropriate this would be for a four year old? My son is turn five in late December, so he’s right on the cusp, but I just don’t know if the violence or language would be too much.
  13. The whole value of the penny thing has always been a weird conversation. Who cares that it costs more to make than it's face value, that's not what it's for. If a penny were a one use item that vanished when spent, sure it would be a horrifying waste of money. Instead, it will last in general circulation for literal decades. If I bust open my change bank, I'll find pennies minted before I was born no problem. In terms of return on investment, coins perform far better than bills. Also a cashless society would be very weird to contemplate. There are still far too many little things I pay for with cash, or small things that just aren't worth the hassle of updating. Can you imagine swiping your debit card to get a bouncy ball for your kid or something? Is someone really going to re-engineer those little things to accept online payment? I also wonder at what point the information economy is going to completely collapse. With a combination of social media, credit cards, online shopping, online tracking, etc. I have to imagine that personal information and trends are just everywhere and I can't imagine they're going to hold value for that much longer when everyone and their mother has your full profile. Making it so that every single transaction is traceable seems like a step in that direction.
  14. Not surprising, the theater I was in was packed and they had four screens for it. I'm sure the 3d upcharge didn't hurt either.
  15. Saw it today with the family. It was a lot of fun and managed to avoid being too meme humor focused while also not feeling like a total retread of the original. I do miss some of the world building from the original as they've got established things to work off of, but I thought they were actually surprisingly relevant in their choices. I never expected a Disney movie of all things to bring up the concept of stupid valuable digital items like the steam marketplace.
  16. Yeah, I imagine trying to walk around your house and tripping all over your piles of HBO money would make anyone mad.
  17. Someone couldn't make it through no nut November.
  18. I've only started Hitman 2 so I don't know where that will sit at then end of the day. So far though I'd say the major contenders are as follows: Dead Cells Celeste Into the Breach Donut County
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