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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. Just like Fez, I set a condition for myself that I wouldn't look up the solution to any puzzles, and I would see how far I got. I managed to get the first ending without cheating. Eventually I had to look up where a puzzle because I couldn't find it, but I didn't look up any solutions. Whether or not you find the game hard is kind of a crap shoot. The tetris puzzles took me a long time to figure out, and there was one particular shadow puzzle that threw me for a loop until I figured out the greater trick.
  2. Passing this will require both sides to work together in a (•_•)( •_•)>⌐■-■(⌐■_■) joint venture
  3. EMERGENCY! The last time I declared an emergency I didn't do it hard enough so here's another one!
  4. Anyone who bitches and moans about TLJ not making sense but also likes Rogue One needs to be walked into the ocean at gunpoint.
  5. Surprised to see people disappointed by Lego 2, I really enjoyed it. Just more fun, clever popcorn fluff.
  6. On the other side of the coin, you don't hear about unremarkable things because they are unremarkable. A person who was arrested is far more likely to bitch about it after the fact compared to someone who the cop let go on with their day.
  7. That would be bad, except for the fact that the two things you've mentioned are in fact permissible deviations and would not be considered felonies. Now yeah, if Taco Bell requires a 35 minute detour, then you might be in trouble, but if you're driving over a half an hour out of your way to eat Taco Bell, you deserve to be in jail regardless of firearms.
  8. I guess I just don't see the problem here? Something is a pain in the ass once, and then you have something that with decent maintenance will last until you die. Also traveling with a firearm in NJ is once again inconvenient, but also not that big of a deal. Box it up, in the trunk, unloaded, in a separate container from the ammo. Annoying? Yes. Less than a minute's worth of effort? Also yes.
  9. RE7 worked as a first person game because it was built that way from the ground up. It was full of tight, cramped spaces and up close attention to detail. RE3 is set sprawled across the wreckage of an entire city. You would lose the claustrophobia by having it set in wide open city streets and trying to find the items you need would be a hassle.
  10. RE5 is a fantastic co op game that gets a lot of shit for being absurd in a different way. RE6 is straight trash though.
  11. I like the one guy in the hood looking sideways, as if he can't even believe he's in this picture either.
  12. RE3 was a weird game, and I remember finding it really far fetched even by RE standards. If I remember correctly, you do your usual placing a specialized medallion onto the pedestal of a statue in the mayor's mansion and then it spins around to reveal... a car battery.
  13. I got these the other day. They're not that great honestly. They're just kind of a pain in the ass to eat. There's so much damned creme and the cookies are so firm that you try and bite and everything just smushes out the sides
  14. Wait a minute, what even is this article you're linking to? That whole diatribe is introed with the following: "What were they thinking in making this film? To find out, I climbed inside the head of the Vice-president for Communications who gave this film the go-ahead, and here is what I found:" So this entire thing is just... fan fiction about what a Gillette exec might be thinking? Notice it's not actually a quote, it doesn't give a name, it's just "I crawled inside the head..."
  15. Oh for fuck's sake. I suppose we should just call everyone African then, because I'm not REALLY Irish/Italian/Polish because my ancestors just happened to live there for a while after they migrated like all people everywhere.
  16. The man trying to steer the ship away from the iceberg is also the same motherfucker that produced Suicide Squad. Let that shit sink in for a second.
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