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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. 90% of the time, I do too. All I'm saying is if you blindfold me and feed me Taco Bell, I know what it is. Blindfold me and feed me Chipotle, and I might think it's a decent home made burrito.
  2. The only reason Chick Fil A is revered is because most fast food chicken sandwiches are shit tier and these are decent. Compare a McChicken or whatever Burger King tries to pass of as chicken to a Chick Fil A sandwich and there's no comparison. It's like comparing Taco Bell to Chipotle. Chipotle is still a mediocre burrito, but it's closer to something I could actually see a human cooking in a kitchen then Taco Bell.
  3. Are hash browns french fries? Are potato chips french fries? If I drop an entire idaho spud, skin on, into oil is that a french fry? Is a twice baked potato a french fry? There are rules to this, and waffle fries or curly fries are some other bullshit. Inferior bullshit. You know what a weird shaped fry is good for? Filling your fry carton with empty space that could be filled with another fry. Every time you stare into the center of your shitty seasoned slinky, I want you to gaze into that abyss and realize that's Mr. Arby fucking you in the ass. You know what happens when you get fries at Five Guys? They cram the shitty cup so full of potato that you can never pull out a single fry without six more falling out. As if that wasn't enough, they then dump another god damn order's worth of fries into the bag too because fuck it. Finally, to complete the entire experience, when they hand you your brown paper bag overburdened with spud, the person behind the counter gives you "the look." It's hard to describe what "the look" means in words, but the best possible translation is, "You may be a fat bastard eating two days worth of calories in one expensive meal, but at least you can walk out of here with your head held high because you are not the kind of person that would eat Arby's."
  4. Has anybody seen the documentary The Impostor? It deals with a situation like this and it is fucking incredible.
  5. All fries that aren't straight aren't actually fries but some other nonsense. Waffle fries and curly fries aren't fries any more than a tater tot or a potato chip is a fry. Five Guys is god tier because they actually taste fresh and you can put vinegar on them like god intended. Everything else is a tier below that.
  6. So, not to drag you back in but I think I can offer a different legal perspective here. Having a restraining order filed against you and having your weapons seized is due process, at least here in New Jersey. In order to obtain a restraining order, you need to present the facts to the judge who needs to approve a restraining order in the first place, and in the event of a weapons seizure they need to approve that separately and justify it separately based on the facts as well. That is due process. The accused might not have the opportunity to contest it immediately, but the accused never gets to contest the majority of warrants in advance, because that kind of defeats the purpose of a warrant in the first place. A person filing for a restraining order isn't very different from a person reporting a burglary. If a judge and law enforcement is satisfied based on that testimony that there is probable cause to arrest someone and seize their weapons, they will. If the accused is ultimately cleared, they can get their weapons back. It is a hassle for sure, but so is getting any of your seized property back regardless of whether or not it's a weapon. Also unless I'm missing something, nothing in the modification to the VAWA act changes how the accused are affected, only the convicted. It expands the list of misdemeanors that will prevent the convicted from owning or purchasing firearms. Accusations aren't enough. "The NRA wants criminals to keep their guns" while a broad characterization, is in this case technically true. Again, I'm more than happy to be proven wrong here, but nothing I can see about this expansion will strip rights without due process or without a conviction. Obtaining a restraining order is due process, and the others affected are convicted. Finally, sings of potential bad future behavior are used in the criminal justice system all of the time. It's kind of a huge deciding factor in how things are handled and sentenced. It's why things like aggravating and mitigating circumstances are considered, it's why pre-meditated crimes are treated more severely than crimes of passion, etc.
  7. My personal take is that if you need more than 10 rounds to get the job done, you're either not that great with your weapon or you're in a situation where extra n bullets aren't going to save you.
  8. Wait, I’m confused. It says there’s no barrier, but there’s clearly a metal bar and glass panels. Was he waking at the edge of the canyon next to the walkway?
  9. People, of course Kylo is going to have a broken mask. You can't resell the exact same action figure people already have.
  10. An interesting physics/chemistry dilemma; is there enough material on the planet to launch every Trump voter into the sun?
  11. How is releasing exclusive games to an online storefront "turning the PC into consoles?" It's not like Epic is releasing their own video card and without it you can't play their games. If you have a PC, you can buy games from Epic with more or less zero extra effort and literally zero extra money. The people getting butthurt over digital store exclusivity are choosing a very weird and trivial hill to die on.
  12. Can't wait to watch Charles Manson eating lunch and talking for 45 minutes straight next to Sharon Tate's corpse or whatever.
  13. Consolidating an overwhelming majority of media into one giant behemoth is surely worth having a few, slightly better movies!
  14. Oh, I'm sure schools will absolutely cut their tuition to be in line with the new limits, just like companies used all of those tax breaks and new hires and pay raises for workers.
  15. I can’t wait to see how this thing becomes yet another nightmare of algorithms. ”I see you like playing Tetris. May I interest you in Ben Shapiro Owns the Libs Simulator?”
  16. ...did people really hate the Playstation when it was revealed? I don't recall that at all.
  17. Ah, my bad, I could have sworn it was going to be a part. Never mind then, our nightmare hellscape continues.
  18. Saw the movie on Friday, and I liked it. It wasn't amazing, and it wasn't my favorite of the MCU movies, but it was a lot of fun. I think the biggest problem Captain Marvel has is the same problem Doctor Strange and Thor had. They can't easily fall back on decades of nostalgia and familiarity to tell their stories. People who have never picked up a comic book ever can tell you what Spider Man can do, or what Captain America is all about in broad strokes. Those same people might know Thor from history class, but ask them about Dr. Strange or Captain Marvel, and you're going to get a blank stare. Captain Marvel had the unenviable task of bringing a clueless audience up to speed on two different alien races, a supreme intelligence, and the titular hero all in two hours. That's heavy lifting for anyone. Even though Captain America did have an origin story of sorts, the writers were allowed to have fun with it because it was a foregone conclusion the audience didn't need to pay attention to. It's why Ragnarok is such a blast, they got all of the Thor mythology bullshit out of the way and just got to dick around for a while. As for the other nonsense complaints, give me a break. Oh noes, a fight on top of a train is cliche. So what? It's a story about a person in tights beating the shit out of seemingly impossible odds because of randomly granted powers. As long as the execution is good, you can forgive the hoary old tropes, and watching an old lady flip around like a gymnast in a busy train is novel enough to be entertaining.
  19. I wonder if Disney buying Fox News has anything to do with this or if it will be the cause of any sort of change. As much as I'm sure Disney execs are died in the wool conservatives, I imagine they're also far, far more interested in raking in currency by the metric ton. Fox News has way fewer brands and audiences to isolate than Disney does. I really doubt it, but I in a world where I need to live with an absurd megacorp controlling something like 80% of entertainment media, I'd at least like the house of mouse to quietly but firmly shows these nutjobs the door.
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