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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. The lack of a katamari game on pc is a sin.
  2. Hitman 9/10 I fell into a rut trying to get full mastery on Marrakesh and got distracted by other games, but coming back to it I had forgotten just how good it was and how well balanced they made everything. The stupid humor is just off the charts and it never fails to surprise you with new things to do. The only thing holding it back from perfection is the god awful menu system.
  3. The last retro game I picked up was Rescue: The Embassy Mission for the NES. Saw it randomly at a retro shop for $5 and I had to rescue it.
  4. Lots of weird history lost to the ether. Tofurkey and beerham drama plus her implant pics. Ohioguys weird flat earth stuff. The are women funny thread. The season threads.
  5. Thor: Ragnarok 5/5 Just simple, stupid fun. Really funny and goofy in a way that I really enjoyed.
  6. Yeah because the last forum was full of cops you cop.
  7. They’re like tv shows that you get to control, assuming you just want to shoot everyone.
  8. Mine worked. I just went on archive.org and redownloaded it from the old site.
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